Feb 07, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Services

Financial aid consists of (a) scholarships and grants (the awarding for which no repayment is expected) (b) self-help in the form of loans (money to be repaid after the termination of studies) and (c) employment (jobs to provide a certain income during the year). Financial aid is offered to those students who cannot, through their own and their parents’ reasonable efforts, meet the full costs of a college education as defined by the FAFSA.

Financial aid programs are funded from a number of sources (state and federal appropriations, private philanthropy, alumni and others). The amount of money available, academic requirements, and other eligibility criteria vary from program to program.

Students desiring further descriptions of specific programs may obtain information from the Enrollment Services Office by phone (406) 496-4256 or fax (406) 496-4710. (Inquiries concerning graduate scholarships, fellowships and assistantships should be directed to the Graduate School.)

Application Procedures for Federal & State Assistance: All applicants for financial assistance must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Application procedures and eligibility criteria are subject to change without notice. The applicant must be unconditionally accepted for admission in a degree/certificate-seeking program at Montana Tech and/or be in good standing at Montana Tech. The application process must be completed by March 1 for priority consideration for the following academic year. Applications received after this date will be processed and funded in the same order they are received. You must apply each and every year for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid at www.fafsa.gov

Montana Tech reserves the right to make the final determination regarding the type(s) and amount(s) of aid awarded based upon an evaluation of the applicant’s eligibility for a particular type of aid and upon the availability of funds.

Payment to Student: College scholarships, federal and state financial assistance including Federal Subsidized Direct Student Loan, Federal Unsubsidized Direct Student Loan, and Federal PLUS Loans will be applied toward the student’s direct college costs of attendance (i.e., tuition, fees and residence hall room and board charges). If there is a balance due on the tuition and fees, room and board charges after scholarships, grants and loan assistance have been applied, the student will be responsible to pay the amount due the college or set up the necessary deferred payment plan, should the student be eligible. All federal/state financial assistance and college scholarships will be disbursed in equal installments for each registration period. If a student has been awarded a work opportunity through the College Work-Study Programs, he or she should report to the Career Services Office for employment information. Work-Study wage payments are made monthly as earned.

Disbursement of student loan checks (Federal Direct Student Loans and Federal Direct PLUS Loans) is governed by federal law and certain limitations apply. Contact the Enrollment Services Office if you have questions.

Return of Title IV Funds: If a student completely withdraws either officially or unofficially during a semester with no earned credits, a return of federal funds might have to be returned to the appropriate federal account based on a last date of academic attendance for official withdrawals or the midpoint of the semester for an unofficial withdrawal. If disbursed federal aid has to be returned, the Business Office Policy is to bill the student for the amount returned to the federal account. A hold will be placed on the student account until this bill is paid in full with the Business Office at Montana Tech.

Satisfactory Academic Progress For Financial Aid Purposes: Students receiving or applying for financial assistance must be judged capable of maintaining satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes at the college. Each student receiving financial assistance is furnished with a detailed explanation of “Satisfactory Academic Progress For Financial Aid Purposes”, and this information is also available to all students online. All student aid recipients, are measured under the current “Academic Progress For Financial Purposes” policy.

The preceding information does not reflect the entire policy and is intended to provide a brief overview only. To view the entire financial aid policy, please go to the Montana Tech webpage for further information.

Use of Funds: Student aid funds are made available only for purposes directly related to obtaining an education at Montana Tech, including tuition and fees, living expenses, books and supplies, and modest personal expenses. Use of funds for purposes other than these will be considered cause for reconsideration of the award.

Additional Awards: Recipients of Financial Assistance, must report any scholarships, long-term educational loans, gifts, etc. received during the academic year that were not reported in the recipient’s application for Financial Assistance. Failure to inform the Enrollment Services Office of such additional income can result in cancellation of Financial Aid Awards.

Review: The college reserves the right to review and cancel awards at any time because of changes in financial, marital or academic status or because of the recipient’s failure to observe reasonable standards of citizenship. All Federal Perkins Loans, , Montana Higher Education Grants, MTAP/Baker grants, Federal SEOGs and Federal and State Work-Study job opportunities are awarded subject to the availability of Federal and State Funds.

