Feb 07, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Montana Tech encourages all prospective students who are interested in attending to apply for admission. Applications for admission are accepted from in-state, out-of-state, and international students. The Enrollment Services Office has counselors available to assist full-time, part-time, and non-degree applicants in the admission process. For admissions or additional information, please call us at (406) 496-4256 or 1-800-445-TECH (8324), or visit our website at: www.mtech.edu.

Application Processing occurs in the Office of Enrollment Services located in room 207 of the Mining-Geology Building. Prospective students are encouraged to visit the campus on weekdays when classes are in session or weekends by appointment. Contact Enrollment Services via email at: enrollment@mtech.edu. You can also visit us at www.mtech.edu.

Measles Immunization Policy

If you were born after December 31, 1956, you must submit proof of two separate doses of measles and rubella immunity by immunization record or a physician’s record of diagnosis. While measles and rubella immunization (with dates) is not an admission requirement, it is necessary to complete your file and must be submitted before you are allowed to register for courses. This policy is in effect at all units of the Montana University System. Students enrolled exclusively in distance-delivered courses are exempt from the measles requirements.

Freshman Students

Freshmen are students who have graduated from an accredited high school (or have a GED) and have never attended a post-secondary school on a full-time basis (excluding summer school). Students who have attempted or earned fewer than 30 semester or 32 quarter credit hours on a part-time basis at a post-secondary institution while attending high school are also considered freshmen.

When to Apply - Freshmen Students

Freshmen applying for Fall admission are encouraged to apply by January 15. Students will not be considered for scholarships, financial aid or housing until they have completed an application. All first-time, U.S. residents enrolling full-time at Montana Tech are eligible to apply for new student scholarships. Undergraduate scholarship awards are based primarily on academic merit and leadership ability. Scholarship applications should be received by Enrollment Services before the priority deadline of January 15.

Application Procedure - Freshmen Students

  1. Complete and submit the Montana Tech Application for Admission.
  2. Submit a $30 (U.S.) nonrefundable application fee. An application will not be processed until the application fee is received.
  3. Submit all academic transcripts including: official high school transcript or GED test score report or home school and any official transcripts from other post-secondary institutions previously attended.
  4. Submit the score report from the ACT or SAT test. (Not required for Highlands College students.)
  5. Submit proof of two separate doses of measles and rubella immunization if you were born after December 31, 1956.
  6. The Accuplacer test is required for all students who are applying for a certificate and/or associate of applied science degree program. It is also required of any student who has been out of school for more than 3 years and has not successfully completed College Writing I or College Algebra within the last three years. To schedule an appointment to take the test, call the Enrollment Services Office at (406) 496-4256.

Home Schooling Admission Requirements

Students who have received their education through home schooling or who have graduated from a non-accredited high school can satisfy the requirement of high school graduation by:

  1. Obtaining a High School Equivalency Diploma based on the G.E.D. (General Education Development) examination; or
  2. Satisfactory performance on either the ACT (American College Testing Program) or Accuplacer examinations.

Home school students must also submit a transcript summarizing their academic history.

North Campus - Admission Requirements

All first-time, full-time resident and non-resident freshmen who graduated from high school within the past three years are required to meet the following entrance requirements for admission.  Students who do not meet these requirements may be admitted on a provisional basis.

Freshmen applicants must satisfy the following standards

  1. An ACT composite score of 22 or a combined SAT score of 1540 (former SAT scoring prior to March 2016) or 1120 (current SAT scoring)
  2. A high school cumulative grade point average of 2.50 (4.0 scale) or greater, OR
  3. Rank in the upper half of their graduating class, AND
  4. Meet math and English standards (see below)
  5. Complete the College Prep Curriculum (see below)

Math and Writing Proficiency Standards

Students must meet Math and English proficiency standards. Math proficiency may be demonstrated with an ACT math score of 22 or SAT math score of 520 (prior to March 2016) or 27.5 (current SAT scoring). Minimum writing requirements are ACT combined English/Writing score of 18, or subscore of 7, or ELA of 18 or Writing Subject score of 19, SAT writing of 440, or subscore of 7, or Writing and Language score of 25.  For current and complete Math and English proficiency standards, please visit the Montana Board of Regents website at www.mus.edu and view “Proficiency Standards” links. Montana Tech reserves the right to place students in the appropriate Math & English courses.

