Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Graduate School

Graduate School Website


Vice Chancellor for Research: Dr. Angela Lueking, Ph.D.
Dean of Graduate Studies (406) 496-4106 
  Museum Building
Director of Graduate Enrollment: Jesse Taylor
  (406) 496-4781
  Museum Building


The Graduate School provides opportunities for advanced study and research in science and engineering. It fosters a community of faculty and students motivated by a shared commitment to blending theory with practice to advance research, scholarship, and applications that meet the changing needs of society and contribute to the responsible and sustainable development and use of natural resources.

Each graduate student shall be governed by the catalog and policies in effect on the date of initial registration or by newer requirements if the student interrupts enrollment by more than a semester. A student can change to the latest/current catalog by making a request, approved by the DGS, to be subject to newer requirements. The only source of official information regarding graduate curriculum is the catalog. Information posted on individual Department web pages is for student information and cannot be considered as superseding the policies of this catalog.

Exceptions to the deadlines and processes contained herein must be justified and requested in writing, in advance, using the “Petition to Graduate Dean” form.  Suitable accommodations will be provided for a student with a registered disability without the need for a petition; the Advisor and Graduate School should be notified in a timely manner of the disability and need for accommodation.

Graduate Program Objectives and Outcomes

Montana Tech’s graduate degree and certificate programs assist students in achieving the following accomplishments within a few years of graduation:

  1. Establish or advance in their chosen profession.
  2. Ability to apply and integrate advanced knowledge and engage in innovative solutions in their chosen discipline. 
  3. Skills to perform critical functions in their chosen profession. 


Graduate Programs at Montana Tech assist students to acquire and master deep knowledge and advanced professional skills in degree fields aligned with Montana Tech’s mission.  Graduate programs may either formulate and document their own program-specific student outcomes, subject to review and endorsement by the Graduate Council, or adopt a subset of the Graduate School’s student outcomes. Master’s degree programs and certificate programs must address at least three of the outcomes, while doctoral programs must address all four. Students completing graduate degrees and certificates at Montana Tech will demonstrate:

  • Knowledge: Demonstrated up-to-date, advanced knowledge, skills, and understanding in the degree area.  
  • Integration: Blended theory with practice to integrate, problem solve, and apply advanced knowledge, skills and understanding in the degree area. 
  • Communication: of technical and complex material, both orally and in written form.  
  • Innovation: significant and original contribution to advance knowledge in the discipline, the tools of discovery, or a major application.


The Graduate School Administration

The Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School (DGS) is the academic administrator responsible for graduate education. The Graduate Council, a committee of the Faculty Senate, is the forum through which the faculty participate in and guide Graduate School governance. One full-time Director of Graduate Enrollment reports to the DGS. With the assistance from a Graduate Admissions Evaluator, the Graduate School team performs the full range of administrative activities for the Graduate School and its students, from recruiting and admissions through enrollment, thesis-defense scheduling, and graduation. The duties include policy dissemination and support for the Graduate Council.

Each graduate program and its faculty are located in one or more (for interdisciplinary programs) departments, reporting through department chairpersons and deans to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Three deans have graduate programs within their purview: the Dean of the College of Letters, Sciences, and Professional Studies, the Dean of the Lance College of Mines and Engineering and the DGS. Interdisciplinary graduate programs with departments and faculty in the Lance College of Mines and Engineering and in the College of Letters, Sciences, and Professional Studies are located administratively in the Graduate School. The DGS coordinates with these deans on academic issues affecting graduate students in their colleges.

The Graduate Council (GC) functions in an oversight and review capacity, and it serves to ensure consistency and quality in and across graduate degree programs. It reviews and approves curriculum matters at the graduate level, before sending academic matters through the Curriculum Review Committee (CRC), then to the Faculty Senate. The GC also considers and recommends action(s) to the DGS regarding academic and admissions policies and procedures affecting graduate programs and graduate students, which are then sent to the Dean’s Council for further discussion and approval. Matters may be brought to the GC by the Faculty Senate, the CRC, an officer of the Graduate School, a member of the Graduate Council, a graduate student, a dean, or any faculty member in any of the graduate programs.

The Graduate Council is chaired by an elected faculty representative and co-chaired by a Graduate School staff person. Its membership includes faculty representatives from all departments with graduate programs and from some departments without a graduate program. The DGS, the Provost, and the Library director faculty serve as ex officio members of the Grad Council. The Graduate Council is responsible for reviewing proposals for graduate programs, curricula, and courses, prior to action by the Faculty Senate. The Graduate Council also reviews academic policy changes affecting graduate programs or students, prior to policy approval according the published University procedure.  The Graduate Council refers to and builds on guidelines from various associations to maintain the Graduate School’s high standards. The minimum academic rank for faculty with graduate-level assignments is Assistant Professor, and the terminal degree (doctorate in most disciplines) is generally required for appointment at this level. Research faculty may act as students’ advisors in graduate education, if approved by an academic department as an affiliate faculty member. Individual departmental standards identify the credentials required to be hired as a faculty member within an academic department. Because departments are small, the departmental standards and criteria for graduate-level assignment are applied during the search process for the departments, which have graduate programs.  Evaluation criteria include the explicit expectation that a faculty member, who supervises or advises graduate student research, chairs thesis committees, or makes significant contributions to a graduate program is also expected to be an active and major participant in research/scholarly activity, as evidenced by published work, presentations to professional or peer groups, Principal Investigator (PI) role, and principal author of successful grants and/or patents.

Graduate Admissions 

All graduate degrees require a relevant undergraduate degree for admission. Each degree program may specify specific admission requirements in their corresponding catalog entry. 

Master’s degrees offered in engineering fields generally require an engineering baccalaureate, unless otherwise specified. Applicants may qualify for admission to an advanced degree program by addressing foundational courses either concurrently with the graduate program or before being admitted to graduate standing, depending on the number of foundational credits needed.

Regular Admission

To be granted regular standing, the student must (1) hold a baccalaureate, MS, MA, MBA or terminal degree in a field acceptable to the applicable graduate program; (2) have a grade point average of at least 3.00 on a 4.0 scale; (3) have acceptable GRE scores (if required); and (4) have demonstrated potential for graduate study. Students who are in their final term of undergraduate study will be admitted provisionally, with the status changed to regular admission as soon as a transcript is received showing completion of the bachelor’s degree with acceptable GPA and courses.