Renewal: All financial aid commitments are made for one year or less and recipients must reapply for assistance each year. All awards are subject to review of academic progress each semester for financial aid purposes. March 1 is the priority deadline for applications.

Federal Financial Assistance

Montana Tech of the University of Montana is a participating institution as established under federal legislation. The following federal financial assistance programs are available to students with demonstrated financial need.

Federal Pell Grants: Federal Pell Grants are available to undergraduate students who have not yet received and are not yet eligible to receive a B.A. or B.S. degree. They need not be repaid.

Federal Work-Study: Federal Work-Study employment permits students to work up to 20 hours per week when classes are in session and up to 40 hours per week during vacation periods. Full-time Federal Work-Study jobs are also available during certain periods of the summer vacation months. Substantial financial need is required for all students employed under the Federal Work-Study Program.

Federal Perkins Student Loans: Federal Perkins Loans are available to students enrolled or accepted for enrollment who have demonstrated need. These are low interest loans with repayment beginning after school is completed. Repayment may be deferred while the student is enrolled in another higher educational institution.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants: The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants are specifically intended to make higher education possible for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Award guidelines are promulgated by Federal law.

Federal Direct Subsidized Loans: Direct Subsidized Loans are available to undergraduate and are provided and administered by the U.S. Department of Education. A student must be enrolled or be accepted to be enrolled in at least half time status and must demonstrate financial need according to the FAFSA to be eligible. The interest rate is fixed for the loan depending on the year in which you borrow. No interest accrues while you are enrolled at least half time and during the six month grace period.

*Note*:  If you receive a Direct Subsidized Loan that is first disbursed between July 1, 2012 and July 1, 2014, you will be responsible for paying any interest that accrues during your grace period.  If you choose not to pay the interest that accrues during your grace period, the interest will be added to your principal balance.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans: Direct Unsubsidized Loans are available to undergraduate and graduate students and are provided and administered by the U.S. Department of Education. A student must be enrolled or be accepted to be enrolled in at least half time status and must complete the FAFSA to be eligible. The interest rate is a fixed at 6.8 percent and interest is the borrower’s responsibility.

Federal Direct PLUS Loans for Undergraduates: Direct PLUS Loans are available to parents of dependent, undergraduate students up to the cost of attendance less any other financial assistance available to the student. The loans are provided and administered by the U.S. Department of Education. The parent must meet minimal credit requirements and is responsible for repayment of the loan. The interest rate is fixed at 7.9 percent.

Federal Direct PLUS Loans for Graduates: Direct PLUS Loans are available to graduate students and are provided and administered by the U.S. Department of Education. The borrower must meet credit requirements and may borrow up to the cost of attendance minus any other financial assistance available to them. The interest rate is fixed at 7.9 percent and the accruing interest is the student’s responsibility.

State Financial Assistance

Grant and work-study opportunities are available to students who qualify as a Montana resident and meet the criteria for eligibility for the programs. The student must fill out the federal financial aid application and submit it by March 1st.

Montana Higher Education Grant: Grants are awarded to Montana residents on the basis of need to augment their total financial aid package. They need not be repaid.

Montana Work-Study: Montana Work-Study employment permits undergraduate students to work up to 20 hours per week when classes are in session and up to 40 hours per week during vacation periods. Full-time Montana Work-Study jobs are also available during certain periods of the summer vacation months. Financial need is required for all students employed under the Montana Work-Study Program.

MTAP/Baker Grants: Awarded to a Montana resident who meets established criteria.


Montana Tech has received endowments and donations from private sources to establish institutional scholarships for undergraduate students. Additionally, the college awards state-supported scholarships as provided by the State of Montana.

Continuing Student Scholarships: Montana Tech annually awards scholarships to continuing students of demonstrated academic ability and, in some cases, need. Continuing students must complete the online scholarship application (available after the beginning of spring semester) by February 1. Additional information concerning continuing student scholarships is available through the Enrollment Services Office.

New-Student Scholarships: Montana Tech has an excellent new-student scholarship program with $1,000,000 awarded annually to academically qualified freshmen and transfer students. All first-time students enrolling full-time at Montana Tech are eligible to apply for new student scholarships.