Freshmen applicants must also complete the full College Preparatory Requirements

  1. Four years of English.
  2. Three years of Mathematics (Algebra I & II, & Geometry). Math in senior year encouraged.
  3. Three years of Social Studies to include one year of Global Studies (World History or World Geography), one year of U.S. History, and a third year of either Government, Economics, Geography, Indian History, Sociology, or Psychology.
  4. Two years of laboratory science (one year must be Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics), the other year can be from one of those sciences or another college preparatory laboratory science.
  5. Two years chosen from the following:
    • foreign language
    • computer science
    • visual and performing arts
    • vocational education units

Out-of-state applicants who have not completed the college preparatory requirements stated above may satisfy the requirements by providing evidence that they have:

  1. Completed a similar college preparatory program required in their home state. Evidence of this completion must be certified by the high school.
  2. If the applicant’s state has no college preparatory program, meet two of the five numeric admission requirements stated above plus math and writing standards.

Students who did not graduate from high school but who have passed the General Education Development (GED) examination may be eligible for admission.

The following students are exempt from the above requirements:

Nontraditional age students (those who graduated from high school more than three years ago); students attending during summer session without the intent of registering during the regular academic year; part-time, non-degree-seeking students taking fewer than 8 credits per semester, exclusive of remedial courses.

Applicants who do not meet the admission requirements to North Campus degree programs or the college preparatory requirements stated above may be considered for an admission exemption. Due to the limited number of exemptions available, priority consideration will be given to those applying before February 1 for Fall; December 1 for Spring; and May 1 for Summer.

South Campus - Admission Requirements

Applicants to Highlands College are considered and accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. It is advisable to submit an application early as some programs have waiting lists. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Applicants must be able to provide proof of high school graduation or its equivalent (GED). Students applying for admission must schedule an Accuplacer exam. The Accuplacer test is used by Highlands College as a diagnostic and advanced placement measurement. The results of the test will be used to counsel students concerning their program choice, class schedule and credit load. No student will be admitted after the tenth instructional day of the semester.

Transfer Students

A transfer student is one who has registered or enrolled for credit at another post-secondary institution for one or more terms of full-time attendance or has attempted or earned at least 12 semester or 16 quarter credit hours as a part-time student. All official college transcripts are required in order to evaluate transfer credit. Transfer students will also be required to complete the Accuplacer test if they have not completed college level math and/or English within the last two years.

When to Apply - Transfer Students

It is recommended that transfer applicants complete their file at least two months before the beginning of the semester so an evaluation of transfer credit can be completed before they register for classes.

Application Procedures - Transfer Students

  1. Complete and submit the on file transfer or Montana Tech Application for Admission.
  2. Submit a $30 (U.S.) non-refundable application fee (waived if attended another MUS affiliated campus.)
  3. Submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities previously attended.
  4. Submit ACT or SAT scores on high school transcript. These scores are not required of students who have been out of high school for more than three years, or have earned 30 semester credits of undergraduate course work. (Not required at Highlands College)
  5. Submit proof of two separate doses of measles and rubella immunization if you were born after December 31, 1956.
  6. Students who have not taken math within the last two years, or College Writing I at a post-secondary institution are required to take the Accuplacer test for advising and placement.

Admission Requirements - Transfer Students

A transfer student transferring from U.S. colleges must have an academic record with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale or at least a “C” average, in order to be eligible for admission. The grade point average is based on all college-level GPA or “pass” credits attempted from all colleges or universities previously attended. Students on academic probation from a post-secondary educational institution may be eligible for admission. Refer to the section titled “Academic Standing  .” A post-baccalaureate student is considered admissible as long as his or her cumulative grade point average is at least 2.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale.  Students transferring from non-U.S. colleges may be subject to different minimum GPA requirements.