Provisional Admission 

Provisional standing may be granted to a student who (1) lacks certain foundational undergraduate courses for his or her major field, or (2) has not satisfied requirements for regular admission, such as a cumulative grade point average lower than a 3.00. The Graduate School will not accept an applicant with a cumulative GPA lower than 2.7 with the exception of applicants who have achieved at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA during the last four full-time semesters of his or her undergraduate career. Students admitted on provisional status must remove the provisions stated within the specified period of time (usually two semesters). The credits earned for completing foundational courses cannot be applied toward the requirements of a graduate degree. An applicant needing 15 foundational credits or fewer may be admitted to graduate school on a provisional basis.  Anyone needing more than 15 credit hours of foundational courses can enroll at Montana Technological University only as a post-baccalaureate student. In such cases, admission to the desired graduate program cannot be guaranteed and will be based on a decision made when fewer than 15 undergraduate foundational credits remain. Students must reapply or reactivate their application at this time through the Graduate School to request the department to reconsider their admission to the graduate program. 

Provisional Warning Admission

The Graduate School has developed an admission category for students who meet the criteria for Provisional Admission but who have an undergraduate grade point average between 2.5 - 2.69.

Students admitted under this status are admitted on academic warning. This student is allowed to register for no more than 9 credits and has one semester to achieve a 3.0 GPA, or the student will be dismissed from the Graduate School. No financial awards can be assigned during the probationary period.

This status is only granted to a student who presents above-average credentials in other admission areas (GRE Scores, work experience, recommendations, etc.) and who demonstrates a strong potential for a successful graduate career. The admitting Department must request consideration for admission under this status and have a reasonable expectation that the student will be successful in graduate courses.

Non-degree status

Non-degree students may be admitted to the Graduate School, provided they have a bachelor’s degree and meet the prerequisites for the specific graduate course(s) (500 level) they desire to take. Non-degree students may only register for courses, if space is available, and they are limited to a total of nine (9) 500-level credits (in a single term or over multiple terms). A $50 application fee, simplified application and an official transcript showing completion of a bachelor’s degree and any pre-requisites for the specific course(s) the student desires to take, must be provided for admission as a non-degree graduate student.  Please note that non-degree status is not an acceptable basis for prospective International students to attain an I-20.

Non-degree students, who subsequently want to transfer into a degree program, must apply for admission to that program. For non-degree students, who are admitted to a degree program, Montana Tech policy allows up to 6 credits of courses taken as a non-degree student to be applied to a master’s or certificate program. To be accepted for degree credit, these courses must be judged applicable by the program faculty, have been taken within the previous 5 years, and the student must have earned a grade of B or higher. 

Other Admission Criteria

  1. Applicants will be considered for admission to the Graduate School at Montana Tech purely on the basis of their academic and professional qualifications. Admissions decisions are free from discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, age, political ideas, marital or family status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.
  2. Failure on the part of the applicant to provide all of the requested information will cause delays in processing the application for admission and may result in denial of admission or cancellation of registration.
  3. The falsification or willful suppression by the applicant of any information requested on the application form may result in cancellation of registration and prohibition from subsequent attendance at Montana Tech.
  4. The term “official” in reference to academic credentials or standardized test scores indicates that the documents are forwarded by the Registrar of each school attended or by the applicable testing service directly to the Graduate School at Montana Tech. Photocopies, faxed copies or those “Issued to Student” will not be accepted. An official transcript must have a signature, stamp or seal from the initiating institution, and it must not have been opened or handled prior to receipt at Montana Tech.
  5. Information regarding residency classification for fee purposes is specified below, and additional clarification is available from the Graduate School.
  6. The application credentials of admitted students, who do not register, will be retained for two years. At the end of this period, a new application and fee will be required to apply for admission.
  7. All application credentials become the property of the Montana Technological University Graduate School upon receipt by that office.
  8. Students who are unsure of their preferred degree program may apply simultaneously for consideration by two or more programs. However, admission is generally permitted for only one graduate degree program at a time. The Interdisciplinary Master’s or Ph.D. programs should be considered by students interested in pursuing graduate study in two or more program areas. 
  9. The Jeanne Clery Act, a consumer protection law, requires all colleges and universities who receive federal funding to share information about crime on campus, efforts to improve campus safety, and inform the public of crime in or around campus.  Montana Tech’s report is published on-line.


Application Procedures

The Graduate School encourages applications from qualified students holding bachelor’s, master’s, or terminal degrees from regionally accredited colleges and universities and international equivalents. Degrees, diplomas, or certificates in engineering technology fields do not qualify as accredited bachelor’s degrees for purposes of admission.  Applications from U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and others are welcome.  Prospective international students must complete the steps for all students along with the additional steps for international students.

Required application materials are available on the Graduate School Admissions Page. To request information contact: gradschool@mtech.edu.

Application Procedures - All Students

  1. Application: Complete and submit the on-line application or the alternative printable application for admission to Montana Tech’s Graduate School. The application link and downloadable forms are available on the Graduate School Admissions page.
  2. Application Fee: The application form must be accompanied by a nonrefundable on-line admissions fee, check or money order payable to Montana Tech. An application will not be processed until the application fee is received. This fee expires after two years.
  3. Entrance Examinations: Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are not required for applicants from ABET-accredited or US-regionally accredited institutions.  GREs are also not required for any applicants to the Mining Engineering program.  All other applicants should instruct Educational Testing Service to submit official GRE scores to the Graduate School Office.  Montana Tech’s School code is 4487.
  4. Financial Award Application: All applicants are considered for Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) or Graduate Research Assistantship (GTA) by the departmental representative, contingent upon the availability of funds. The Financial Aid Office can be contacted about federal assistance, loans and scholarships. Completion of a FAFSA is required to apply for federal financial aid, and these are available only to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. The completed Financial Award Application should be sent to the Graduate school as part of the application packet. 
  5. References: Three references are required. They may be provided using the Reference Form available on the web site or as a signed letter. The references must be received by the Graduate School directly from the reference, with instructions specified on the graduate school web site. References from relatives are not acceptable. Applicants are encouraged to request references from individuals who can assess their attributes applicable to graduate study and their potential for success in graduate study. Applicants are responsible for requesting the proper reference letters from their reference writers.
  6. Transcripts: To finalize enrollment, official transcripts are required from all undergraduate and graduate schools attended. Contact the Registrar(s) at your previous school(s) and request that official transcripts be forwarded directly to the Graduate School. At least one transcript must include evidence of receipt of a bachelor’s degree.  Applicants in the process of completing their bachelor’s degree also should have their university’s registrar send a complete transcript at the time the degree is awarded.  Admission will be provisional until the final transcript is received.
  7. Statement of Purpose: Each applicant must prepare and submit a typed or word-processed statement of academic purpose, outlining academic and professional goals and how they relate to the chosen field of study.  This statement should be approximately one (1) typed page or more.
  8. Program Specific Information: Petroleum Engineering requires two brief technical papers in English of 10 total pages authored by the applicant.  The professional track Industrial Hygiene program, Project Engineering and Management and Master of Engineering programs require a brief professional resume.
  9. Immunization Records: If you were born after December 31, 1956, submit proof of two separate doses of measles and rubella immunization (MMR) by immunization record or a physician’s record of diagnosis (with day, month, and year of immunization and signature or initials of doctor or nurse). Students enrolled exclusively in distance-delivered courses are exempt from the immunization requirements.

