Minimum credits for B.S. degree in Statistics: 120
*Science Elective must include at least one semester of laboratory science, either (1) BIOB 101 with lab BIOB 102, BIOB 160 with lab BIOB 161, BIOO 235, or BIOH 201/202; (2) CHMY 141 with lab CHMY 142; (3) GEO 101 with GEOE 104 or GEO 209; or (4) PHSX 234 & PHSX 235 with lab PHSX 236.
**Electives must be chosen so that the Gen. Ed. Requirements in the Communication Core, Humanities Core, Physical and Life Science Core, and Social Sciences Core are met.
The sequence STAT 421 /STAT 422 , and the courses M 405 & M 472 are offered on alternate year basis.
M 330 does not count as an approved M xxx or STAT xxx 300/400 elective.