Undergraduate scholarship awards are based primarily on academic merit and leadership ability. Scholarship applications are accepted after October 1, but should be received by the Enrollment Services Office before the priority deadline of January 15. Below is a general guideline to the application process for new student scholarships:

  1. Apply to Montana Tech for admission.
  2. Submit a scholarship application along with most recent academic transcripts and test scores (ACT or SAT). Test scores are not required of College of Technology or transfer students.

New students should contact the Enrollment Services Office for current scholarship information and an application. NEW STUDENTS SHOULD COMPLETE THE ONLINE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION BY THE PRIORITY DEADLINE OF JANUARY 15th.

Veterans Benefits for Education Assistance Under Public Law 95-202 and Public Law 815

A Veterans Certifying Official, located in the Enrollment Services Office, is available to assist veterans, their dependents, and National Guard/Reserve personnel with procedures for enrolling at Montana Tech and applying for educational benefits under federal guidelines.

A veteran may be eligible to receive benefits under various chapters of the GI Bill. When applying for educational benefits, it is essential that the veteran’s status is known and that the veteran provides all necessary paperwork. The veteran must be enrolled and pursuing an approved program of education or training to receive benefits. Below is the basic information regarding eligibility. For more information about each benefit, please visit www.gibill.va.gov

Chapter 33/Post 9/11 GI Bill  For approved programs, Chapter 33 pays up to 36 months of education benefits, generally payable for 15 years following release from active duty       

Chapter 30/Montgomery GI Bill may provide benefits for persons who first entered active duty after July 1, 1985.

Chapter 31/Vocational Rehabilitation is for veterans who have service-connected disability. Contact the Veterans Administration, Fort Harrison, MT 59636 or call toll free 1-800-827-1000 to apply for these benefits.

Chapter 35/Dependents may be available for surviving dependents of veterans who died of a service-connected disability, or who have total and permanent service-connected disabilities.

Chapter 1606-Guard/Reserve may be eligible for benefits and should contact their Education Officer to determine eligibility. Veterans applying for these benefits must have a completed Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE) and Commanding Officer’s Certification to submit with application.

A Veterans’ Fee Waiver may be available for veterans who have exhausted their benefits. For more details look under Fee Waivers or contact the Director of Financial Aid.

A certified copy of the veteran’s DD 214, number 4 copy, is needed to complete your Veterans file at Montana Tech.

The following chart indicates the minimum credit hours for which veterans must be registered to receive benefits:

Benefits Undergraduate
Full 12 9
Three-Quarter 9, 10, 11 7, 8
One-Half 6, 7, 8 5, 6
Fees Only: Less than 6 Less than 5
Summer Semester differs: please contact the Veterans Coordinator.
* Master’s Industrial Hygiene on-line Full-time equals 6 credits during Fall & Spring, 3 credits for Summer.

All veterans and eligible persons receiving subsistence allowances under the GI Bill are required to report PROMPTLY any changes which may affect the amount of money being received. Veterans must report when they drop or add courses, withdraw from school, change marital status or if they stop attending classes for any reason. ALL Drop/Add cards for veterans are to be turned into the Certifying Official for proper processing.

The Veterans Administration expects veterans to make satisfactory academic progress, regularly attend classes, and pursue a final objective. The Certifying Official may notify the Veterans Administration if the benefit recipient does not comply with these expectations.

If you have any questions or need assistance contact the Certifying Official at (406)-496-4256 or toll free 1-800-445-TECH.

The VA provides two 800 phone numbers for veterans to obtain information, from processing paperwork to when checks are being issued (1-800-827-1000, FT Harrison, MT and 1-888-442-4551, St. Louis, MO). Also visit their website at: http://www.va.gov/index.htm.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students at Montana Tech of the University of Montana have a responsibility to maintain certain academic standards and make satisfactory academic progress towards a degree whether or not aid is being received. These standards apply to all grants, loans, work study, tuition waivers, and some scholarships received now or in the future.