Additional Application Procedures - International Students

  1.  Applicants who are citizens of countries or attended college in countries other than Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, or Wales are required to certify English proficiency by supplying one of the following:
    • Official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign language) score report showing a minimum score of 78 IBT.  (The Materials Science PhD Program requires a score of 90 IBT).
    • Official IELTS score report showing a minimum score of 6.5. (The Materials Science PhD Program requires a score of 7.0)
    • Certification of successful completion of ELS Language Centers level 112.
    • Students transferring to Montana Tech after one (or more) year of full-time enrollment at a college/university in the United States may satisfy this requirement by providing at least two letters of recommendation from faculty members regarding proficiency in English language skills, along with their official academic transcript from that campus.
  2. Statement of Financial Support: An original, current, certified financial statement (in English) from your bank/sponsor must verify that funding will be available to cover estimated expenses associated with living in Butte and studying at Montana Technological University. The current amount can be found by contacting the Graduate School at gradschool@mtech.eduThis documentation is required as soon as admission is offered and before a visa can be requested.
  3. Immunization Records: A physician-validated certification on medical stationary, Montana Tech’s International Student Health Form, or the World Health Organization Certificate showing immunization for rubella, measles (two doses of measles vaccine after 1st birthday, including month, day, and year), tetanus, diphtheria, and a recent (within the last year) skin test for tuberculosis. Each of these immunizations must be identified on the record in English and must be signed by a physician or registered nurse and include month, day, and year of each immunization.  Immunization records are required before a visa can be requested.
  4. Medical Health Insurance: For enrollment in classes, proof of medical health insurance is required for all international students. Students without such insurance or with inadequate coverage will be required to obtain medical health coverage through a campus-approved policy. Students are automatically enrolled in the campus insurance plan, and the premium for coverage is added to tuition. Students showing proof of adequate coverage must request a waiver to remove the charge from the account. Please understand that health care in the United States is largely a private, not a governmental, function. Fees for many medical services and procedures will be directly charged to the student. These charges may range from a few dollars for very simple procedures to thousands of dollars for extended hospitalization or major operations. All J-Visa and F-Visa international students and dependents must obtain a minimum medical health insurance as required by the U.S.I.S. through a campus-endorsed policy.
  5. Transcript Evaluation: For all international transcripts, a third party, course by course evaluation must be completed. World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)  and CertFile are the evaluation providers recognized by the Montana Tech Graduate School.  CertFile evaluations are available through the Montana Tech Graduate School application form.

Application Procedures (Re-Admission) - Former Students

Graduate students who break the continuity of enrollment at Montana Tech for two (2) consecutive semesters, excluding summer, are required to apply for readmission.

How to apply for readmission:

  1. Complete and submit a Montana Tech Graduate School Returning Student Application form. An application fee is not required for returning students, if the gap in studies is less than 2 years.
  2. Complete and submit a Montana Tech Graduate School Financial Award application, if interested in applying for institutional financial assistance.
  3. If applicable, submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended since leaving Montana Tech. Transcripts must be sent directly to the Graduate School from the Registrar of school(s) attended.
  4. Submit proof of two separate doses of measles and rubella (MMR) immunization (including month, day, and year of immunization with physician’s/nurse’s initials), if born after December 31, 1956 and not currently on file at Montana Tech.

When to Apply - All Students

All of the above should be received by the Graduate School according to the following priority deadlines:

  US: International:
Fall Semester Applicants: April 1 April 1
Spring Semester Applicants: October 1 October 1
Summer Session Applicants: April 1 March 1
Ph.D.  Applicants: Fall Semester only January 1 January 1

Applications received by these dates will receive full consideration.  Late applications may be considered if circumstances permit and space is available in the program. Some programs do not accept applications after these deadlines.  Petroleum Engineering, General Engineering and Geoscience programs have priority deadlines of March 1 for Fall semester and October 1 for Spring semester.  The priority deadlines for these programs will greatly affect financial assistance awards and application received after these deadlines may not be considered for financial assistance.

International students, who do not currently possess an I-20 and Visa, and who are applying to on-campus programs must have complete applications ready for committee review by April 1 for Fall semester and October 1 for Spring semester to insure timely delivery of I-20 materials.  Not meeting this deadline can postpone acceptance and program entry by a semester.

Process for Review of Applications

Applications are received by the Graduate School, and reviewed by staff for completeness, prior to being sent to departments or programs for review. Admission status is recommended by the department’s graduate program head. The offer of admission is issued by the DGS.

Interdisciplinary Master of Science (IMS)

Applicants to the IMS program should follow these additional instructions for applying, because of the unique nature of this degree program.

  • All prospective applicants must consult with the DGS before beginning the application process.
  • Each student must establish a Program Committee prior to admission to the program.  The Program Committee must consist of at least three university faculty members from at least two different academic departments, who are willing to serve. At least one committee member must be from a master’s-degree-granting department of Montana Tech. The Chair of the Program Committee does not have to be from a master’s-degree-granting department. Each discipline in the proposed interdisciplinary program must be represented on the student’s Program Committee.
  • In consultation with the Chair and other members of the Program Committee, the applicant will develop a clear set of written goals for his or her research program and curriculum plan, listing each course the student will take in the degree program. This Degree Plan should strike an appropriate balance of work among the various disciplines represented. The Program Committee members and chair, Department Chairs, and DGS must approve the proposed degree plan by signing the proposal.
  • An IMS degree plan containing more than 6 credit hours of special topics (591 courses) will be scrutinized to ensure the course requirements for the MS degree are being met.
  • The Program Committee will be the student’s surrogate department and will meet to consider the student’s application materials and submit an admission recommendation to the Graduate School.


Financial Aid and Student Employment

To be eligible for financial aid, the applicant and/or student must be unconditionally accepted for admission to the Graduate School and be in good standing at Montana Tech. Financial Aid application procedures and eligibility criteria are subject to change without notice. Full-time for VA benefits and GI Bill is 6 credits for the Industrial Hygiene Distance Learning/Professional Track, Master of Engineering, and Project Engineering and Management programs for each of the Fall & Spring semesters. For summer, VA full-time is 3 credits. Full time status for enrollment and financial aid purposes is 9 credits for all graduate level students for all semesters. 

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate teaching assistantships and graduate research assistantships are considered student employment, with relevant classifications and current stipend levels posted on the student employment web site.

Assistantships are granted for teaching or research and require a prescribed number of hours of work on a specified project. Assistantship holders must be admitted to the Graduate School and be registered each semester the assistantship is held.

