Mar 01, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations and Requirements

Prior Learning Assessment  (PLA)

Academic Standing

Academic Dishonesty

Change of Enrollment

Degree Requirements (Undergraduate, Technical)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Absences from Classes

It is Montana Tech policy that faculty should make reasonable accommodation for students to make-up work missed (or the equivalent) because of an excused absence. Students expecting to incur excused absences should consult with their instructors early in the term to be sure that they understand the absence policies for each of their courses. Excused absences include official Montana Tech events or activities, or personal matters deemed appropriate by the instructor.

Official Montana Tech Events or activities for the purposes of “excused absence”:

NAIA sanctioned sporting events
Academic Team competitions (i.e., concrete canoe, steel bridge, human powered vehicle, ethics bowl, environmental design, etc.)
Travel for professional meetings related to major
Class field trips
Others as approved by the Chancellor

Academic Advising & Course Placement

Academic advising is an integral part of the College’s larger mission of educating students for life. It is a systematic, developmental process that assists students in achieving educational and career goals and in acquiring skills and attitudes that promote intellectual and personal development.

The advising relationship links Montana Tech with its students, articulates the College’s purposes through committed, caring faculty, and gives meaning to the assumptions which guide its curricula. In essence, academic advising is a pledge to assist each student in fulfillment of his or her potential.

Full-time degree-seeking students attending regular semester (Fall or Spring) classes are assigned an advisor. Lists of advisors by department are available from the Enrollment Services Office or Department Administrative Assistants. Advisors help students meet their education goals and answer questions concerning various aspects of academic procedure and policy at Montana Tech. Students should visit with their advisor to discuss past achievement, current progress, and future plans. Students may change advisors at the Enrollment Services Office.

As part of the College’s efforts to assure student success, all first-time students are placed in appropriate mathematics and writing courses based on their ACT/SAT scores or other placement exams.

Administrative Withdrawal

Unless prior arrangements have been made, an instructor may request administrative withdrawal of a student from a class if the student does not attend the first three class meetings or the equivalent. Faculty retain the right to administratively remove students who do not have the required prerequisites.

Cancellation of Courses

Montana Tech reserves the right to cancel any course through the first meeting of the class due to low enrollment.

Change of Major/Change of Advisor

Currently enrolled students who wish to change their advisor and/or major must contact the Enrollment Services Office for the appropriate forms and procedures. A student’s official program of study is not officially changed until the completed and signed forms have been provided to the Enrollment Services Office.

Course Audits & Course Listeners

Students are sometimes permitted to audit courses in which they are interested. Fees for auditing courses are the same as for credit, although no college credit is granted. No courses may be changed from credit to audit after the last date drop a course. NOTICE: Changing a course from credit to audit could result in reclassification to part-time status or lower for financial aid or enrollment confirmation purposes (e.g., loan deferments). In order to receive the audit notation on the student’s permanent record, an auditor is expected to fulfill the attendance requirements for the courses involved.

Course Listener - No student may attend a class (as a “listener”) without having been officially registered in the class. If it is determined that a student attended a class without registering for that class, the student will be graded by the instructor, and will be assessed the full cost of the class.

Course Repeats

Credits, grade, and grade points of the most recent attempt are used in computation of the grade point average (GPA), and satisfactory completion of the course toward meeting degree or curricular requirements. Withdrawing from a class and receiving a ‘W’ does not qualify as an attempt in the case of course repeat.

Results of all attempts appear on the transcript and repeated courses will be noted in the transcript with an “E” (excluded from the GPA). The most recent attempts will be noted with an “I” (included in the GPA). Excluding a course from a previous semester does not affect the academic standing for that semester. Academic standing will remain as it was originally earned.

Courses completed at other institutions are not considered repeats and the Montana Tech grade will not be replaced, although, the course may be used toward graduation.  

If students receiving federal financial aid repeat a course previously passed they can only receive financial aid to do so a second time. On a third attempt the course will not be counted in the enrollment status for determining eligibility. Nursing students must meet a stricter standard for course repeats. See the Nursing section for details. Certain activity courses including band, choir and intercollegiate athletics may be repeated for credit and grade.  Special topics, research or internships may also be repeated for credit and grade. Students are responsible for notifying Enrollment Services of any repeated coursework to ensure accurate notation on the transcript.

Course Sequences & Prerequisites, Co-requisites

Before enrolling in a course, all prerequisites for that course must be completed with a grade of C- or higher. Co-requisites for a course, if not completed prior to registration, must be taken and successfully carried at the same time. Each instructor has the authority to enforce or waive the printed pre/corequisites listed for his or her course(s) with the understanding that this should only be applied in exceptional circumstances. Withdrawal from the co-requisite necessitates withdrawal from the course for which it is required.

The suggested program sequences presented for each department are provided to give guidance to students in planning their schedules. Courses may not be available according to the stated course sequence because of the class size limitations, faculty availability, etc. Continuing students are pre-registered before new students to accommodate continuing students program requirements. Therefore, schedule modifications may be necessary for individual students.

Course Substitutions

Course substitutions are granted at the discretion of the student’s department and the corresponding dean.  Prior allowance for a substitution does not necessarily guarantee future approval.  The Petition for Course Substitution form must be submitted by the student’s advisor. The form is located in the advisor’s MyMTech account (Resources tab).

Approval Of Transfer Courses For Enrolled Students

Enrolled students who wish to take a class at another college/university and transfer that credit to Montana Tech must first obtain a signed Request for Approval of Transfer Courses form.   Transfer credit will not be accepted without prior approval, and signed forms are effective for the requested semester only.  Transfer credit that was accepted for past semesters does not necessarily guarantee future approval.  Students may obtain the approval form in Enrollment Services.

Course Syllabus Policy

An updated course syllabus is required to be provided by the professor for each class taught in the current term, before the first-class meeting, to the Department Head in which the course is taught.

Course work - Outdated

Upon readmission after a term of non-attendance, a student will re-enter under the current catalog year. The student must meet degree requirements as set forth in that catalog or subsequent catalog. The student’s department will evaluate all course work as it applies toward the student’s degree using the following guidelines (subject to minimum grade requirements):

  1. MT Tech guarantees that any post-secondary course work taken within five (5) years of readmission to the campus will be included in the analysis of specific required classes in a major, minor, option or certificate.
  2. MT Tech guarantees that any post-secondary course work taken within fifteen (15) years of readmission to the campus will be included in the analysis of general education course work for degree requirements.
  3. MT Tech guarantees that any post-secondary course work taken within fifteen (15) years of readmission to the campus will be included in the analysis of elective course work.

