Feb 07, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Totals for Academic Year 2016-2017 per Semester 

1 339.08 898.36 444.86 360.57 978.48 477.10
2 596.41 1,714.7 807.97 639.39 1,875.21 872.45
3 853.74 2,531.58 1,171.08 918.21 2,771.94 1,267.80
4 1,132.27 3,369.39 1,555.39 1,218.23 3,689.87 1,684.35
5 1,389.60 4,186.00 1,918.50 1,497.05 4,586.60 2,079.70
6 1,646.93 5,002.61 2,281.61 1,775.87 5,483.33 2,475.05
7 1,993.74 5,908.70 2,734.20 2,144.17 6,469.54 2,959.88
8 2,251.07 6,725.31 3,097.31 2,422.99 7,366.27 3,355.23
9 2,508.40 7,541.92 3,460.42 2,701.81 8,263.00 3,750.58
10 2,765.73 8,358.53 3,823.53 2,980.63 9,159.73 4,145.93
11 3,023.06 9,175.14 4,186.64 3,259.45 10,056.46 4,541.28
12 3.280.39 9.991.75 4.549.75 3,538.27 10,953.19 4,936.63
13 3,290.83 10,002.19 4,560.19 3,548.71 10,963.63 4,947.07
14 3,301.27 10,012.63 4,570.63 3,559.15 10,974.07 4,957.51
15 3,311.71 10,023.07 4,581.07 3,569.59 10,984.51 4,967.95
16 3,322.15 10,033.51 4,591.51 3,580.03 10,994.95 4,978.39
17 3,332.59 10,043.95 4,601.95 3,590.47 11,005.39 4,988.83
18 3,343.03 10,054.39 4,612.39 3,600.91 11,015.83 4,999.27
19 3,353.47 10,064.83 4,622.83 3,611.35 11,026.27 5,009.71
20 3,363.91 10,075.27 4,633.27 3,621.79 11,036.71 5,020.15
21 3,374.35 10,085.71 4,643.71 3,632.23 11,047.15 5,030.59
22 3,384.79 10,096.15 4,654.15 3,642.67 11,057.59 5,041.03
23 3,395.23 10,106.59 4,664.59 3,653.11 11,068.03 5,051.47
24 3,405.67 10,117.03 4,675.03 3,663.55 11,078.47 5,061.91
25 3,416.11 10,127.47 4.685.47 3,673.99 11,088.91 5,072.35


1 375.90 1,081.84 243.06 462.68 295.96
2 670.05 2,081.93 372.06 811.30 477.86
3 964.20 3,082.02 501.06 1,159.92 659.76
4 1,279.55 4,103.31 630.06 1,508.54 841.66
5 1,573.70 5,103.40 759.06 1,857.16 1,023.56
6 1,867.85 6,103.49 888.06 2,205.78 1,205.46
7 2,251.48 7,193.06 1,017.06 2,554.40 1,387.36
8 2,545.63 8,193.15 1,146.06 2,903.02 1,569.26
9 2,839.79 9,193.24 1,275.06 3,251.64 1,751.16
10 3,133.93 10,193.33 1,404.06 3,600.26 1,933.06
11 3,428.08 11,193.42 1,533.06 3,948.88 2,114.96
12 3,722.23 12,193.51 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
13 3,691.20 11,915.76 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
14 3,701.23 11,925.79 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
15 3,711.26 11,935.82 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
16 3,721.29 11,945.85 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
17 3,731.32 11,955.88 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
18 3,741.35 11,965.91 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
19 3,751.38 11,975.94 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
20 3,761.41 11,985.97 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
21 3,771.44 11,996.00 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
22 3,781.47 12,006.03 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
23 3,791.50 12,016.06 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
24 3,801.53 12,026.09 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86
25 3,811.56 12,036.12 1,662.06 4,297.50 2,296.86

Tuition Resident and Non-resident Fees: Tuition supports the cost of instruction. Tuition is charged to all students on a per credit hour basis up to twelve credits.

Tuition/Graduate: The tuition charges for students either working towards a master’s degree. The rate is 120% of the undergraduate tuition.

Tuition/Western Undergraduate Exchange: Tuition for students enrolled under this program is 150% of the undergraduate resident tuition.