Teaching assistants generally assist in teaching one or more sections of an undergraduate class or laboratory, lead discussion sessions, evaluate student work or lead tutoring sessions. In general, duties limited to grading student work are inappropriate for a 0.5 FTE teaching assistantship. Research assistants may be assigned to a research project being conducted by a faculty or staff member. Research done through an assistantship may or may not be applied to the student’s thesis, depending on the type of research, the applicability to the degree program and the terms of the assistantship.

The work requirement for a full (0.5 FTE) graduate teaching assistantship is 20 hours per week. The work requirement for a full research assistantship is 20 hours per week. The academic course load that a graduate assistant may take is subject to the advice of the advisor or thesis supervisor. Any MS or pre-candidate PhD graduate student, registered for 6 or more hours of graduate level courses during a regular semester or three hours during the summer, who is working on a research project in relation to his or her thesis, is qualified for support under the research project as a research assistant if extramural financial support is available from the particular project to pay the stipend.  A PhD candidate must maintain continuous enrollment to qualify for an assistantship. Continuing graduate students who are registered for the required minimum number of credits in the subsequent Fall semester may be graduate research assistants during the summer with a maximum of 40 hours per week if they are not enrolled in summer courses.

Eligibility to continue assistantships, at the department level is contingent upon availability of funds for students in good academic standing. To be eligible for a graduate teaching assistantship, the student must maintain satisfactory progress towards the degree, at least a 3.0 Grad Point Average, and continued registration for at least 6 credits at the 400-500 level for the duration of the award. Exceptions to the minimum GTA requirements will be rare, and require approval from the Dean of the Graduate School. Contact the Graduate School Office for further information.


U.S. citizens may apply for long-term assistance under the Federal Stafford Loan Program by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.


Thesis Abroad

International experiences can be an extraordinarily enriching part of graduate study. To encourage and assist graduate students with opportunities to conduct their theses or parts thereof abroad, Montana Tech has a Thesis Abroad program.  To apply, an interested student should coordinate with his/her committee and complete and submit the application that is available from the graduate school. The typical duration is one semester, late in the student’s degree program and after all or most coursework is complete. Subject to approval of the student’s committee, a longer visit can be accommodated. Through this program, funding may be provided to assist with the additional expenses of travel and graduate study in a foreign country. The cost would typically be shared 50/50 by the Graduate School and the student’s department. The student must be registered at Montana Tech for the study abroad term and must be in good academic standing to be eligible.


Graduate Degree Regulations and Requirements

Master of Science Degree Programs

The Master of Science may be taken in most fields under either of two options. One option requires a thesis or publishable paper (Option A); the other does not require a thesis (Option B).  A comprehensive exam and/or a master’s project, report, and presentation are required of non-thesis students. Each program that permits a non-thesis master’s has specified which alternative it requires.

Masters of Engineering

The Masters of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree is a 31-credit coursework-only master’s degree for those with a B.S. degrees in engineering, including practicing professionals and recent graduates.  It provides an avenue for professional advancement and licensure.  It also provides a curriculum path for high-achieving undergraduate engineering students seeking a Master’s degree, but who aren’t interested in research careers.

Students are required to select a discipline option from Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Geological, Geophysical, Geotechnical, Hydrogeological, Mechanical, Metallurgical/Minerals, Materials, Mining, and Petroleum.  The student will take advanced courses within the option in addition to 6 credits selected from a core.  All options require a one-credit exit exam.

Interdisciplinary Master of Science (IMS)

The Interdisciplinary Master of Science Program (IMS) allows students to work with faculty in the design of a graduate curriculum tailored to their unique academic, creative and professional objectives. The IMS program offers a non-thesis option (37 credits) and a thesis option (31 credits).  The IMS degree must be interdisciplinary in both coursework and committee selection, and is not intended to be a substitute for a traditional degree that is not offered by Montana Tech.

Doctoral Degree Programs

Montana Technological University has two Ph.D. programs available, which is the complete list of our Doctoral offerings.

Montana Tech works collaboratively with the University of Montana Doctoral of Interdisciplinary Studies Program. Students must apply for admissions and financial aid at the University of Montana.

Academic Residence Attendance Requirements

Montana Tech does not have an academic residency policy. Academic residency is separate and independent of residency status for tuition and fee determination.

Residency For Tuition and Fee Purposes

Students attending Montana Tech from out-of-state for the sole purpose of furthering their education will not be able to declare Montana residency for the entire time they are enrolled as a full-time student. Establishment of Montana residency is subject to strict rules, described on the MUS web page here:  https://mus.edu/Prepare/College/Montana_Residency_Requirements.asp.

Registration Requirements

A student who has been admitted to the Graduate School for study toward an advanced degree must be registered on a continuing basis for a minimum of three (3) credit hours of graduate courses (400 and above) during each semester of the regular academic year (fall and spring), whether the student is in residence, off-campus, or is pursuing a degree on a part-time basis. Students participating in the Thesis Abroad Program may be subject to additional requirements and should contact the Graduate School. A minimum registration for one (1) credit hour is required if all required course work, seminar, and thesis or research credits have been completed, but the student has not defended the thesis or presented the publishable paper or submitted the required paperwork to the Graduate School. If registration is allowed to lapse, the student must apply for readmission, unless the student has applied for official leave status. Please contact the Graduate School for the Official leave form, and refer to the “Application Procedures (Re-Admission) - Former Students” for additional details.

Graduate students consult with their advisor before each registration to plan courses in accordance with the graduate program. The graduate program plan and thesis project should be approved by the thesis committee (or the program director in the case of non-thesis options). All subsequent curriculum changes must be similarly approved. The Graduate Student Program Form should be filed with the Graduate School Office immediately following the second registration and should be updated as necessary.

A late fee will be charged for graduate students who register for more than six credits after the first day of class. Registration will not be allowed after the last day to add a class (10 class days after the first day of class).

Academic Loads

The typical full-time graduate student enrolls for nine (9) credits hours per semester, which defines full time for students in on-campus programs. Fifteen (15) credit hours per semester is considered to be the normal maximum graduate load. Higher loads must be approved by the Graduate School and may be permitted if the student is taking a combination of courses at the graduate and undergraduate level. Students applying for financial support should refer to the Financial Support section for minimum registration requirements.

Courses and Credits Applicable to Graduate Programs

The Montana Technological University Graduate School does not allow any credits taken at the 300 level or below to count in the Graduate level GPA or to be used as credits toward graduation requirements.

Graduate students taking undergraduate-level courses during their graduate career, either for foundational credits, prerequisites, or personal interest, will register in the courses. During the term, all courses will be classified as graduate (GR) courses, based on the student’s classification as a graduate student.  After the end of the term when grades are posted for that semester, all courses taken by graduate students that are below the 400 level will be updated to the Post Baccalaureate (UP) level, and this updating will remove them from inclusion in the calculation of the graduate school GPA.  Graduate GPA and post baccalaureate GPA are calculated separately, and they show on different pages of the official transcript.