Course work that falls outside these guarantee periods MAY be included in the evaluation, at the discretion of the individual department. Individual programs in the Montana University System may have a stricter standard for outdated course work.


A credit represents 50 minutes of lecture instruction per week for one semester. The actual time required for each credit may involve any combination of lecture and/or the equivalent of recitation or laboratory work.

Credit Load

Students wishing to take more than 19 credits per semester must complete and submit a permission form stating justification for the higher credit load. Signatures of the student’s advisor, department head are required. This form is available online or from the Enrollment Services Office, and must be submitted prior to the close of registration (10th day of classes).

Grades & Grade Points

Grades are recorded at the end of each semester according to the following grading system:

A - Excellent; B - Good; C - Average; D - Poor; F- Fail; I - Incomplete; W - Withdrawal; N - Continuing; P - Pass

Montana Board of Regents’ Policy 301.5.3 establishes minimum grade standards for the Montana University System. One of those standards requires that all campuses calculate a student’s grade point average using common weights or value points for similar grades.

Effective Fall Semester 2005, the following values will be used to determine grade point averages in the Montana University System:

  A = 4.0
  A- = 3.7
  B+ = 3.3
  B = 3.0
  B- = 2.7
  C+ = 2.3
  C = 2.0
  C- = 1.7
  D+ = 1.3
  D = 1.0
  D- = 0.7
  F = 0.0

Grade point averages calculated before Fall Semester 2005, using the values in place on each campus at the time, will not be recalculated using the new weights or values.

Each student’s grade points are accumulated to determine the cumulative grade point average. This average is computed by dividing the total grade points achieved by the total GPA hours. GPA hours include all courses for which grades of A, B, C, D, or F were given. Grades of W, P and I are not included. A maximum of ten HPER/Activity credits can be counted in a student’s grade point average. It is understood that additional HPER activity courses may be taken, but the grades earned will not count in the GPA calculation. The student’s grade point average is computed only for grades received at Montana Tech; grade points from transfer courses are not included in the student’s grade point average.  

Montana Board of Regents Developmental Education policy can be found here:   

1. Developmental courses shall have course numbers that begin with a zero (0). (i.e, 0XX.)

2. Credit from developmental courses does not count as college-level credit and does not meet graduation credit requirements for diploma or degree programs. Grade points earned in the completion of developmental coursework are not included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average. These courses can be included in the calculation of the student’s credit load and may be used if the student is seeking financial aid eligibility

Until Fall 2020, all remedial classes at Montana Tech were transcripted at the technical (Highlands College) level, regardless of where they were taught.  The differentiation is based on level, not location of the class.  It is important to note that Montana Tech changed the transcripting process and all undergraduate courses appear on the same pages of the transcript beginning Fall 2020.  There is no differentiation after that time.

Highlands College majors that were previously transcripted at the CT level moved to UG.  This did not alter previous academic history.  Thus, students with past Highlands College majors have a transcript split across the two levels.  It is important to note that these transcripts are all printed together on Montana Tech paper.  The differing levels are documented on separate pages with a distinct GPA.  Although cumulative GPAs for each level are not combined on the transcript, procedures related to academic performance take both figures into consideration.

A separate transcript and GPA is maintained for students at the various levels of the College. These levels include: Undergraduate, Post-Baccalaureate and Graduate.

Semester Grade Reports are available to students via their secure OrediggerWeb ( account approximately one week following the date grades are due each term, including summer school. Midterm grade reports are available to all Highlands College students and undergraduate freshmen (those students who have earned 29 credits or less) prior to the last date to drop a class with an automatic “W” (45th day of the semester). See the academic calendar, in the Semester Class Schedule, or via the Montana Tech web site.

Pass/Fail: Students registered in physical education activity courses have the option of registering in these courses for a letter grade or under the pass-fail system. Determination of the grade type under which the student wishes to enroll in HPER activity classes must be made by the close of registration (10th day of classes). Additionally, other courses as determined by departments are also offered as pass/fail.  Passing work will receive a P grade on the student’s transcript, but it will not count in the grade point average.  However, the course credit will count toward the number of credits required for graduation.  Failing work will receive an F grade and will count in the grade-point average.

The following information regarding Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit​ has been added to the catalog on April 24, 2020. In effect for Spring 2020 semester only: 

Provisions for Alternate Grades during Significant Modifications to Instruction Implemented in Response to COVID-19. Release date April 3rd 2020.

Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit (CCR/CR/NCR) Grading:

In light of the challenging remote instructional environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and in support of our students while adapting to a new system of course delivery, Montana Tech will implement an alternative grading mechanism effective during the spring semester of 2020. This optional Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit grading mechanism, will be made available for all courses taken for undergraduate credit. It will afford students more flexibility and reorient their focus to achieving course outcomes without the inherent anxiety of traditional letter grades. 

Faculty will grade students as usual per their syllabi grading structure, with an understanding that the transition to remote learning might impact each student differently.

Students have the option of choosing Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit grading for any number of their courses, and they must make this choice no later than 5 business days after grades post.

CCR (Complete Credit) designation reflects performance at any of the levels A, B, or C (C- or above), and designates adequate understanding of the subject matter and adequate preparation for more advanced work in the field. Courses completed with a CCR grade will qualify as pre-requisites and will satisfy degree or general education requirements at Montana Tech or other MUS campuses.

CR (Credit) designation reflects minimally acceptable performance. Any D level (D- through D+) would be converted to CR.  Courses completed with a CR grade do not satisfy pre-requisite requirements or progress towards degree.

NCR (No Credit) designation is for work of failing quality (F).   

Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit grades count toward earned semester hours. However, Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit grades do not factor into students’ Grade Point Average (GPA). A No Credit grade does not count toward earned semester hours.

Montana Tech will include a designation on students’ transcripts, indicating the extraordinary circumstances of the global public health emergency during spring 2020.

Once a student elects the Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit option, the grade will not be altered. If a student requests that the grade be changed to its original entry, the Registrar will write a formal letter to be included with the transcript outlining this policy and noting what the original grade was.

Grade Appeals

When a student believes a faculty member has improperly recorded a final grade, the student needs to follow the procedural steps for an informal and/or formal grade appeal. The “burden of proof” in the grade appeals process shall rest with the student.

Informal Grade Appeal

  1. Regardless of the circumstance, the student must attempt to resolve the matter via a personal conference with the course instructor within 14 days after receiving the semester grade. (Nursing Department grade appeal process outlined in Nursing Student Handbook)
  2. If the student is unable to arrange a conference, or if the student & the instructor cannot reach a mutually satisfactory resolution to the problem, then the student may request in writing that the Department Head convene a meeting with the student and the course instructor within 14 days of the written request. If a Department Head or Dean is the instructor involved in the appeal, the student may request in writing that the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs appoint another Department Head or Dean to convene the informal meeting.
  3. If the grade issue is not resolved at this meeting, the student may request a formal grade appeal.