Program Fees: Program fees are charged per semester to students who have declared majors in high-cost programs. Our current program fees are:  

  Nursing RN 550.00
  Radiologic Tech 200.00
  Medical Assitant 50.00
  Welding Technology 250.00
  Automotive Technology 150.00
  Welding Certificate AS 300.00
  Professional Technical Communication 40.00
  School of Mines and Engineering 91.04 - 117.05
  Pre-Apprenticeship Lineman Program 5,420.00
  Network Technology BS 125.00
  Network Technology AAS 125.00
  Construction Technology 200.00
  Machining Certificate AS 300.00
  Aerospace Welding Certificate 650.00
  Sustainable Energy Technology 250.00
  Safety, Health, and Industrial Hygiene 56.25

Figures refer to cost for one semester. The Board of Regents reserves the right to adjust fees at any time. More current information may be obtained by referring to the current semester’s Schedule of Classes, http://www.mtech.edu/administration/businessoffice/ or contacting Business Services, 1300 West Park Butte, MT 59701 (406) 496-4250.

Students are encouraged to have funds on deposit in a bank for fees, board, room and other necessary expenses and to be able to write a check for the exact amount during registration periods. Foreign checks on currency are not accepted. Credit card payment is accepted using Visa, MasterCard, or Discover cards.

Student registration is not complete until all fees are paid and the semester charges are accepted on OrediggerWeb. Fee payment is is due by the date published in the academic calendar and the Class Schedule.

Mandatory Fees Assessed All Students

Academic Facility Fee: A per-credit-hour fee to all North Campus and Highlands College students up to 12 credits for classroom and lab deferred maintenance, ADA requirements, updates on safety and health codes, and preventive maintenance projects.

Activity Fee: A flat fee charged to North Campus and Highlands College students for support of associated student activities.

Athletic Fee: A per-credit-hour charge to North Campus students to maintain NAIA status, and help maintain compliance with gender equity laws. This fee entitles students to attend MT Tech athletic events. Optional for Highlands College students.

Building Fee: A per-credit-hour charge up to 12 credits to North Campus and Highlands College students for long term debt and for maintenance and renovation of auxiliary buildings.

Campus Rec Fee: A flat charge to Highlands College students which allows them access to athletic events and the HPER facilities.

Computer Fee: A per-credit-hour charge up to 12 credits to North Campus and Highlands College students to purchase computer equipment, software, maintenance, or related items which will benefit the instructional programs.

Equipment Fee: A per-credit-hour charge up to 12 credits to North Campus and Highlands College students for the purchase and maintenance of equipment in educational programs, including library and other related capital acquisitions.

Health Fee: A flat charge to North Campus students taking 7 credits or more for support of on-campus health services. Optional for Highlands College students.

HPER Fee: A per-credit-hour charge to all north campus students up to 12 credits to fund expanding the weight room facilities in the HPER and thereafter dedicated to the operation and maintenance of the HPER. Approved with an escalator fee increase of 5%.

HPER II Fee: A per-credit hour charge to all North Campus students up to 12 credits to renovate, design and construct and expansion to the Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Building.

Learning Center Fee: A flat charge to North Campus and Highlands College students for tutoring costs and expansion of support services in the Learning Center.

Registration Fee: A $30 fee paid by each North Campus and Highlands College student applied to instructional costs.

SUB OP Fee: A per-credit-hour charge to North Campus students and a flat fee to Highlands College students for the operations, use and maintenance of the Student Union Building.

SUB-Renovation Fee: A per-credit-hour charge to North Campus students to fund Series E 1998 Bonds and SUB Phase II-Student apartment renovation project payments. The fee will end after Spring 2020 semester.

Technology Fee: A per-credit-hour charge up to 12 credits to North Campus and Highlands College students to be used for the acquisition, renewal, licensing, maintenance, and operations of campus core and distributed systems and related campus network needs for the support of the institution.

Additional Mandatory Fees Assessed to Non-Resident Students

Non-Resident Building Fee: A per-credit-hour charge to North Campus and Highlands College students up to 12 credits.

Other Fees

Career Services Fee: A one-time $25.00 fee charged to all 2nd semester students in their second year for placement services.