Students may petition the Montana Tech Graduate School to accept courses taken prior to enrolling in the Graduate School. The following information discusses the procedures and regulations for accepting these previous course credits.

General Requirements

  1. Graduate students may not challenge courses for graduate credit.
  2. Correspondence credits are not acceptable toward meeting the requirements for an advanced degree.
  3. Courses completed during a semester in which a student is in non-degree status may not be applied toward graduate degree requirements without prior approval of the advisor, the program, and the Graduate School.
  4. Additional limitations related to the specific degrees also apply as indicated in the degree specific sections of the catalog.
  5. For all master’s degree programs, at least one-half of the minimum course credit requirements, excluding thesis, project and seminars, must be at the 500 level.
  6. Additional regulations may apply for collaborative programs with other units of the Montana University System.

Courses taken at other institutions

Up to 9 credits taken at other graduate schools may be applied to Montana Technological University graduate programs subject to the following requirements:

  1. The course must be acceptable for graduate credit at the school where it was taken.
  2.  The source institution must have regional accreditation if within the United States. Similar recognition is required for international institutions.
  3. The course must be applicable to the student’s graduate program at Montana Technological University as determined by the Graduate Committee.
  4. A “B” grade or better must have been earned. No transfer “C” or “P” grades will be accepted for graduate credit.

Departments are encouraged to maintain a list of allowable and pre-approved credits.  The list should be reviewed by the department and corresponding dean every two years.

Cross Listed Courses

Courses that are cross listed with both undergraduate and graduate sections cannot be taken at both levels for credit by an individual student.  (Please see also the section on the combined Accelerated BS+MS degree below.)

Grading and GPA Calculation

All courses at the 400 level or above taken during a student’s graduate career will be calculated in the Graduate level GPA.  Grades earned in these courses are included in the Graduate level GPA, whether or not they apply to the student’s graduate program degree requirements.  No courses at the 400 or higher level can be removed from the graduate transcript and GPA calculation without the advance written approval of both the Registrar and DGS. Audited courses show on the transcript, but they do not receive a grade and are not included in the GPA calculation.

The grade of “N” is used for continuing thesis and dissertation research. A grade of “N” represents a project that is ongoing, and as a thesis/dissertation, is not expected to have been completed within the course of one semester. The grade of “N” (Continuing) is more appropriate and should be used instead of “I”.

Incompletes (“I” grades) can be granted if a student’s work is satisfactory with at least 70% of the course work having been completed and the student cannot complete the work of the course for reasons beyond his or her control. Incompletes at the graduate level can constitute unacceptable progress toward a degree and may result in the withdrawal of financial aid received by the student. If Incompletes are the appropriate grade, the faculty should provide a written rationale for the grade to the Graduate School to prevent the grade from adversely impacting the student’s continued eligibility for Federal Financial Aid. An Incomplete must be removed at a time designated by the instructor, but before the end of the next semester of residence; the Enrollment Services Office announces the deadlines for each semester. Students should not re-enroll in a class in which they have an Incomplete. In unusual circumstances, the time for removal of the “I” may be extended by permission of the instructor and the DGS.

Upon completion of defense and thesis, thesis credits receive a grade of “P” or “F” (Pass/Fail).

Pass/Fail credits do not count toward the Graduate level GPA unless a Fail is received.  Thesis, Research and Dissertation credits are given a N until the final semester of graduate work.  Neither a N or P grade for Thesis, Research or Dissertation credits is included in the GPA calculation.

Acceptable Academic Progress

All graduate students are required to maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) for graduate level courses (400 and 500 level). A CGPA of at least 3.0 for course work is required for graduation. Any course listed in the major or minor in which a grade lower than a “C” has been received must be repeated.

Withdrawal, Auditing Classes

Graduate students withdrawing from a class or changing a class to an audit must secure the signature of their advisor prior to submitting the “drop/add” card to the Graduate School Program Manager. Auditing a class also requires the signature of the professor of the course.

Complete Withdrawal from College

Students requesting a complete withdrawal from Montana Technological University’s Graduate School must obtain the appropriate form from the Enrollment Services Office. Upon completion of the form and obtaining all of the appropriate signatures, the student must bring the completed form to the Graduate School for processing.  A student who is unable to obtain signatures in person may request assistance from the department or the Graduate School.

Academic Warning Policy

Continued enrollment in the Montana Technological University Graduate School requires the maintenance of a 3.00 cumulative GPA (CGPA) for graduate level courses and evidence of academic progress toward the student’s degree objectives. Failure of the student to achieve either of these conditions will result in academic warning and can result in ineligibility for financial support. A student on academic warning must achieve a term GPA of at least 3.00. The student will remain on warning until the CGPA equals or exceeds 3.00. The student may not exceed the maximum of one calendar year of academic warning and may be suspended from Graduate School if this limit is surpassed.

Suspension Policy

Any student on academic warning, whose term GPA is less than 3.0 (“B”) may be suspended by the Graduate School. A student who is suspended from graduate standing may continue to take graduate courses as a non-degree student. Reconsideration for graduate admission may be requested after one or more semesters in non-degree status by reapplying for admission. See “Application Procedures for Former Students” for details.

Change of Major

Students who request a change in major upon first registration must continue one semester in the program into which they were admitted. They may file a “change of major” form with the Graduate School during any semester but must await evaluation and approval of their application materials by the new program before the transfer can be completed. The change of major and transfer to the new major program is subject to the written approval of the DGS acting upon the recommendation of the head of the intended degree program.

Minor Programs

At least twelve (12) credits of course work in the subject matter of one Montana Technological University graduate program can be considered a minor. Minor credits are in addition to those required to fill the master’s degree requirements for the major program and must be approved by the committee chair and the student’s advisor. A graduate minor can be earned only in a subject in which a graduate degree or certificate is granted. A representative from the minor subject area must be a member of the student’s Graduate Committee. A minor and related course work must be declared on the student program sheet and filed in the Graduate School Office by the end of the second semester of enrollment for full-time students. The majority of credits must be in the major field and the Major and Minor credits are indicated on the Student Program form.

Dual Majors

Montana Technological University does not permit, in general, credit hours that have been used to satisfy requirements for one Master of Science degree to be applied toward another master’s degree from the institution. However, under exceptional circumstances, a student may petition the DGS through the student’s Graduate Committee for a variance from this policy.