Formal Grade appeals initiated after the first 30 days of the start of the next regular semester are not accepted. (Nursing Department grade appeal process outlined in Nursing Student Handbook). Any grade change submitted after conclusion of the subsequent semester requires the specific classes department head and dean approval.

Formal Grade Appeal - Committee Hearing

  1. An appeal for a formal grade review must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs within 14 academic days after the informal grade appeal process has failed. The request must include a written explanation of the circumstances that the student believes justifies an appeal to change a final grade for a course, and a written statement describing the informal attempt to resolve the issue.
  2. If the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs determines that grounds for a formal grade appeal exist, he or she will request the Academic Standards Committee to review the issues and will request appropriate course materials and records from the student and from the course instructor.
  3. The Academic Standards Committee shall examine all evidence (verbal and/or written) that the student and instructor present and will determine whether to recommend a final grade change. The primary consideration afforded the student will be whether or not the student was dealt with fairly with respect to other students in similar circumstances.
  4. By majority vote, the Committee shall recommend letting the final grade remain unchanged, shall recommend the assignment of a new letter grade, or recommend alternative action(s) necessary to resolve the grade appeal.
  5. If a new final grade or alternative action(s) is/are recommended by the Academic Standards Committee, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will meet with the involved faculty member to review the recommended action.
  6. The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will make a final decision.

Every attempt will be made to complete the entire appeal process within 30 days of the initiation of the formal appeal process.

The review by the Academic Standards Committee and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall be the final campus appeal for the assignment of a final grade. (Approved at April 21, 1994 Faculty Meeting).

Honor Roll

A full-time undergraduate (enrolling in and completing a minimum of 12 gradable credits) who earns a 3.25 GPA during the semester will be listed on the semester Honor Roll. Those earning a 3.5 GPA will receive recognition for being listed on the Dean’s List. A student who earns a 4.0 GPA will receive a letter and certificate from the Chancellor commemorating his or her inclusion on the Chancellor’s Honor Roll. If a student receives a final grade of “I” (incomplete) or “N” (no grade), his or her name will not be included on the honor rolls or Dean’s List. The Office of Public Relations releases the Honor Roll to the media.

*For Spring 2020 semester only due to COVID-19: Registrar’s Office will re-evaluate students with an “I” as their grade is changed and assign Honor Roll status as appropriate.


  1. Assigning a Grade of “Incomplete.”  A grade of “Incomplete (I)” is assigned only when the student has been in attendance and has done passing work up to a time within three weeks of the close of the semester, or within one week of the close of the summer session. It may be assigned only upon agreement of the student and course instructor when extenuating circumstances make it impossible for the student to complete course requirements on time (Extenuating circumstances include serious illness, car accidents, death of a family member, etc. It does not include lateness due to procrastination, the student’s desire to do extra work to raise his or her grade, allowing a student to retake the course, etc.). If a grade of “Incomplete” is submitted, the instructor will assign a revised grade in the event the missing work is not completed. The instructor must also specify conditions and requirements for completing the deficient work, as well as any deadline shorter than the maximum time period allowed as indicated above. At the end of each semester, the Enrollment Services Office will send an Incomplete Grade Report (IGR) to departmental administrators detailing every “I” grade submitted by his or her faculty that semester and the conditions for student completion.
  2. Completion of “Incomplete” Grades. Regardless of a student’s subsequent enrollment, final grades for incompletes received in the Fall semester must be assigned by the last day of the following Summer semester. Final grades for incompletes received in the Spring semester or Summer Session, must be assigned by the last day of the following Fall semester. When a student has completed the deficient work, the instructor will assign a final grade. An incomplete that is not completed within the time limit specified above would automatically be changed to the reversion grade assigned by the instructor at the time the incomplete was submitted. Instructors may assign a final grade anytime within the time period specified above. In the event the instructor leaves the university, the Department Head may assign the final grade.
  3. “Incomplete” Grades on Record at End of Final Term. A student cannot graduate with a grade of “Incomplete” on his or her record. At the end of the term in which the student will graduate, a grade of “Incomplete” in any course on that degree level (technology, undergraduate, graduate, etc.)  reverts to the grade that the instructor had specified on the incomplete grade submission form. Reverted grades are included in the computation of the student’s cumulative grade-point average at graduation. Nonetheless, a student who has graduated may make up the incomplete work within the usual time limit in an effort to raise the grade on the permanent record.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Montana Tech and the Montana University System recognize the value of prior learning in the achievement of academic goals.  It is the policy of the MUS Board of Regents that a student’s previous college-level learning, including that acquired outside of the traditional college setting, may be evaluated for college credit upon the student’s request.  The Montana Board of Regents policy can be found here.

Montana Tech will award Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) credit on a course-by-course equivalency basis.  In accordance with NWCCU policy, experiential Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) credit awarded cannot exceed 25% of the credits required for the degree or certificate.

Military training and education is evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) for college credit.  Air Force students should also provide their accredited Community College of the Air Force (CCAF or Air University) transcripts.  All evaluated military training and education credit recommendations will be reviewed by institutions to honor applicable credit toward specific degrees and credential requirements based on the student’s academic goals.

To be eligible for PLA credit, undergraduate students must be fully admitted and enrolled at Montana Tech.  Students should review the current course offerings in the Montana Tech catalog and identify one or more courses for which they believe they have achieved prior learning outcomes.  The student should contact Enrollment Services (MG 207) to access PLA advising.

Montana Tech assesses prior learning through these PLA methods:

Standardized tests

Students seeking credit for standardized tests must submit official test scores to Enrollment Services.  See below for test score standards.
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • DSST
  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • UExcel

Credit recommendations from American Council on Education (ACE) and National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS). 

Official transcripts from ACE or NCCRS must be submitted by the student to Enrollment Services for a course-by-course evaluation. ACE and NCCRS credits are not applicable toward the PLA 25% cap.

Faculty-developed assessments

See below for challenge exam and portfolio assessment requirements.

  • Challenge exams
  • Portfolio assessment
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Montana Tech will accept as transfer credit most Subject Examinations under the CLEP program.  CLEP General Examinations will not be accepted for credit.  See below for acceptable cut scores for CLEP Subject examinations.