Dishonored Checks: A charge of $25.00 will be assessed on checks returned from the bank. Any check tendered in payment of registration fees and not honored by the bank upon which it is drawn may result in cancellation of a student’s registration. The student will be assessed the late registration fee $80.00 maximum in addition to the $25.00 service charge.

Distance Learning (exclusion fees): Distance learning courses are excluded from the Academic Facility, Activity, Athletic, and Health fees and assessed a Distance Learning fee of up to $100 per-credit-hour. Fees excluded from Distance Learning courses are Learning Center and Sub-Renovation Fees.

Fee policy on Drop/Add: Changes in credit loads (Drops and Adds) will be computed in accordance with the regular institutional fee schedule. Classes can be added only through the 10th regular classroom day, and no refunds will be made after the 15th regular classroom day. Refunds will be based on the day a student officially withdraws from a class or the college.

Graduation Fee: A $79.00 fee charged to the degree applicants to cover costs associated with the graduation ceremony and other activities and expenses related to graduation. This does not include cap, gown, or announcements.

Health Insurance: A $1,591.00 charge per semester (subject to change) to all students registered in six credits or more. In order to waive the insurance premium, the student must decline coverage on Orediggerweb during the registration period.

I.D. Fee: A $20.00 non-refundable fee for initial and $15.00 replacement fee for the student identification card. Required of all registered students.

Orientation Fee: A $65.00 non-refundable fee paid by each new student. Used to fund orientation activities.

Other Course Fees: The Board of Regents may approve additional fees at anytime. Course fees assigned to pay for specialized activity, field trip, pass-through fees, laboratory consumables or materials used by students to create a product that becomes the students’ property after use in a specific course. Audited courses are assessed the same fees as courses taken for credit.

Vehicle Registration Fee: Any vehicle parking on the north or south campuses must display current campus vehicle registration between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday year round. A charge of $70.00 per vehicle is assessed. Faculty/Staff vehicles must display an “A” decal, students living in Prospector or Centennial Hall must display a “D” decal, and all other students parking on campus must display a “B” decal. All vehicle decals may be purchased at the Physical Plant Facilities on the North Campus.

Refund Schedule

The registration fee is nonrefundable.

90% of all remaining fees will be refunded to the end of the 5th regular classroom day following the close of regular registration.

75% of all remaining fees will be refunded to the end of the 10th regular classroom day following the close of regular registration.

50% of all remaining fees will be refunded to the end of the 15th regular classroom day following the close of regular registration.

Summer refund schedules differ because of the shorter length of the terms. Contact the Business Office at 496-4250 for refund information. The date set in determining refunds is the official withdrawal date as determined by the Director of Enrollment Management.

Other Registration Costs and Policies

Summer Programs and Continuing Education: Fee, room/ board costs for Summer Programs and fees for registration in Continuing Education are contained in separate publications. These publications can be obtained by contacting the Enrollment Services Office.

Collaborative Programs: Students participating in a collaborative program, an instructional program offered by two or more campuses of the Montana University System, must apply and register at both institutions.

Late Registration: A student who does not complete registration, including payment of fees and finalization (validation of the schedule/bill by a cashier or on Orediggerweb), during the scheduled registration period (see current Schedule of Classes) is assessed a late registration fee of $40.00. After the fifteenth class day, an additional $40.00 late fee is assessed to all students registered and not paid.

Deferred Fee Payment Plan: A deferred fee payment plan is authorized, provided that: (a) at least one-third of the total fees are paid at the time the student enrolls; (b) two-thirds are paid within 30 days, and; (c) the full amount is paid within 60 days of the date of enrollment. Students opting for this plan are obligated for the full amount of that semester’s fees regardless if they withdraw. This plan is not available for the summer semester. A contract for deferred payment of fees will be executed at the time of registration.  Should a student fail to meet either of the remaining installments, his or her remaining balance may be placed with the State Department of Revenue and/or a collection agency for collection, according to Title 17, Chapter 4, MCA.

An administrative charge of $30 is levied each semester when a student elects to defer payments. Failure to make scheduled deferred payments makes students ineligible for future deferments and may be cause for cancellation of a student’s enrollment with no refund of amounts previously collected. A late fee of $15 will also be charged to the student. Copies of transcripts are not issued until all amounts due the college have been paid. Students with outstanding debts are not eligible for re-enrollment. For further information, contact the Enrollment Services Office at (406) 496-4212.