Accelerated Masters Degree / Combined BS + MS program

Qualified undergraduate students may begin work on the Master’s Degree in their junior year at Montana Tech. To qualify for admission to the program, a student must have completed 75 semester credit hours, usually corresponding to the second semester of the junior (3rd) year, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better. Students should file a petition with the Graduate School listing those courses that will apply toward the Master’s Degree. Students must meet all other requirements for admission to graduate school.  Current undergraduate students enrolled in a qualifying BS program are encouraged to pursue the 5-Year BS-MS option and to take electives intended to apply to both degree programs at the 500 level wherever possible. MTech alumni with BS degrees obtained within the past 5 years are eligible to retroactively apply to this program. Please contact the Graduate School at gradschool@mtech.edu to learn the process for applying to a 5-year Master’s Degree Programs.

Courses applied to both the BS and MS degrees must meet the following criteria:

  • Courses must have been taken at Montana Tech (no transfer credits).
  • Up to 9 credits of 400 or 500 level coursework from the undergraduate degree can be used toward the graduate degree
  • A grade of “B” or better must have been earned for each course.
  • Courses must be electives and not part of the core curriculum for the undergraduate degree.
  • Courses must have been taken in the past 10 years.
  • Partial course credit could be applied, similar to course substitution. Example: 2 credits of a 3-credit course could be applied.

Time Limitation

A Master of Science degree program must be completed within six calendar years dating from the student’s formal entrance into a degree-seeking program. Courses taken by the student at any institution that are requested to be part of his or her degree program and were taken more than six years prior to the date of anticipated graduation must be reviewed by the student’s advisor and the DGS for acceptance into the graduate program. Following this review, the DGS will determine whether a reduction in credits applicable toward the degree, a re-examination, or both is required for the student to include those courses in the degree program.

Graduate Committee

Each incoming graduate student will be assigned a graduate advisor. This advisor will be responsible for assisting the student in designing a program of study until the student selects a Graduate Committee. All students, whether thesis, dissertation, publishable paper, non-thesis, or project are required to have a Graduate Committee. The Graduate Committee shall be responsible for advising the student on all academic and research matters and will serve as the student’s examining committee.

For MS degrees, the Chair of the Graduate Committee will be selected by the student and will be responsible for approving the student’s program of academic study and research. In those cases where the student elects to pursue a research project outside the home department, the Chair of the Graduate Committee must be chosen from the department hosting the research project and a graduate advisor must be chosen from the student’s home department. This departmental advisor may serve as Co-Chair of the Graduate Committee.

The Graduate Committee for a master’s degree student will consist of at least three voting members: two members from the student’s major program, one member outside the program, and an independent member from the project appointed by the DGS as the Graduate School Representative. If the student’s curriculum includes a minor, the minimum membership would be four, including one from the minor program. The committee chair and student are strongly encouraged to nominate one or more individuals to serve as the Graduate School Representative. Voting members of the Committee must have at least a Master’s degree. The Graduate Committee should be appointed by the end of the second semester of graduate study, using the Graduate Committee Appointment Form available on the Graduate School web site. For part-time students, the Committee should be appointed by the end of the semester in which the student earns the 15th credit. Substitutions on this committee can be made with the approval of the Graduate Committee Chair and the DGS. An Amended Form must be submitted to the Graduate School to reflect any changes in the committee membership.


For PhD degrees, Committee members shall be chosen by the student in consultation with his or her academic advisor, and the student shall forward the nominations to the DGS for approval. Members of dissertation committees typically are individuals with an earned doctorate. Emeritus faculty and affiliate faculty are eligible to serve on dissertation committees. The Graduate Committee Appointment Form is to be used to designate the committee, and to document approval by the student, advisor, program/department chairperson, and DGS. The PhD dissertation committee shall be comprised of a minimum of five (5) voting members as follows:


  1. A qualified Montana Tech faculty member from the program or unit granting the degree, who shall serve as chair;
  2. A second qualified Montana Technological University faculty member or adjunct from the program or unit granting the degree;
  3. A third qualified Montana Technological University faculty member or adjunct from the program or unit granting the degree, or from a cooperating program or unit;
  4. A fourth qualified Montana Technological University faculty member, not from the program or unit, who represents the Graduate School.
  5. A fifth voting member with any suitable affiliation and expertise. For the collaborative Materials Science Ph.D. program, the fifth member must be a qualified faculty member associated with the Materials Science Ph.D. program and affiliated with either Montana State University or the University of Montana.

Master’s Degree Program of Study

Program of Study

The student’s Graduate Committee will assist the student in formulating a program of study leading to the master’s degree. The student’s program of study, approved by the Graduate Committee Chair, must be filed with the Graduate School by the end of the second semester of study. The student is required to seek the Graduate Committee’s approval for any subsequent modification of the original plan of study. The student will submit a copy of any amended program to the Graduate School. Each program of study, and any amendments thereof, must have the signature approval of the student, the Chair of the student’s Graduate Committee, and the Environmental Health and Safety Director, if required.

Thesis: Option A

This option is the traditional research-oriented degree and it is particularly recommended to the student, whose educational and professional goals make early research experience desirable. A thesis (maximum of 8 thesis credits apply toward degree), seminar (2 credits minimum), and at least 20 credits of additional course work are required for a minimum of 30 credit hours total; a student’s department and/or Graduate Committee may require more. See department sections for specific requirements. Thesis credits should be assigned to the committee chair during the registration process.

As a masters of science, the MS degree requires an individually written thesis based on original research. This is a requirement for Option A of the Master of Science degree. The thesis should represent an effort of such quality and construction that it can be displayed in the campus library with similar scholarly works. The thesis is written under the direction of the committee chair, but the student is encouraged to seek guidance from all members of his or her Graduate Committee. Before starting to write the thesis, the student should review the templates provided on the Graduate School web page.”.

A final draft of the thesis must be submitted by the student to each member of his or her Graduate Committee at least two weeks before the time and date of the student’s scheduled thesis defense.

The completed thesis, after all revisions recommended by the committee have been made, must be signed by the author, and approved and signed by the student’s Graduate Committee, including the advisor and the chair of the student’s Graduate Committee. The signed form is maintained in the student’s academic record. Once finalized, the thesis is published to digital repositories and archived in the library.  The student must use the templates and forms provided on the graduate school web page.

Publishable Paper

A traditional thesis is the standard requirement for Thesis Option A, as described above. However, some departments allow the student, with approval of the student’s Graduate Committee, to elect to write a paper for publication in lieu of a traditional thesis. The paper should be of acceptable quality for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and will be formatted in accordance with the chosen journal’s requirements for submission. The Graduate Committee will ensure that the student documents and archives the research results in accordance with accepted research practices. A formal defense of the paper for publication is required, and a final draft must be submitted to each member of the student’s Graduate Committee no later than two weeks before the time and date of the student’s scheduled oral defense. The publishable paper, after the inclusion of all revisions recommended by the Committee and approval by a majority of the Committee, must be submitted to the selected journal. Departments which allow the “Publishable Paper” option note this choice in their individual program descriptions.