CLEP Examination Score Montana Tech Equivalency Minimum Required Score
Composition and Literature    
American Literature LIT 210 - American Literature I 50
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature LIT 112 or LIT 126 - Intro to Fiction/Poetry and Drama 50
College Composition WRIT 101 - College Writing I 50
College Composition Modular WRIT 101 - College Writing I 50
English Literature LIT 223 - British Literature 50
Humanities No Equivalent  
Foreign Languages    
French Language FRCH 101 - Elementary French I 50
German Language GRMN 101 - Elementary German I 50
Spanish Language SPNS 101 - Elementary Spanish I 50
History and Social Sciences    
American Government No Equivalent 50
History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 HSTA 101 - American History I 50
History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present HSTA 102 - American History II 50
Human Growth and Development PSYX 230 - Developmental Psychology 65
Introduction to Educational Psychology No Equivalent  
Principles of Macroeconomics ECNS 202 - Principles of Macroeconomics 50
Principles of Microeconomics ECNS 201 - Principles of Microeconomics 50
Introductory Psychology PSYX 100 - Introduction to Psychology 50
Introductory Sociology SOCI 101 - Introduction to Sociology 50
Social Sciences and History No Equivalent  
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 Humanities Elective 50
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present Humanities Elective 50
Science and Math    
Biology BIOB 101 - Discover Biology 50
Calculus M 171 - Calculus I 50
Chemistry No Equivalent - See Chemistry Department  
College Algebra M 121 - College Algebra 50
College Mathematics No Equivalent  
Natural Sciences Physical and Life Science Elective (lecture only) 50
Precalculus M 151 - Precalculus 50
Financial Accounting ACTG 201 - Principles of Financial Accounting 50
Information Systems and Computer Applications BMIS 311 - Management Information Systems 50
Introductory Business Law BGEN 235W - Business Law I 50
Principles of Management BGMT 335 W - Management and Organization 50
Principles of Marketing BMKT - Principles of Marketing 50
Advanced Placement (AP)

Montana Tech will generally accept the Advanced Placement (AP) Examination from The College Board for transfer credit if the student has scored at least 3 or above on the appropriate AP examination and if an official score sheet has been received by the Enrollment Services Office. Some courses may require a minimum score of 4 for AP credit to be granted. Contact the Enrollment Services Office for current information.

AP Course Description MT Tech Equivalent Min. Score # Credits Received

AB Calculus M 142  or M 171   3 3
BC Calculus M 171   3 3
Biology BIOB 160/161   3 4
Chemistry CHMY 141  & CHMY 143   4 3,3
Chemistry CHMY 141   3 3
Computer Science A    3 3
Computer Science AB   &    4 3,3
Computer Science Prin. CSCI 102   3 3
English (Literature) WRIT 101  & LIT 126   3 3,3
English (Language) WRIT 101   3 3
Environmental Science BIOE 185   3 3
European History HSTR 102   3 3
French FRCH 101  & FRCH 102   3 5,5
German GRMN 101  & GRMN 102   3 5,5
History (World) HSTR 101   3 3
Human Geography GPHY 121   3 3
Macroeconomics ECNS 202   3 3
Microeconomics ECNS 201   3 3
Physics 1 PHSX 121   3 4
Physics 2 PHSX 123   3 4
AP Physics C: Mechanics  PHSX 234   3 3
AP Physics C: Elect.&Mag PHSX 237   3 3
Psychology PSYX 100   3 3
Spanish SPNS 101  & SPNS 102   3 3,3
Statistics STAT 216   3 3
U.S. History HSTA 101  & HSTA 102   3 3,3
U.S. Govt. & Politics PSCI 210   3 3
International Baccalaureate

The college welcomes applications from students in the IB program. Students may receive course credit and advanced placement for IB higher level work on a course-by-course basis. Contact the Enrollment Services Office for a course-by-course evaluation of the IB transcript.


Students are encouraged to submit UExcel transcripts for a course-by-course evaluation.  Please contact Enrollment Services for an evaluation.

Challenge Exams

Following are the policies regarding challenge exams:

  • Any course that has been previously taken for credit (including a W, I, or F) may not be challenged.
  • Senior Design or Capstone courses may not be challenged.
  • Audited courses may be challenged.
  • Courses may only be challenged once.
  • Portfolio assessed courses may not be challenged.
  • Courses may not be challenged for a Pass/Fail grade. The challenged course will appear on the Montana Tech transcript as transfer credit with a traditional grade. The grade will not calculate into the student’s GPA. Challenged courses with failing grades will not be transcripted.
  • Only students in good academic standing (2.00 GPA or above) may challenge a course.
  • Students must ben enrolled in a full-time curriculum to challenge a course.
  • All college-level courses may be challenged if appropriate resources are available as determined by the department head associated with the course.
  • In accordance with NWCCU policy, experiential Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) credit awarded cannot exceed 25% of the credits required for the degree or certificate. (This restriction applies to challenge exams, standardized tests such as CLEP or DSST, and portfolio assessments.)
  • The fee to challenge a course is $25 per attempted course + cost of materials (if needed). This must be paid prior to the examination.
  • Students are not required to enroll in the course prior to challenging.  If a student chooses to register for the class, all add/drop deadlines outlined in the academic calendar apply to that course.
Portfolio Assessments

Following are the policies regarding portfolio assessments:

  • A portfolio assessment will not be conducted for a class that was taken previously for credit (including a W, I, or F).
  • Senior Design or Capstone courses are not eligible for portfolio assessment.
  • Audited courses are eligible for assessments.
  • A portfolio assessment will be conducted for a course only once.
  • Challenged courses may not be submitted for a portfolio assessment.
  • Portfolio assessments will appear on the Montana Tech transcript as transfer credit with a pass/fail grade. The grade will not calculate into the student’s GPA. Portfolio assessed courses with failing grades will not be transcripted.
  • Only students in good academic standing (2.00 GPA or above) may submit a portfolio demonstrating prior learning.
  • In accordance with NWCCU policy, experiential Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) credit awarded cannot exceed 25% of the credits required for the degree or certificate.(This restriction applies to challenge exams, standardized tests such as CLEP or DSST, and portfolio assessments.)
  • Per Board of Regents policy, students will be charged no fee for a portfolio assessment.

Academic Standing

Some rules are necessary to determine academic standing and class ranking of enrolled students. The following rules apply to all students.

Academic Probation and Suspension

All students must maintain a 2.00 cumulative GPA to avoid being placed on academic probation. If during any semester a student’s cumulative GPA is less than 2.00, the student will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will normally be limited to a maximum of 15 credits per semester while on probation.