Non-Payment: No person who owes Montana Tech any fees, fines or other charges will be permitted to (1) receive grade reports; (2) register; (3) secure official transcript or record; or (4) access any facilities or services, regardless of the relationship thereof to the amount owed, until the full amount due has been paid or satisfactorily adjusted with the Business Office.

Determination of In-State Fee Status

The Montana University System classifies all students as either in-state or out-of-state. This classification affects admission decisions and fee determinations. The basic rules for making the classifications are found in Board of Regents’ Policy. It is each student’s responsibility to secure and review a copy of the policy. Failure to be aware of the rules will not be cause for granting any exceptions to them. A copy of the policy is available from the Enrollment Services Office. It is important to bear in mind that each residency determination is based on the unique set of facts found in each individual’s case. If you have questions concerning your particular case, be sure to contact the Enrollment Services Office.

Montana Residency Requirements: For purposes of determining eligibility for in-state tuition, a resident of Montana is a person with at least a twelve-month continuous period of domicile in Montana with a documented/dated intent to become a resident of Montana. Documented indicators of such intent by an individual include: registering the person’s own automobile in Montana; acquiring a Montana driver’s license; registering to vote in Montana; purchasing a principal residence; filing an individual Montana resident income tax return.

It is presumed that the domicile of a minor or an unemancipated person is that of the person’s parents or legal guardian. It is presumed that a parent or legal guardian who is a Montana resident and takes the student as an exemption for federal income tax purposes or supplies a majority of the support for the student will constitute grounds for in-state eligibility for the student.

It is presumed that a person absent from Montana in excess of 30 days during the 12-month period upon which in-state status is claimed lacks the necessary intent to acquire Montana residency. This presumption does not apply to absences from the state for purposes of post-secondary education or service in the armed forces of the United States provided the individual has not taken any actions in contradiction of the claim of Montana residency. Enjoyment of a status, receipt of benefits, or exercise of a right or privilege inconsistent with or in contradiction of Montana residency may be a basis for classification as out-of-state.

A student who is registered for more than half of a full-time credit load (seven or more credits/semester), is presumed to be present in the state primarily for educational purposes and such attendance period may not be applied to the 12-month residency requirement. Therefore, it is presumed that the person is not eligible for in-state status. Complete information is available in the “Student Guide to Residency Policy,” available from the Enrollment Service Office.

Costs of On-Campus Services

Housing and Dining Services: Students living in the residence halls are required to contract for a meal plan with Dining Services. Room and board rates are the same for in-state and out-of-state students. Occupants may select any plan to obtain the number of meals preferred.

Residence Hall   Per Semester   Academic Year
  Double   $ 1,813.00   $3,626.00
  Single   $ 2,049.00   $4,098.00
  Suite Double   $ 2,046.00   $4,092.00
  Suite Single   $ 2,264.00   $4,528.00
Board (Residents)   Per Semester   Academic Year
  Everyday Plan   $ 2,382.00   $4,764.00
  Weekday Plan   $ 2,245.00   $4,490.00
  Upperclassman Plan   $ 1,515.00   $3,030.00
Family Housing Rates   Furnished   Unfurnished
  2-Bedroom   $550.00/Month   $500.00/Month
  3-Bedroom   $710.00/Month   $660.00/Month

Network Access Fee: On-campus residents (Residence Hall) - $86.00/semester; Family Housing Residents - $34.50/month.

Housing Deposits/Refunds

Reservation Deposit

All students requesting residence hall accommodations must submit a one-hundred dollar ($100) reservation deposit with the housing contract. This deposit guarantees a reservation in a residence hall and is a commitment, on the student’s part, to live there.

  1. This deposit is refundable in full only if the Office of Residence Life is notified by June 1.
  2. If no cancellation is received before the effective date of this contract, the student does not attend Montana Tech, or if a student attends Montana Tech but does not finally reside in Montana Tech residence halls, the student forfeits the reservation deposit.
  3. The one-hundred dollar ($100) reservation deposit submitted with the contract becomes a damage deposit once a student takes occupancy of the room. This deposit is refunded at the end of the contract period if there are no damage fines or other fees assessed against the student.