Graduate School policy requires that a copy of the publishable paper be retained by the University and, if there are no publication restrictions, be posted on Digital Commons, Montana Technological University’s institutional repository.  If a publishable paper has a publication restriction, this will be transmitted to the document repository and held until the restriction expires.

Non-Thesis: Option B

Option B allows the student to complete the master’s program without completing a research thesis. For students with an advanced degree or terminal degree, a thesis program may unnecessarily repeat a process that the student has already mastered. Under this option, course work is substituted for the thesis requirement. At least 34 credits of course work and 2 credits of additional graduate seminar (additional to course work) must be completed. See individual Department Requirements.  Some programs require a 3-credit master’s project, others require a comprehensive examination, while others require both.  The non-thesis master’s project credits count as course credits and receive a letter grade.

Like the thesis option, a copy of the master’s project report will be retained by the University and posted to Montana Technological University’s digital repositories.  Publication restrictions will be honored, as noted above.

Doctoral Degree Program of Study

Like the MS degree, the student’s Graduate Committee will assist the student in formulating a program of study leading to the doctoral degree. The student should consult program handbooks, as each degree requires specific coursework. 

Candidacy Examinations

Ideally during the second year of the doctoral program, prior to the start of the dissertation research, and at least one (1) semester before the dissertation defense, the student will complete the Candidacy Examination. The Candidacy Examination will consist of at least (1) a written research proposal, describing the proposed dissertation research, and (2) an oral examination that can cover any relevant topics and the dissertation research plans. Doctoral programs are free to include additional components in the Candidacy Examination, provided those components are described in their program materials and that all candidates are required to experience all components.

  • The examining committee is typically the same as the student’s dissertation committee. Any exceptions must be justified, proposed to, and approved by the DGS (for example, to substitute for a dissertation committee member on sabbatical during the term of the Candidacy Examination).
  • The Candidacy Examination must be announced to Program Faculty, who may attend the examination and ask questions on recognition by the chair.
  • The committee, voting privately, may pass the student with one (1) negative vote for a committee consisting of five (5) members or not more than 25% negative votes for a committee consisting of more than five (5) members.
  • In case of failure, one (1) repeat examination before the same committee is allowed. In case of two failures, the student will not be allowed to continue to the dissertation phase of the doctoral program, but will be allowed to complete a master’s degree.
  • Successful completion of the qualifying and candidacy examinations must be forwarded to the Graduate School for inclusion in the student’s records.

Final Examinations

For each of the examinations below, the major advisor for students passing examination (whether oral or written) will inform the Graduate School Office in writing of each successful completion, such that it will be filed in the student electronic record.

Non-Thesis degrees

All non-thesis masters degree candidates will be given a final examination covering course material. The examination is open to all interested faculty members.

The student, in consultation with the committee chair, shall select the time for the examination. The committee chair shall seek the approval of all committee members and shall inform the Graduate School in writing of the time and location of the oral examination, and the Graduate School shall notify the general faculty no later than two full weeks before the selected time.  In many cases, the thesis/project defense and this oral examination are done simultaneously, with the thesis/project defense portion of the oral examination being open to the public.

MS Thesis Defense

The student’s Graduate Committee constitutes the examining board for MS thesis defense, publishable paper presentation, or final examination. The committee chair is responsible for scheduling the date, time, and location of the defense or publishable paper presentation in a timely manner and is also responsible for ensuring that a majority of the committee and the graduate school representative are present. The defense, publishable paper presentation, or examination will not be held if these conditions cannot be met. A negative vote by a majority of members of the student’s committee will signify failure of the defense, presentation, or examination.

If the candidate fails to satisfy the examiners on course work, thesis, publishable paper, written or oral examinations, the committee may schedule a re-examination over general background, thesis, or both. The re-examination will be scheduled at the discretion of the candidate’s Graduate Committee, normally 8 to 12 weeks after the date of the first examination.

The thesis defense is a public seminar. It must be scheduled and announced no later than two weeks prior to the defense date. A waiver must be requested from the DGS if you anticipate having your defense sooner than two weeks after the announcement.

PhD Dissertation Defense

The Dissertation Defense is an oral examination before the dissertation committee, in which the student presents and defends the dissertation and may be asked questions dealing primarily with the dissertation and its relationship to the student’s field of study. The presentation portion of the Defense is open to the public. Below are the procedures related to the dissertation defense:

  • Deadlines: The last day to defend a dissertation is on or before the last day of regular scheduled classes of the academic term the student intends to graduate.
  • Notification of Defense Date: The candidate must coordinate and schedule the dissertation defense presentation/exam. Once scheduled, the candidate must notify the Graduate School of the date, time, location, and title of the defense no less than two (2) weeks prior to the dissertation defense. The Graduate School will advertise the defense presentation/exam.
  • Minimum Registration: The candidate must be registered for a minimum of one (1) credit hour of dissertation research in the academic term the student intends to defend the dissertation and graduate.
  • Pre-Defense Committee Meeting: Each member of the graduate committee must be given a minimum of fifteen (15) business days prior to the defense date to read and review the dissertation. At least one (1) week prior to the examination, the committee will meet briefly to determine if the dissertation is ready for defense. This meeting can occur face-to-face or through electronic communication or telephone.
    • If there is one negative vote, the student’s adviser and the DGS may elect to proceed with the Defense.
    • If there are two or more negative votes, the defense will be postponed indefinitely.
  • Defense Presentation/Examination: The examination is open to the public; anyone may ask questions on recognition by the chair. After the presentation and questions by members of the public, the chair will ask everyone except the student and Dissertation Committee members to leave. The Dissertation Committee may ask the student additional questions during the closed session, and then will ask the student to leave, so that the committee, meeting privately, may discuss and vote on whether the student passes the Defense.
  • Defense Evaluation:
    • The student will pass if the dissertation is accepted (either as it stands or pending minor revisions) with only one negative vote. If the committee contains greater than five (5) members, 75% of the committee must vote in favor of passing the student.
    • If there are two or more negative votes on a committee of five (5) members (for committees greater than five (5) members, more than 25% of members voting negatively), the committee may schedule and conduct a second and final Dissertation Defense no sooner than two (2) months after the initial defense. During that time, the candidate will be asked to make whatever changes are necessary in the dissertation and to remedy whatever deficiencies were identified during the presentation and questions.
  • Failed Defense: The candidate is allowed two (2) total attempts to pass the defense. At least two (2) months must elapse before the second (2nd) attempt takes place. Failure to pass the second (2nd) attempt will result in the termination of graduate study and dismissal from the academic program. Candidates, who are dismissed from the program due to failure to pass the defense, are ineligible to reapply to the same degree program.
  • Reporting the Results: The Graduate Committee and the department head are responsible for providing written notice of the results of the defense to the candidate and to the Graduate School no later than five (5) business days after the defense is held.
  • Invalid Defense: A dissertation defense held in the absence of the candidate’s graduate school committee chair or graduate representative or any other required representative will be considered invalid and the defense will have to be rescheduled.
  • Age of Defense: The dissertation defense must be conducted no later than ten (10) years after matriculation into the doctoral program.