To be removed from probation, a student must, during the probation period, meet the required standard minimum academic progress each semester (2.00) until the cumulative grade point average reaches the required level (2.00). If in any semester while on probation a student falls below the minimum standard for academic progress, the student will be academically suspended from the College.

Students suspended once for unsatisfactory scholarship must remain out of residence for one semester. Students suspended more than once will not be readmitted until after an interval of one year and must receive the approval of the Academic Standards Committee for readmission. Appeals for readmission must be submitted one week before classes begin in order to be considered. A student readmitted after suspension is on probation until cumulative grade point requirements are met. Students may be required to take specific classes as a condition of readmission.

For Fall 2020 forward: Past CT (Highlands College) level coursework and cumulative GPA will remain separate from UG level. The combined CT and UG level GPA will be manually calculated and used to determine status for Academic Probation and Suspension. The combined GPA will apply in these circumstances regardless if the change results in a positive or negative impact.  (For example, a probationary student will move to good standing if the combined GPA is above a 2.0.  Conversely, a student who is in good standing will move to probation if the combined GPA falls below a 2.0.)

Petition Procedure for Academically Suspended Students

First Suspension: A student desiring authorization to re-enter the College after being suspended for the first time, who has not remained out of residence for a regular semester, must submit petition to the Academic Standards Committee through the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Petition using the Maxient Form

Multiple Suspensions: A student desiring authorization to re-enter the College after being suspended more than once must submit a written petition to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Normally, a student who has been suspended more than once must be out of residence for at least one year prior to submitting a petition. The Academic Standards Committee reviews all petitions for readmission.

Class Standing

Undergraduate Students (Seeking an Associate of Science or Bachelor’s Degree)

Freshman 1-29 credits earned Junior 60-89 credits earned
Sophomore 30-59 credits earned Senior 90 + credits earned

 In order to be classed in the Upper Division, a student must have earned at least 60 credit hours and have a grade point average of at least 2.00. Normally, only students in the Upper Division may register for junior and senior (3000 & 4000 level) courses.

Academic Dishonesty

Montana Tech believes that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to higher education. Montana Tech has a responsibility to promote academic honesty, integrity, and the highest ethical and professional standards and behavior in and out of the classroom. Accordingly, policies and procedures have been developed to address instances of academic dishonesty. Students who violate these standards commit academic misconduct and will be subject to academic and/or disciplinary sanctions.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty includes cheating; plagiarism; forgery; falsification; facilitation or aiding academic dishonesty; multiple submission; theft of instructional materials or tests; access to, manipulation of, or tampering with laboratory equipment, experiments, or computer programs without proper authorization; alteration of grades or files; misuse of research data in reporting results; use of personal relationships to gain grades or favors; and any actions intended to gain academic advantage by fraudulent and/or deceptive means.

Student Responsibility

The student has full responsibility for the content and integrity of all academic work submitted. Ignorance of a rule does not constitute a basis for waiving the rule or the consequences of that rule. Students unclear about a specific situation should ask their instructors or academic staff, who will explain what is and is not acceptable in their classes or on campus.

Faculty, Staff, and Administrator Responsibility

It is the shared responsibility of faculty, staff, and administrators to take reasonable precautions to prevent and discourage academic dishonesty. Additionally, it is a duty of faculty, staff, and administrators to report instances and charges of academic dishonesty to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs through the Academic Dishonesty Violation online referral form.


Cheating is defined as obtaining or attempting to obtain, or aiding another in obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for work or any improvement in evaluation of performance by any dishonest or deceptive means. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following.

Taking information:

1. Copying graded homework assignments from another student.

2. Working with others on a take-home test or homework (unless specifically accepted by the instructor).

3. Looking at another student’s paper or screen during an examination.

4. Looking at text, notes, or electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, tablets, smart pens, unauthorized calculators, etc.) during an examination (unless specifically accepted by the instructor).

5. Accessing another student’s electronic device (e.g., cell phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, etc.) and taking information from the device without consent.

6. Allowing another person to complete assignments or an on-line course.

Providing information:

1. Giving one’s work to another to be copied or used in an oral presentation.

2. Giving answers to another student during an examination or for a take-home test.

3. Informing a person in a later section about questions appearing on an exam after taking that exam.

4. Providing a term paper to another student.

5. Taking an exam, writing a paper, or creating a computer program for another student.


Plagiarism is defined as submitting a term paper, essay, speech, laboratory report, or other assignment in which all or part of the words, ideas, or visuals are copied from the published or unpublished work of another individual without giving the original author proper credit for the words, ideas, or visuals. Such actions include, but are not limited to, the following.

1. Copying homework answers from a text to hand in for a grade.

2. Failing to give credit for ideas, statements, data, or conclusions derived by another author.

3. Failing to adequately summarize or paraphrase another’s work.

4. Failing to use quotation marks when quoting directly from another, whether it be a paragraph, a sentence, or a part thereof.

5. Submitting a paper purchased from a research or term paper service or downloaded from the internet.

6. Copying another student’s or a former student’s paper and handing it in as one’s own.

7. Giving a speech or oral presentation written by another and claiming it as one’s own work.

8. Presenting another’s computer program as one’s own.

9. Failing to acknowledge the source of copied or adapted visuals.

Other Forms of Academic Dishonesty

Other forms of academic dishonesty include any actions intended to gain academic advantage by fraudulent and/or deceptive means not addressed specifically in the definition of cheating and/or plagiarism. These actions may include, but are not limited to, the following.

1. Planning with one or more fellow students to commit any form of academic dishonesty together.

2. Giving a term paper, speech, or project to another student when one knows or reasonably suspects that student will plagiarize it.

3. Having another student take one’s exam, or complete one’s computer program or lab experiment.

4. Lying to an instructor to increase a grade or gain additional time to complete an assignment or exam.

5. Submitting substantially the same paper or speech for credit in two different courses without prior approval of the instructors involved.

6. Altering a graded work after it has been returned, then submitting the work for regrading, without the instructor’s prior approval.

7. Removing tests from a classroom without the approval of the instructor, or stealing tests.

8. Using a person’s signature without permission.

9. Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting a bribe of money, materials, goods, services, or anything of value for the purpose of procuring or providing an academic advantage.

10. Forging documents or other data, or omitting facts which are material to the purpose for which the information is submitted to the University, potential employers, or community members.