Federal law requires the consideration of three factors when determining whether a student is making satisfactory progress toward a degree. These factors are 1)minimum GPA; 2) pace of completion or maximum time frame; and 3) satisfactory completion of a minimum number of credits attempted. Student academic records are reviewed at the end of each enrollment period. Students will be notified if a violation occurs. However, it is the student’s responsibility to know if a violation has occurred whether or not the student receives notification from Enrollment Processing. Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards for the first time and those admitted on probation will be placed on financial aid warning and will remain eligible to receive financial aid for one additional semester. Students must meet all standards at the end of the one semester warning period or will be placed on financial aid termination. A student may regain eligibility by enrolling at Montana Tech without financial aid and passing sufficient credits to meet the percentage and/or grade point average standard. The student must submit written notification to the Director of Financial Aid when this has been accomplished before aid eligibility will be reinstated.

Minimum Grade Point Average (measured after each semester including summer) Undergraduates are expected to maintain at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average at Montana Tech. You are not eligible for financial aid if your cumulative GPA at Montana Tech drops below a 2.0. Graduate students must maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA in order to be eligible for financial aid.

Pace of Completion or Maximum Time Frame You are expected to earn a degree in a specific amount of time, measured by credits you have attempted. Transfer credits must be considered in the calculation of maximum time frame credits and the pace you are progressing toward your degree. Transfer credits accepted upon transcript evaluation from prior institutions will be included with your Montana Tech credits in determining the credits you have attempted toward pace of completion and maximum time frame. Credits for which you enroll and subsequently withdraw “W”, fail “F”, take an incomplete “I” or audit “AU”, passed credit “P” and all repeated credits will be counted toward the number of credits attempted. Credit for which a “P” is earned is not counted in earned credits. REPEATS: You can repeat a failed course as many times as Montana Tech academic policy allows and receive aid for the class. You may repeat a previously passed course once. Montana Tech does not fund a course for which you “Audit”. An “N” is considered continuing for academic requirements for the following semester. A change of major does not increase the pace of progression or maximum time frame. Aid can be received for remedial credits as long as you are enrolled in a program leading to a degree or certificate.

Satisfactory Completion Rate Satisfactory completion means you have received a minimum grade of D or P ( satisfactory in a pass/fail class). Grades of I (incomplete), F (failure), W (withdrawal), and AU (Audit) are not acceptable for satisfactory academic progress. Students who do not pass 67% (rounded down) of all credits attempted in two consecutive semesters will be terminated from financial aid. In addition, students must maintain 67% overall pass rate of attempted credits.

The number of attempted credits allowed is 1.5 times the number of credits required to earn your degree. The point at which you cannot complete your degree under maximum time frame is when you are terminated from receiving aid.


Pace of Progression or Maximum Time Frame in Academic Programs

Type of Degree Credit Requirements Maximum Attempted Credits
Undergraduate Bachelor Degree 120 180
Undergraduate Bachelor Degree 128 192
Undergraduate Bachelor Degree 136 204
Second Bachelor Degree   240
Associate Degrees* Varies 1.5 times credit requirement for degree
Certificate Programs Varies 1.5 times credit requirement for degree
Masters Degree Varies 1.5 times credit requirement for degree
Pre-Nursing/Pre-Radiologic Technology/Pre-Surgical Technology 36 36
Foundations of Engineering & Science 32 32


 *You can receive financial aid for a maximum of two Associates Degrees.

Financial Aid Termination

Will occur if:

■Earn zero credits after any semester. This includes summer, fall, or spring.
■Earn less than 67% of attempted credits in the second consecutive semesters.
■Earn below the minimum required GPA in the second consecutive semesters.
■Are academically suspended.
■Exceed the maximum time frame for your academic program.
■Have met your degree requirements regardless of applying for graduation. Re-evaluation occurs if you apply for a new degree.

Appeal Procedures

If you are denied financial aid because of failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, you may appeal. To be successful, you must document extenuating circumstances beyond your control, such as a serious illness or a death in your immediate family, which prevented you from doing well academically. Appeal forms explaining the appeal procedures and necessary documentation are available in Enrollment Services and online at http://www.mtech.edu/onestop/FA/forms.htm. If the appeal is approved by the Appeals Committee, you will be placed on financial aid probation or plan of study.

Exceptions or amendments to any of the specific provisions regarding satisfactory academic progress standards may be made at any time, without publication, due to changes in federal, state, and/or institutional regulations or policies.