Transfer of Credit

All college or university-level credit earned at a regionally accredited post-secondary educational institution will be considered for transfer credit. Students planning to transfer to Montana Tech are strongly urged to consult with the Office of Enrollment Services and their prospective major department as far in advance as possible in order to ensure that the courses they take will satisfy course prerequisites and degree requirements at Tech. For additional information, refer to the section on “Transfer Credit Policy .” A grade of “C-” or better is required for acceptance of credit.

Dual Admission (UM Helena)

Students will be governed by the catalog in effect when they are accepted for the dual admission status provided the catalog is not more than six years old when the students graduate. Students with dual admission to Montana University System schools who interrupt their attendance are governed by the catalog in effect when they are readmitted.

International Students

Montana Tech is authorized to issue the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) Form I-20AB for F-1 student visas and DS-2019 for J-1 student visas. Students and Exchange Visitors issued an I-20 or a DS-2019 are required to pay fees in SEVIS prior to being issued a visa to enter the United States.  (Note:  Canadian citizen students do not need a visa, their I-20 or DS 2019 is sufficient.) For more information visit: https://www.ice.gov/sevis/students.

International students interested in pursuing graduate certificates or a Master’s degree or a Doctorate of Philosophy Degree (PhD) should go to the catalog sections under the Graduate School for application information.

When to Apply - International Students

All of the items listed below should be received by Enrollment Services according to the following schedule:

Fall Semester: August 1
Spring Semester: December 1
Summer Session: May 1

Freshman Application Requirements (Undergraduate) - International Student

Freshman students are those applying for admission during or immediately following completion of high school (secondary school).  Freshman students have not attended other colleges.

    All items on the form are required. Names should be spelled as they appear on the passport.
  2. APPLICATION FEE (Non-refundable and will not be waived)
    The $30 U.S. dollars application fee is required of all applicants.
    Secondary school graduates must show the equivalent of at least a 2.50 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale. Admission to some programs may be restricted.
    • An official copy of the final high school transcript, converted into English.
    • Students must demonstrate math and English proficiency.  It is highly recommended that students provide SAT or ACT scores to ensure proper placement math and English courses.  If ACT or SAT scores are not received prior to arrival, students will complete the Accuplacer exam at Montana Tech.  This approach is discouraged as students will not know until their arrival how their placement affects the duration of their program.  Additionally, to be considered for scholarships, international students must submit SAT or ACT scores.
    Applicants who are citizens of countries other than Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, or Wales are required to certify English proficiency by supplying one of the following:
    1. Official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign language) score report showing a minimum score of 71 Internet based, 525 paper-based or 195 computer-based. Please obtain information concerning this test at www.ets.org/toefl.
    2. Official IELTS score report showing a minimum score of 6. Please obtain all information concerning this test at www.ielts.org.
    3. Certification of successful completion of ELS Language Centers level 112. Please obtain all information concerning ELS from: ELS Language Centers, Executive Offices, 57961 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City, CA 90230, U.S.A
    4. Certification of grade “C” or higher on the English Language section of one of the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE-O), examinations administered in England.
    5. Official Cambridge IGCSE scores with five passes of grade C and above.
    6. Students who have graduated from an accredited high school in the U.S. may satisfy this requirement by providing an official high school transcript along with two letters of recommendation from high school faculty/administrators regarding proficiency in English language skills.
    7. Students with none of the requirements listed above may consider the English Language Institute (ELI) program at the University of Montana.  See the UM website for more information.

Transfer Student Application Requirements (Undergraduate) - International Student

Students who attended another college are considered transfers.

    All items on the form are required. Names should be spelled as they appear on the passport.
  2. APPLICATION FEE (Non-refundable and will not be waived)
    The $30 U.S. dollars application fee is required of all applicants.
  3. EDUCATION CREDENTIALS FOR INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS  Transfer students must show the equivalent of at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale on all college transcripts averaged together.  Some articulation agreements require a higher GPA.