11. Possession of unauthorized equipment or materials during a test, quiz, or similar, whether found accessing or not.

Policy on Cheating, Plagiarism, and Other Forms of Academic Dishonesty

At faculty discretion, cheating may result in an F grade on the assignment or examination, or in the course. If a student does not accept the charge of cheating, s/he may bring the case to the Academic Standards Committee for review. Plagiarism may be considered a form of cheating and is, therefore, subject to the same consequences as cheating. However, as there may be plagiarism as a result of poor learning or inattention to format, and there may be no intent to deceive, some instructor discretion is appropriate. Under such circumstances, the instructor may elect to work with the student to correct the problem at an informal level. In any case that a penalty is applied, the student must be informed of the event being penalized and of the penalty.

The instructor shall contact the student with evidence of the academic dishonesty incident in writing within 10 business days of discovery of the event. The Academic Dishonesty Violation Referral form will also be submitted electronically to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The instructor will show the student all evidence being considered and allow the student to fully respond. The instructor will notify the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the intended disciplinary action.

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall determine if any further disciplinary action is required. In reported cases of repeated academic dishonesty, the Academic Standards Committee may be alerted and may apply additional penalties beyond those imposed by the individual instructors. Disciplinary actions might include, but are not limited to, reprimand; educational sanctions (completion of a report, paper, project, or workshop); loss of membership in organizations; or disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion from the University.

If the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and/or the Academic Standards Committee determines that no violation has occurred, the instructor will comply with the decision, and refrain from issuing penalties, or remove those already on the student’s record.


Any student who thinks that he or she has received unfair treatment in regards to cheating should request a hearing with the Disciplinary Appeals Committee not later than one school week after notification of the action taken by the instructor or by the Academic Standards Committee.

Change of Enrollment

Change of Enrollment - Adds/Drops/Withdrawal from College

All changes of enrollment (adding a class, dropping a class or withdrawing from college) must be recorded with the Enrollment Services Office. If such changes are not recorded with the Enrollment Services Office, the student will receive F grades in those courses. Students may add courses through the 10th instructional day with the approval of the instructor and their academic advisor. Students may also drop courses during the first 15 days of class and such withdrawals will not appear on their transcript. Students may withdraw from any class after the 15th day and through the 50th day of classes and receive an automatic W in the subject. References to the 10th, 15th and 50th instructional day refer to a traditional 75-instructional-day semester. A shorter but equivalent timeline is used for shorter instructional terms (summer school and short courses). Students are responsible for fee payment for even a partial term of attendance, and should refer to the refund policy in this catalog or the Class Schedule.

Active duty military personnel who are called to action while enrolled should contact their SCO immediately for assistance.  Each instance will be managed on a case by case basis with the intent of ensuring the most beneficial outcome for the student.

Withdrawal from Individual Classes Through the 50th Instructional Day

If a student drops a course through the 15th day of instruction, the class does not appear on the student’s transcript. A student who withdraws from a class from the 16th through the 50th instructional day will automatically receive a grade of W (withdrawal) in that class. Thereafter, through the last instructional day of a semester, a grade of F will be assigned in all courses from which the student withdraws, unless it is determined that the withdrawal is for “extraordinary reasons.”

Withdrawal From All Classes Through the 50th Instructional Day

A student may request complete withdrawal from all classes by obtaining and completing a Request for Complete Withdrawal From College form, available at the Enrollment Services Office. If a student withdraws from all classes by the 15th day of classes, the term of attendance does not appear on the student’s transcript. If a student withdraws from all classes from the 16th through the 50th day of classes, he or she will automatically receive a grade of W in all enrolled classes. Thereafter, through the last instructional day of a semester, a grade of F will be assigned in all courses from which the student withdraws, unless it is determined that the withdrawal is for “extraordinary reasons” (see below). Complete withdrawal through the 50th instructional day requires clearance from the following:

  1. Financial Aid Officer
  2. Executive Director of Student Success
  3. Business Services

Complete or Partial Withdrawal for Extraordinary Reasons (After the 50th Instructional Day)

A student may request withdrawal from a portion of, or his or her entire academic course load after the 50th instructional day by obtaining and completing the Complete or Partial Withdrawal for Extraordinary Reasons form. Extraordinary reasons may include extended illness or hospitalization documented by doctor’s excuse or job transfer documented by employer. If it is determined that extraordinary reasons exist, the student will receive a grade of W in those courses from which he or she has requested withdrawal. Withdrawals for extraordinary reasons are only granted through the final day of the semester.  After that point, a student must appeal to the Academic Standards committee for a retroactive withdrawal

Determination of extraordinary reasons for withdrawal requires:

  1. Completion and submission of the Complete or Partial Withdrawal for Extraordinary Reasons form to the Enrollment Services Office, along with documentation of the extraordinary reasons.
  2. Withdrawals require signatures of approval from the following offices.
    1. Financial Aid
    2. Executive Director of Student Success
    3. Business Services

Degree Requirements (Undergraduate, Technical)

Catalog in Effect for Purposes of Meeting Degree Requirements

All degree candidates must meet the degree requirements listed in the Montana Tech Undergraduate Catalog in effect when they first entered the College or any subsequent undergraduate catalog that is in effect up to graduation, provided there has not been a break in attendance of the academic school year (excluding summer school, Internship enrollment, and field course work). Students who desire to receive a certificate or a degree must file the appropriate Application for Degree with the Enrollment Services Office by the deadline during the semester prior to the term in which they plan to complete their requirements. See the yearly academic calendar for specific dates.

Baccalaureate Degrees

The following are the requirements for a baccalaureate degree at MT Tech:

Bachelor of Science Degree

  1. The student must meet all the requirements of one of the curricula listed for the Bachelor of Science degree. Students can choose to complete the degree requirements in the catalog they enter under or any subsequent catalog published while they are continuously enrolled, but they must complete those requirements within six years from the date of the chosen catalog.
  2. At least 50% of the student’s upper division (300/400 level classes) credits must be completed through Montana Tech, including any Senior Design/Capstone courses and all core classes as determined by the department.  If a department chooses to identify core courses, they will be specified in the catalog with the program curricula.  (Common course numbered classes within the MUS are exempt from core restrictions and will count toward degree requirements.) Core coursework will not exceed 30 credits.
  3. The student must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 on all course work attempted (with repeats counted as indicated previously) as well as on all course work in the departmental major. No course below a “C-” will transfer or be acceptable toward degree requirements.

Bachelor of Applied Science Degree

In May 1996, the Board of Regents authorized Montana Tech to award the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Degree. The BAS Degree is primarily designed for students who have earned an Associate of Applied Science Degree at a two-year institution and wish to move efficiently into a baccalaureate degree program. The BAS degree allows the transfer of the Associate of Applied Science Degree and credits toward a baccalaureate degree without significant loss of time or credit. Depending upon the program chosen, a student may transfer up to 60 credits (AAS transfer) toward this innovative degree. The Bachelor of Applied Science Degree is available in Business, Biology, and General Science.

