Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Campus Security

Institutional Security Policies & Crime Statistics

Criminal action or emergencies are to be reported to Campus Security, 496-4357, and/or the Dean of Students (Dr. Joe Cooper 496-4198). Policy relating to procedures and facilities for students and others to report criminal actions or other emergencies on campus is published in the Student Handbook under Montana Tech Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report.

Montana Tech crime statistics concerning the number of criminal offenses, or referrals for campus disciplinary actions, and fire safety statistics are submitted to the Department of Education’s Web-Based Campus Crime and Security Survey. Definitions of crimes comply with the FBI uniform crime handbook and statistics are provided by the Butte Silver Bow Sheriff’s Department.

The Montana Tech crime statistics are located on the National Center for Education Statistics website under Campus Security. Direct links are listed below:

Montana Tech

Highlands College of Montana Tech

Information about Sexual and Violent Offender Registry for the State (offenders living within Butte-Silver Bow are listed at

Policy concerning security of and access to campus facilities is published in the Student Handbook under Facilities. The Residence Hall Handbook, entitled “Housing at Montana Tech,” addresses specific security and access related to campus living throughout the publication.

Montana Tech contracts for campus security services. Contracted security officers provide such services as investigation of thefts, handling of alcohol-related or other behavior problems on campus, parking control, and crowd control at games and concerts. Officers are trained in law enforcement, crisis management and advanced first aid. Campus security does not have the same enforcement authority associated with police; however, our campus security officers work closely with Butte-Silver Bow police. Policy and practice require accurate and prompt reporting to the appropriate police agencies.

Students and employees are informed about campus security procedures and encouraged to be responsible for their own security and the security of others through the Student, Faculty/Staff, and Residence Hall Handbook publications.

Crime prevention has been incorporated into the ongoing campus programming. Safety & Security topics & programs are incorporated into our Orientation & Hall Forums and addressed throughout the semester.

Montana Tech does not have recognized off-campus student organizations, and it is not our practice to monitor off-campus criminal activity.

Use, possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of any illegally controlled substance on Montana Tech’s property or at Montana Tech-sponsored activities is prohibited. This is in compliance with federal and state statutes, Montana Tech’s Student Conduct Code, and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

Although Montana state law permits the use of medical marijuana, i.e., use by persons possessing lawfully issued medical marijuana cards, federal laws prohibit marijuana use, possession and/or cultivation at educational institutions and on the premises of other recipients of federal funds. The use, possession or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes is therefore not allowed in any University of Montana housing or any other University of Montana property; nor is it allowed at any University-sponsored event or activity off campus.

Montana Tech’s Alcohol Policy and Drug Free Workplace Policy are published in the Student Handbook, Residence Hall Handbook and Faculty/Staff Handbook.