    • Official copies of all college transcripts.  (This includes technical schools, colleges, and universities.)

      • International students who have attended institutions outside the U.S. or Canada must request an evaluation of their transcripts from either the
        Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE) or World Education Services (WES). IMPORTANT! ECE or WES transcript evaluations may not reflect actual college credits accepted by Montana Tech. Allow 8-12 weeks for ECE or WES to complete their evaluation process.
    • Students who graduated from high school within the last 3 years and earned less than 30 college credits must submit an official high school transcript (translated into English).

    • Students who did not pass a college level math class with a C- or better will be required to take a placement exam. Students are encouraged to take the Accuplacer test prior to arrival at Montana Tech.  Otherwise, students will not know until their arrival how their placement affects the duration of their program.

    Applicants who are citizens of countries other than Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, or Wales are required to certify English proficiency by supplying one of the following:
    1. Official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign language) score report showing a minimum score of 71 Internet based, 525 paper-based or 195 computer-based. Please obtain information concerning this test at www.ets.org/toefl.
    2. Official IELTS score report showing a minimum score of 6. Please obtain all information concerning this test at www.ielts.org.
    3. Certification of successful completion of ELS Language Centers level 112. Please obtain all information concerning ELS from: ELS Language Centers, Executive Offices, 57961 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City, CA 90230, U.S.A
    4. Certification of grade “C” or higher on the English Language section of one of the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE-O), examinations administered in England.
    5. Official Cambridge IGCSE scores with five passes of grade C and above.
    6. Students who have graduated from an accredited high school in the U.S. may satisfy this requirement by providing an official high school transcript along with two letters of recommendation from high school faculty/administrators regarding proficiency in English language skills.
    7. Students with none of the requirements listed above may consider the English Language Institute (ELI) program at the University of Montana.  See the UM website for more information.
  5. FOREIGN INTENT TO TRANSFER FORM  This form is only required of International transfer students transferring to Montana Tech from another U.S. institution. Before transferring to Montana Tech from a U.S. college or university, students must see their current foreign student advisor regarding transfer procedures and have them complete the “Notice of Intent to Transfer” form.

Additional items needed from all international applicants before an I-20 or DS 2019 will be issued:

  1. Color Copy of Passport Photo Page
  2. Statement of Financial Support  The International Statement of Financial Support form must be completed by the student, the student’s sponsor (if applicable), and the bank certifying the funds. 
  3. Immunization/Health Records  A physician-validated record showing immunization for Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)(two doses after 1st birthday), diphtheria, tetanus, and a recent (within the last year) skin test for tuberculosis. Each of these must be identified on the record in English and signed by a physician or registered nurse.

Former Student Readmission

A former student who was not in attendance during the semester preceding the intended term of return, excluding summer school, is required to reapply for admission. Returning students are required to follow the college catalog in effect at the time of reentry, including any changes to program requirements.

When to Apply - Returning Students

It is recommended that students apply at least one month in advance of the semester, however, applications will be accepted until the 1st day of class.

Application Procedures - Returning Student

  1. Complete and submit an Application for Admission on the Montana Tech website. The $30 application fee is not required for former students.
  2. If applicable, submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended since leaving Montana Tech.
  3. If you were born after December 31, 1956, and have not attended Montana Tech in the last five academic calendar years or were enrolled as a non-degree student, you must submit proof of two separate doses of measles and rubella immunization.

Admission Requirements - Returning Student

All returning or former students who have attended a college or university since leaving Montana Tech must meet the admission requirements for transfer students in order to be readmitted.

Former students who have not attended another college or university must be readmissable according to the policy in the section titled “Academic Standing .” Students who are on a probationary status from Montana Tech are considered readmissable.