Formal admission into the BAS program at Montana Tech requires the completion of an Associate of Applied Science degree not later than the first year of attendance at Montana Tech. In order to receive the BAS degree, students must complete the general education core, as defined in this catalog. In addition to completion of the general education requirements, the designated tracks required for the BAS degree in business, and biology, each require a minimum of 30 upper division credits and 18-28 credits in the specified track support area. The support area credits may be counted towards the upper division credit total. If students have completed parts of the general education core in the AAS program, then additional credits would be required within each track. The student must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 for undergraduate level academic work attempted at Montana Tech.  No course below a “C-” will transfer or be acceptable toward degree requirements.  Minimum credits required for a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree = 120.

Second Baccalaureate Degree

  1. Montana Tech recognizes the first baccalaureate degree as having met the general education and skill requirements of the college.
  2. The course stipulations of the major for the second degree, including necessary prerequisites, as defined by the department, must be met.
  3. A person who earned his or her first baccalaureate degree elsewhere must complete all coursework for Montana Tech’s degree (excluding general education electives) with at least 50% of his or her upper division (300/400 level classes) credits through Montana Tech, including any Senior Design/Capstone courses and all core classes as determined by the department.  If a department chooses to identify core courses, they will be specified in the catalog with the program curricula.  Core coursework will not exceed 30 credits.
  4. The student must notify the Enrollment Services Office and the heads of the respective academic departments in writing of his or her intent to pursue a second degree at least a full semester prior to receipt of the degree.
  5. The student must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 on all course work attempted (with repeats counted as indicated previously) as well as on all course work in the department. No course below a “C-” will transfer or be acceptable toward degree requirements.

Policy for Second Option within a Baccalaureate Degree

  1. The college recognizes that students may wish to pursue more than one option in degree programs that offer more than one option within their degree.
  2. The course stipulations for the second option, including necessary prerequisites, as defined by the department and the Director of Enrollment Management, must be met.
  3. The student must notify in writing the Director of Enrollment Management and head of the academic department of his or her intent to pursue a second option within his or her degree. This must be done at least one semester prior to scheduled completion of the degree/options.

Associate of Science Degree

Requirements for an Associate of Science degree follow:

  1. Completion of the Undergraduate General Education Core (30 - 31 credits). 
  2. The remaining elective credits must reflect an approved undergraduate academic program.
  3. The student must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 for undergraduate level academic work attempted at Montana Tech. No course below a “C-” will transfer or be acceptable toward degree requirements.
  4. An Associate of Science degree requires a minimum of 60 earned semester credits.
  5. At least 30 semester credits must be earned at the Montana Tech, and the student must be enrolled during the year in which the degree is awarded.
  6. Students who desire to receive the Associate of Science Degree must file an Application for Associate of Science Degree with the Enrollment Services Office no later than the Friday before finals week the semester prior to the term in which they expect to complete their certificate or degree requirements. See the yearly academic calendar for specific dates.
  7. Students may not apply for an Associate Degree in the same academic year in which a Bachelor’s Degree is to be received.

Certificate of Applied Science & Associate of Applied Science Degree

Students must complete all required courses within their specified program in order to receive an Associate of Applied Science Degree or a Certificate of Applied Science. A majority of credits must be completed at Montana Tech. Certificates and AAS degrees require courses in English, Math, and human relations. AAS degrees require a minimum of 12 related general education credits.

Policy for Second AAS Degree

  1. The college recognizes the first Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree as having met the college’s general education requirements and skill requirements at the AAS level.
  2. The course stipulations for the second degree, including necessary prerequisites, as defined by the department and the Director of Enrollment Management must be met.
  3. A person who earned his or her first Associate of Applied Science degree at Montana Tech must take a minimum of 15 semester hours in residence. A person who earned his or her first AAS elsewhere must earn at least 25% of the credits toward the AAS degree at Montana Tech.
  4. The student must notify the Enrollment Services Office and the heads of the respective academic departments in writing of his or her intent to pursue a second degree at least one semester prior to scheduled completion of the degree.

Policy for Second Option within an AAS Degree

  1. The college recognizes that students may wish to pursue more than one option in degree programs that offer more than one option within their degree.
  2. The course stipulations for the second option, including necessary prerequisites as defined by the department & the Director of Enrollment Management, must be met.
  3. The student must notify in writing the Enrollment Services Office and head of the academic department of his or her intent to pursue a second option within his or her degree. This must be done at least one semester prior to scheduled completion of the degree/options.

Policy for a Second Certificate of Applied Science

  1. The college recognizes the first certificate as having met the college’s skill requirements at the certificate level.
  2. The course stipulations for the second certificate, including necessary prerequisites, as defined by the department and the Director of Enrollment Management must be met.
  3. A person who earned his or her first certificate at Montana Tech must take a minimum of 12 semester hours in residence. A person who earned his or her first certificate elsewhere must earn at least 25% of the credits toward the Montana Tech certificate at Montana Tech.
  4. The student must notify the Office of Enrollment Service and heads of the respective academic departments in writing of his or her intent to pursue a second certificate at least one semester prior to scheduled completion of the certificate(s).

Certificates of Completion and Certificates of Technical Studies

Completion of specific course work in certain programs will result in the student earning a Certificate of Completion or a Certificate of Technical Studies. Please see Academic Programs for current list.


Graduation with Honor or High Honor

For undergraduate degrees:

  • Honor: 3.25 - 3.74 cumulative GPA
  • High Honor: 3.75 - 4.00 cumulative GPA

Transfer credit and transfer grades are not considered in determining Honor/High Honor. Only MT Tech course work is considered.  Honor/High Honor is not designated for certificate programs.

For Fall 2020 forward: Past CT (Highlands College) level coursework and cumulative GPA will remain separate from UG level. The combined CT and UG level GPA will be manually calculated and used to determine status for Honor/High Honor The combined GPA will apply in these circumstances regardless if the change results in a positive or negative impact. 

Student must earn a minimum of 51% of his or her credits at Montana Tech in order to graduate with Honor or High Honor, and only Montana Tech courses will count toward the designation.  (Students in the Helena Business Program are excluded from this rule.)

For graduate degrees:

Graduate students with a 4.0 will be awarded a High Honor designation.

All graduates:

For commencement, graduation honors for students completing their degree requirements in Spring semester are based on the cumulative GPA from fall semester. Honors are indicated on the commencement program, and graduates receive an honors cord to be worn during commencement exercises.  If a student’s final cumulative GPA moves into a different range at the conclusion of the graduation semester, the Honor/High Honor designation will be adjusted accordingly on the final transcript.