Eligibility for Commencement (All degrees)

To be eligible to participate in Commencement ceremonies, a student must successfully defend his or her thesis, present the publishable paper or project, and/or complete the oral examination by the last day of scheduled classes for Spring Semester.  Summer graduates may participate in the Spring Commencement if they have fewer than six credits to complete toward the Master’s degree.  Such students must notify the Graduate School of these intention two months before Spring Commencement to be included in the Commencement program.  All Summer graduates will automatically be included in the Commencement program for the preceding Spring. If Summer graduates would rather participate in the following Fall ceremonies an appeal can be made to graduation@mtech.edu

Application for Degree

Graduate students must complete and file an Application for Graduate Degree or Certificate with the Graduate School Office no later than the first week of the semester in which the student expects to complete the degree requirements. This form indicates intent to graduate in a given semester. If degree requirements are not met during the semester indicated on the application, an updated degree application is required. Failure to submit the application by the specified date may result in not receiving commencement information and/or not being included on the Commencement program. Please note: if degree requirements are not met during the term indicated on the Application for Degree, continuing enrollment is required until requirements are met.

Graduate Students are required to enroll for a minimum of 3 credit hours until all required course work, seminars, and thesis credits are satisfactorily completed. In the final semester, a student may enroll for a minimum of 1 credit hour of thesis credit for the purpose of thesis defense, publishable paper presentation, or final examination, if all other conditions for graduation have been met.

Certification of Degree

Before a diploma can be released, the Registrar must certify that the candidate has fulfilled all degree requirements; the Graduate School will certify the candidate has completed intermediate examinations (for PhD students) and the Graduate Student Check-Out List (available on the Graduate School website) with all appropriate signatures. For certification of the degree for a given semester, this release form must be submitted to the Graduate Office by the last day of final exams in the graduating semester.

Appeals Procedure

Procedures for appealing or petitioning for a variance from certain policies are set forth in the relevant sections of this document when such variances are permitted in unusual or exceptional circumstances. Appeals or petitions involving such matters as grade changes should be logged with the Graduate School Office.  Copies of all appeals and petitions are kept in the student’s electronic files.

Appeals concerning academic warning or suspension decisions should first be filed with the Department Head of the student’s major area. Before rendering a decision on the Departmental appeal, the Department Head will seek a recommendation from the student’s Graduate Committee. If the student is not satisfied with the decision on the appeal, the student may petition the Graduate Council for reconsideration. Such petitions must be filed with the Graduate School Office. The final decision will rest with the DGS.

In those cases where this document does not provide appropriate information concerning the resolution of a conflict or problem encountered by the graduate student, or if the student is dissatisfied with a prior appeal decision, the student should refer to the college grievance procedures as stated in the catalog and/or seek advice from the DGS to determine what resources are available to assist in seeking a solution to such problems.


Graduation and thesis deadlines are determined by the graduate school, following guidance by the graduate council, and are posted on the graduate school website at the start of each semester.  Please check the graduate school web site for deadlines.

Exceptions to the posted deadlines require a petition to the graduate dean. Missing the defense deadline or the final checkout deadline will require the student to register for at least one thesis credit in the following term. No exceptions will be granted to the final check out date. Other deadlines are subject to the willingness of the committee chair and members. Faculty members have no obligation to accommodate students who fail to meet these deadlines.

Summary of Graduate School Timeline




Registration for Classes

After meeting with advisor and BEFORE CLOSE OF REGISTRATION! Ideally during the early registration period in the previous term and preferably prior to the start of classes.

Register with your advisor. For courses with variable credits or Drop/Add issues, go to Graduate School (SSC 3.126).

Graduate Program Form and Selection of Graduate Committee Form

By the end of the second semester or prior to the completion of 15 credits.

Consult advisor; submit program on official form with all required signatures to the Graduate School, including approval of thesis title indicated by chair’s initials.

Thesis/Dissertation Outline or Proposal

Before the end of second semester (MS) or third semester (Ph.D.).

Per program guidelines, submit outline or proposal to Graduate Committee members for approval. Meet with Committee on regular basis to review progress.

Application for Master’s or Ph.D. Degree

Due by 10th day of class for semester in which completion of degree is expected

Complete and submit Degree Application to Graduate School.

Final Changes in Program Curriculum

If needed, submit no later than one month prior to end of semester of completion of degree requirements.

Submit Amended Student Program form to Graduate School (changes in courses, committee, graduation date, etc.).

Thesis/Dissertation Draft for Review, & Defense Scheduled

At least two weeks prior to the defense, submit final draft to Committee and E-Thesis Manager & notify graduate school office to publicize defense. (15 business days for PhD dissertation)


Submit final draft to Committee for review and to E-Thesis Manager for format check.

Comprehensive Examination (if applicable)

No later than last day of regularly scheduled classes of semester in which graduate work is completed (not during finals week).

Schedule comprehensive exam with advisor and graduate advisory committee.

Defense of Thesis/Dissertation or Presentation of Publishable Paper or MS Project

No later than the last day of regularly scheduled classes of semester in which graduate work is completed (not during finals week).

Schedule with committee location and time of defense. Graduate School should be notified at least two weeks in advance and will announce the location, date, time, and thesis title.

Submission of final graduate product (thesis, publishable paper, non-thesis project.)

After the defense and upon completion of corrections. See E-Thesis Manager for submission: Due by last day of exams.

Submit completed Thesis Authorization Form, Grad Checkout List, Grad Student Publication Agreement and Signature Page to E-Thesis Manager as applicable.

Submission of Grad Student Check-Out and Hazmat Forms

After successful completion of oral or written exam and/or thesis/dissertation defense or publishable paper presentation.

Secure all signatures on Check-Out form and return to the Graduate School. This document is required to post your degree.


End of Spring Semester only. Completion of defense, exam, or publishable paper presentation by last day of scheduled classes is required for participation in Commencement.

Diploma parchments will be awarded each semester.

If defense or presentation requirements are not met, complete and submit Application for Degree Update form to Graduate School. If all other degree requirements are met (coursework, seminar, thesis), only 1 credit enrollment is required for defense or presentation in the following term.















Ph.D Academic Programs


Doctor of Philosophy

M.S. Academic Programs



Master of Science

Graduate Certificate