Students on first suspension are readmissable after one semester of non-attendance (remaining out-of-residence). If a student has been suspended twice from Montana Tech, he or she must be out of school for an interval of one academic year, and must receive approval for readmission from the Academic Standards Committee. Students suspended from the North Campus (undergraduate degree program) may be admissible to the South Campus (Highlands College).

Jump Start/Early Admission/Dual Credit

Montana Tech initiated the Jump Start Program for high-achieving high school juniors and seniors who have an interest in early admission at Montana Tech to enroll in college-level course work while still enrolled in high school.  Dual Credit college-level courses are also taught at the high school by Montana Tech-approved instructors, and count towards BOTH high school graduation requirements and also appears on the student’s Montana Tech transcript. Jump Start and Dual Credit courses are open to any eligible high school student and are taught at area high schools, on campus, or via the internet. Applicants must submit a completed Jump Start/Dual Credit Application and Registration Form to apply for participation in the program. Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 GPA, be at least 16 years of age, and must receive the permission of their parents or guardians and their high school counselor or principal. Partial fee waivers are available (limits may apply) for students participating in this program. Contact Bernie Phelps with the Institute for Education Opportunities, (406) 496-4565 or bphelps@mtech.edu for more information.

When to Apply - Jump Start and Dual Credit Students

Applicants for early admission should complete the Jump Start application process at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester.

Application Procedures - Jump Start and Dual Credit Students

Application for early admission must be initiated by the student through the appropriate high school administrator. Such application must meet with the specific agreement, recommendation and approval of the student’s parents or guardian, the student’s high school, and the Enrollment Services Office. Students applying for early admission must complete and submit a Jump Start Application with all required signatures.

Non-Degree Students

A non-degree student is defined as a student taking 6 credits or less a semester and whose purpose in attending Montana Tech is not to pursue a degree. If a non-degree student subsequently decides to pursue a degree at Montana Tech, he or she must complete a regular undergraduate or graduate application form and submit additional documentation as required (see the Enrollment Services Office). Enrollment as a non-degree student does not guarantee admission to a degree program. A maximum of 45 credit hours earned as a Montana Tech non-degree student may be transferable to an undergraduate degree program. Any graduate course taken by a non-degree student must be approved in advance by the director of the Graduate School and the head of the department in which the student intends to pursue a graduate degree in order for the course to be applicable to the degree. Non-degree students must maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Application Procedure - Non-degree

  1. A student must submit the Application for Admission via the Montana Tech website, along with a $30 (U.S.) non-refundable application fee (waived if attended an affiliated MUS campus.) An application will not be processed until the application fee is received.
  2. Students taking more than 6 credits must submit proof of two separate doses of MMR if born after December 31, 1956.

Admission Requirements - Non-degree

All non-degree students should be high school graduates or have received their GED. However, high school or college transcripts or standardized test scores are not required unless necessary to comply with course prerequisites or if the student chooses to seek a degree.

General Information for all Students

  1. Any qualified applicant will be accepted for admission to Montana Tech regardless of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, or handicap.
  2. Failure to submit all required credentials may result in cancellation of registration.
  3. The falsification or willful suppression by the applicant of any information requested on the application form may be grounds for cancellation of registration and exclusion from subsequent attendance at Montana Tech. Failure on the part of the applicant to provide all of the requested information will cause delays in processing the application for admission.
  4. The term “official” in reference to academic credentials indicates that the documents are forwarded directly by the principal or registrar of each school attended to the Enrollment Services Office at Montana Tech. Faxed copies, or those “issued to the student” will not be accepted. An official transcript must have a signature, stamp or seal.
  5. Information regarding residency classification for fee purposes is available from the Enrollment Services Office.
  6. GED: A student may be admitted on the presentation of a high school equivalency certificate issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction under authorization of the Board of Public Education. The high school equivalency certificate based on the GED examination may not be used to satisfy the requirement of high school graduation until after the student’s high school class has graduated. Further information regarding requirements and test center locations in Montana may be obtained from the Office of Public Instruction, Helena, MT 59620.
  7. WICHE-WUE: On a space available basis, residents of states participating in the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WlCHE) Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) may be eligible for the WICHE-WUE Scholarship. Students approved for this benefit pay 150% of resident tuition instead of the non-resident tuition. This scholarship is available to qualifying newly admitted, first-time undergraduate students only. Post-baccalaureate and graduate students are not eligible. Currently participating states are as follows: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Montana Tech reserves the right to change the requirements for admission into the WUE program without further notice. For current information about the WICHE-WUE Program, contact the Montana Tech Enrollment Services Office.