The designated Valedictorian of the graduating class is a student who was admitted as a first-time freshman; has earned ALL of his or her credits at Montana Tech (excluding AP Credit and dual credit); and graduates with the highest grade point average.


Degrees are conferred at the end of summer, fall, and spring terms. Commencement is usually the first Saturday in May. Diplomas and Certificates of Completion are mailed to students approximately eight to ten weeks following commencement. Transcripts indicating completion of a degree or certificate are generally available three weeks following the end of a semester.

Academic Minor

Baccalaureate degree-seeking students may elect to complete one or more minors in fields outside their major. Minors may be in fields unrelated to students’ majors or they may be complementary or supportive of majors. A student may not take a minor in the same field of study as his or her major.  Students must use the same catalog year for both the major and the minor.  The appropriate Application for a Minor must be submitted to the Enrollment Services Office along with a student’s Application for Degree. Students should work with their advisor early in their academic career if they intend to pursue a minor.

Minors are available in the following areas: Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computational Science, Data Science, Extractive Metallurgy, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Health Care Informatics, Materials Science, Mathematics, Mineral Processing, Network Technology, Petroleum Engineering, Occupational Safety & Health, Physics, and Statistics. Courses completed to satisfy the requirements of a minor also may be applied toward the General Education Requirements if they appear on the list of approved courses at the time they are taken.

Credits and GPA Required for a Minor

Students must earn the number of credits required for an approved minor as listed in this catalog while completing or after having completed a baccalaureate degree from Montana Tech. A minimum of six of the credits required for a specific minor must be earned at Montana Tech (individual   departments may have more stringent requirements), and a “C” average (2.0) or better is required for the course work taken to earn the minor. If a course is failed then the minor will not be granted.

Any course work over six years old used to meet requirements for a minor is subject to approval by the department offering the minor.

See more information regarding minors in the Academic Program Minors  section.

Master’s Degree

For information on Master’s Degree requirements, see the Graduate School   section.

Transcript of Academic Record

A permanent record of academic information is termed a “transcript.” The Registrar is responsible for the maintenance of accurate and readily available student academic records, and for the use and release of information from these records. Transcripts of a student’s permanent academic record are issued by the College only upon the written request or consent (letter or fax with student’s signature) of the student for personal use or to be sent to designated persons.

Transcripts and honorable dismissal (including release of diploma) will be given only to students who have met all financial obligations to the Institution. All official transcripts are issued at $10.00 each. An additional $3.00 is charged to fax a transcript. See our web site at for information regarding ordering a transcript by using the internet. Student information will be released only as authorized by state and federal laws, or by the individual (see next section)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)


FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) was enacted in 1974. It is a set of regulations that applies to those institutions, such as Montana Tech, that receive funding from the Department of Education.

FERPA was written specifically for students and guarantees them the right to inspect and review their education records, the right to seek to amend education records, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of information from those education records.

Resources for Students

Notification Regarding Release of Student Directory Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. “Education records” are “those records, files documents, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution. (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(A); 34 CFR § 99.3). FERPA applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

Generally speaking, FERPA allows Montana Tech to disclose education records or personally identifiable information from education records in the following circumstances: with the written consent of the student, if the disclosure meets one of the statutory exemptions, or if the disclosure is directory information and the student has not placed a hold on release of directory information.

The University defines the following information as public (directory) information:

  • Student’s name
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Student hometown
  • Major and minor field(s) of studies
  • Grade Level
  • Enrollment Status (Undergraduate or Graduate, Full time or part time)
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
  • Weight and height, if student is a member of an intercollegiate athletic team

FERPA allows Montana Tech to release a student’s directory information to anyone unless the student informs Enrollment Services that he or she does not wish directory information to be released.

NO to Release of Directory Information

If you do not wish to authorize the release of directory information and do not want your directory information to appear in the Montana Tech Student Directory, you must complete a Restrict Release of Directory Information form which can be obtained from the Enrollment Services website. You should allow at least three business days for processing.

You should be aware …

You should be aware that restricting the release of your directory information has other consequences. For instance, a FERPA restriction makes it difficult or impossible for potential employers to verify your enrollment, or to verify the fact that you have earned a degree from Montana Tech. The university cannot notify your home town paper about awards and honors you receive (e.g., Dean’s list). For this reason alone, many students choose to remove their FERPA restriction.

Change from NO to YES

At any time after restricting the release of your directory information, you may change your mind and choose to authorize the university to release directory information and for it to appear in the Montana Tech Student Directory. To do this, complete the Authorization to Release Directory Information form.

Notification of Students’ Rights Under FERPA

FERPA also affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

1.The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day Montana Tech receives a request for access.

To inspect and review his or her education records, a student should submit to the university official(s) or office(s) having custody of the particular record(s), a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect.

2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. (This process cannot be used to challenge a grade.)

A student who wishes to ask Montana Tech to amend a record should write the appropriate dean or director responsible for custody of the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.

If Montana Tech decides not to amend the record as requested, the university will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

3.  The right to provide written consent before the university discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except that Montana Tech will disclose the following information without a student’s consent:

  • Disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including, but not limited to campus security personnel, and health center staff); a contractor, consultant, or other outside service provider retained to provide various institutional services and functions under contract or by statute instead of using university employees or officials (including, but not limited to an attorney, auditor, collection agent, information systems specialist, teaching affiliate, and clinical mentor); a person serving on the Board of Regents, staff in the Office of the Commission of Higher Education, the Institutional Review Board, and any other university board, committee or council; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the university.
  • Compliance with a lawfully issued subpoena or judicial order.
  • Requests in connection with a student’s application for financial aid.
  • Information submitted to accrediting organizations.
  • To other agencies or institutions that have requested the records and in which the student seeks or intends to enroll or is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
  • Requests by federal and state authorities and authorized third parties designated by federal and state authorities to evaluate a federal or state supported education program; to researchers performing certain types of studies; in connection with statewide longitudinal data systems studies and tracking.
  • In the case of emergencies, the university may release information to appropriate persons in connection with an emergency, if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other persons.
  • To the extent otherwise permitted by law, the results of a disciplinary proceeding or investigation conducted by the university to an alleged victim of a crime.

4.  The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Montana Tech to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901

Additional Resources

For more information on FERPA, please see the following links:

  1. FPCO -
  2. FERPA 20 USC 1232(g) -
  3. 34 CFR Part 99 -
  4. Montana Code Annotated - MCA Title 20, Chapter 25, Part 5

Related Forms

Request to Restrict Release of Directory Information

Authorization to release Directory Information