Because Montana Tech participates in the WICHE-WUE Program, residents of Montana may enroll under similar terms in designated institutions and programs in other participating states. Montana residents may obtain information about WUE programs in other states from the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, 2500 Broadway, Helena, MT 59620-3101, (406)444-6570; or from WICHE Student Exchange Program, P.O. Drawer P, Boulder, CO 80301-9752, (303) 497-0210.

  1. All eligible high school applicants may be considered for admission and given conditional acceptance on the basis of six or seven completed semesters of acceptable high school work. However, applicants must supply the Enrollment Services Office with final semester grades, certification of high school graduation, class size, rank in class, and meet the minimum admission standards and college preparatory requirements in order to be officially admitted.
  2. ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: First-time freshmen must meet two of the following three entry-level requirements before being allowed to participate in intercollegiate athletics:
    1. An ACT Composite of 18 or a SAT combined score (verbal & math) of 860 on the new re-centered scale.
    2. A high school GPA of at least 2.00 (4.00 scale).
    3. Rank in the upper half of your high school graduation class.
  3. ATTENTION UM AFFILIATE STUDENTS: If you have attended any of the University of Montana-affiliated colleges in Butte, Dillon, Missoula, or Helena (excluding Carroll College) you may not have to pay the $30.00 application fee. To waive the application fee, please forward an official copy of your transcript(s).

Transfer Credit & Other College-Level Course Work Policies

Montana University System Transfer of Credit Policies


Board Policy Transfer of Credits (Policy 301.5)

  1. All college-level courses from regionally accredited institutions of higher education will be received and applied by all campuses of the Montana University System, and by the community colleges, towards the free elective requirements of the Associate and Baccalaureate degrees.
    NOTE: College level courses shall be defined as those courses that are applicable toward an associate of arts, associate of science or baccalaureate degree at their respective institution. The receiving institution will determine in advance of a student’s enrollment which courses within an associate of applied science degree program will be credited toward a given associates or baccalaureate degree. In all cases, such courses shall not include remedial or developmental courses.
  2. In relation to the major, minor, general education, distribution requirements, and free electives of the Associate and Baccalaureate degrees, all campuses of the Montana University System, and the community colleges, are authorized to determine the applicability of credits earned at regionally accredited institutions of higher education.
  3. In administering the policy in paragraphs A and B an institution shall include the credits earned by a student from an institution which is a candidate for regional accreditation after the student has successfully completed 20 semester credits with a 2.0 cumulative grade point average at the receiving institution.
  4. Campuses of the Montana University System, and the community colleges, may give credit for education received from non-collegiate institutions on the basis of recommendations published by the American Council on Education and the National Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction from the Board of Regents of the State of NY (NYSED).
  5. Campuses of the MUS and community colleges, shall provide military and veteran students with a means of evaluation of prior learning, shall develop policies to ensure appropriate granting of credit for military training and courses based on American Council of Education recommendations. Campuses of the MUS shall submit policies to the Commissioner of Higher Education for approval. The community colleges shall submit policies to the Commissioner of Higher Education for review.  Campuses of the MUS, and the community colleges shall also provide accessible and timely information to prospective and admitted military and veteran students regarding opportunities for credit for prior learning.
  6. F. Institutions may make exceptions to give credit if the criteria described above are not met. However, the following principles should be followed:
    1. The chief academic officer, registrar, and admissions officer should review each case utilizing the following criteria:
    (a) There must be evidence that there is academic quality in the institution, both in the faculty and in program offering.
    (b) The student must earn at least a minimum 2.0 grade point average or its equivalent at the receiving institution.
    2. Institutions may determine policies relating to the acceptance of college credit from other countries.
  7. Campuses of the MUS, and the community colleges shall establish an internal appeals process to review decisions concerning the transfer of credits. Because of the significant differences in size and organizational structure within the MUS, the processes will not be absolutely identical. The appeals procedures will have the following common features, however:
    1. Decisions concerning the applicability of courses in a student’s major, minor, option or certificate will be reviewed, using the academic structure and hierarchy in place on each campus. The review will begin with the appropriate academic administrator who is closest to the program where the credential is offered, and will end with the chief academic officer. On most campuses, that means that the review may begin with a department chair, could include a dean, and would end with a provost or vice president for academic affairs.
    2. Decisions concerning the applicability of courses in the institution’s general education program will be reviewed by a faculty committee. That committee can be one that already exists on the campus; or it can be a committee created to satisfy the expectations of this policy. Any decision of the committee can be appealed to the chief academic officer of the campus, who will make the final review and decision for the institution.
    3. Decisions concerning the applicability of courses as free elective credits at the institution will follow the procedure outlined in subsection 2 above.
    The campuses are required to notify students of their appeal rights, under this policy, when a decision has been made about the applicability of their transfer credit coursework and that written decision is given to students. Board policy 301.5.1, system of controls, sets out most of those notice times.
    If a student exercises the appeal rights set out in this policy, the review and a final decision must be completed by the class pre-registration date for the following academic term. The student must initiate the appeal process, in a timely manner, in order to give the institution time to complete its review before the deadline described in the preceding sentence.

Board Policy General Education Transfer (Policy 301.10)

Refer to the Undergraduate Academic Programs  section.

Board Policy Outdated Course work (Policy 301.5.2)

A. In evaluating coursework from post-secondary institutions, the campuses within the Montana university system (MUS) will:
1. guarantee that any post-secondary coursework taken within five (5) years of being admitted or readmitted to the campus will be included in the transfer analysis of specific required classes in a major, minor, option or certificate.
2. guarantee that any post secondary coursework taken within fifteen (15) years of being admitted or readmitted to the campus will be included in the transfer analysis of general education coursework.
3. guarantee that any post secondary coursework taken within fifteen (15) years of being admitted or readmitted to the campus will be included in the transfer analysis of elective coursework.
B. Coursework that falls outside these guarantee periods may be included in the evaluation, at the discretion of the individual campuses. Since it is a discretionary decision, it cannot be challenged by students.
C. Individual programs in the MUS may request a stricter standard for outdated coursework.
1. Such requests must be approved by the Montana board of regents.
2. If a program is duplicated throughout the MUS, all of those duplicated programs must agree to the stricter standard as part of the documentation submitted to the board of regents for approval. For instance, if one computer degree program on a campus requests a stricter standard, all computer degree programs of a similar nature must request the same standard.
D. The provisions of this policy will also govern the evaluation of “outdated” classes that have been completed at the institution doing the evaluation.

Board Policy Minimum Course Grades (Policy 301.5.3)

  1. All students in the Montana University System and the three (3) community colleges must earn the following minimum grades in order to demonstrate their competency and preparation:
    1. a “D-” or better in all classes that are used to satisfy so-called free or elective credits in an associate or baccalaureate degree program;
    2. a “C-” or better in all classes that are used to satisfy a general education program;
    3. a “C-” or better in all classes that are used to satisfy the prerequisites or required courses in a major, minor, option or certificate.
  2. Individual programs may establish grade standards that are higher than the minimums set out in paragraph A , for some or all of the courses that are used to satisfy the prerequisites or requirements for a major, minor, option, certificate or general education. Students will be notified of that expectation.
  3. All campuses of the Montana University System and the three (3) community colleges will adopt a grading system that includes the use of pluses and minuses in addition to letter grades. The grade point average calculation will also be the same throughout the System.
  4. Students are required to meet the overall Montana University System standard of a 2.00 grade point average for satisfactory academic progress as specified in Board Policy 301.8.

General Information

Montana Tech reserves the right to make the final decision in regard to the evaluation and approval of course work presented for transfer credit. An evaluation of transfer credit will be performed for any student who has previously acquired college level credit for courses at regionally accredited institutions of higher education and who wishes to pursue a degree at Montana Tech.

The Board of Regents & Montana Tech recognize the following regional accrediting agencies:

New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Western Association of Schools and Colleges

To qualify for a transfer credit evaluation, transfer students must submit ALL official transcripts to the Enrollment Services Office. An official transfer credit evaluation will not be performed until all transcripts have been received, the student’s application for admission is complete, and the student has been admitted. An official transcript must have a signature, stamp or seal. Faxed copies, or those “issued to student” will not be accepted. Preliminary evaluation can be provided to the prospective student by contacting the Enrollment Services Office.

If all college-level transcripts are on file in the Enrollment Services Office 30 days before the semester begins, an evaluation will be performed and notification will be mailed to the admitted student within 10 working days. College transcripts received less than 30 days before the semester begins will be evaluated as soon as possible. Every effort will be made to evaluate transcripts within two weeks of the student’s admission to the institution.

The Enrollment Services Office, in conjunction with the appropriate academic department, will review all eligible course work for transferability, and will determine the applicability of transfer credit to specific degree program requirements. Transfer credit not applicable for some degree requirements will be applicable as additional free elective credit.

The Montana Tech transcript will list all transfer courses acceptable in the degree program being pursued as the equivalent Montana Tech course or general degree requirement. Additional free electives will be posted as such. The transfer grade point average is not listed nor calculated into the Montana Tech grade point average. Only the credits and grade points earned in courses taken at Montana Tech are used in the calculation of the grade point average. A transfer student’s Montana Tech transcript will list previous institutions attended from which transfer credit has been granted.

College and University Credit

Montana Tech maintains and updates transfer credit guidelines with numerous regional community colleges, as well as with a number of technical institutes in Canada. Copies of these agreements are generally available from these institutions, or from the Montana Tech Enrollment Services Office. Course equivalencies may be viewed via the Montana University System Office web site, http://www.mus.edu/Qtools/CCN/ccn_default.asp. All courses listed on official transcripts from regionally accredited institutions of higher education will be eligible for transfer credit to Montana Tech. All college-level courses will be reviewed for transfer credit and applied to degree program requirements. Credit will not be granted for course work taken at any institution not accredited by a recognized regional accrediting association. Credit will be granted from an institution which is a candidate for accreditation upon the student successfully completing 30 credits at Montana Tech.

Correspondence Credit

A maximum of 30 credits from regionally accredited schools may be granted toward a baccalaureate degree for correspondence, extension, and continuing education courses. The department head where the course resides must approve credit for correspondence course. A maximum of 10 credits may be applied to an associate degree.

Technical Level Course Work from Colleges of Technology

Course work taken prior to Fall 1991 from Montana Vocational Technical Centers is NOT TRANSFERABLE. The Colleges of Technology (now Highlands College) were once called Vo-Tech and were not accredited until Fall 1991, when they became part of the MUS system and began granting AAS degrees. Technical level course work earned from vocational-technical schools or colleges of technology, including Montana Tech College of Technology (Montana Tech COT courses ending with a “T” or numbered between 0100-0999, unless specifically excluded), may be transferred as free electives at the undergraduate level and will be considered for transfer toward specific degree requirements for the Associate of Science or Baccalaureate Degree. A grade of “C-” or above is required. The student’s department head will make the final decision of acceptance of technical level course work toward specific degree requirements within the student’s Associate of Science or Baccalaureate Degree program. Those students seeking the Bachelor of Applied Science Degree and who have completed an Associate of Applied Science Degree will receive a block transfer of A.A.S. credit as noted in the program descriptions within this catalog.