Feb 07, 2025
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Elementary Education in Partnership with UM Western
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Butte Elementary Education Program Requirements: Preferred Sequence
* UM Western Course offered at Tech
** MT Tech Courses that will count toward UMW B.S. Elementary Education Degree
Fall Semester
- EDU 201 - Intro to Ed W/Field Experience 4 credits*
- EDU 222 - Ed Psych & Child Development 4 credits*
- ART 101 - Fundamental of Art 4 credits*
OR - MUSI 201 - Intro to Music History 4 credits*
Spring Semester
- EDU 234 - Reading & Writ. Connections K-8 3 credits *
- M xxx - Math Course Above M 095 3 credits **
- DR 101 - Intro. to Drama Fundamentals 4 credits *
- BIOB 101 - Discover Biology 4 credits **
- COMS 115 - Computer Competency Exam *
Summer Semester
- HEE 340 - Methods of Health Education 4 credits *
- COMS 115 - Compt Competency Exam*
Math Elective: Note the pre-requisite for Physics is M 121 - College Algebra . Computer Competency Exam: Must be passed before Phase II. If not passed, students must take COMS 115 to help them pass. Only one chance is given before they are required to take COMS 115. Test administered by Kathy Shipman. PSCI 210 : Fulfills ISSS121 UMW. Fall Semester
- PSCI 210 - Introduction to American Government 3 credits **
- EDU 233 - Lit, Language, & Texts 4 credits*
- HSTA 101 or HSTA 102 - American History I or II 3 credits**
- PHSX 121 - Fundamentals of Physics I AND PHSX 236 - General Phy-Heat, Sound & Optics Lab**
or - CHMY 121 - Intro to General Chemsitry AND CHMY 122 Intro to Gen Chem Lab**
Spring Semester
- EDU 334 - Child & Young Adult Lit 4 credits *
- EDU 311 - Cultures, Divrs. & Ethics in Global Ed. 4 credits *
- EDU 370 - Integrating Technology into Education 4 credits *
- EDU 382 - Assessment, Curriculum, & Instruction 4 credits *
TEP Phase I background Check must be completed along with TEP Aplication.
Fall Semester
- EDU 385 - Math for Elem. Schools w/Pedgogy 4 credits *
- EDU 438 - Lit, Assmnt, Dgns, Instrt, & practicum 3/1 credits *
- HEE 302 - Methods of Instruct Strat in Elem PE 4 credits *
- EDU 397A - Integrated Arts for All Leaners 4 credits *
Spring Semester
- GEO 101 - Introduction to Physical Geology 3 credits**
- EDU 397L - Methods: Lang Arts & Soc Studies 4 credits*
- EDU 386 - Math for Elem Schools w/Pedagogy II 4 credits*
- EDU 397S - Methods K-8 Lang Arts/Soc Studies for all Learners 4 credits*
- HHP 231 - First Aid & Safety 1 credit**
OR - ECP 120 - Emergency Medical Responder 3 credits**
Fall Semester
- EDU 352 - Field Experience K-8 4 credits *
- EDU 344 - Classroom Management 4 credits **
- Electives 4 credits ** +
Spring Semester
- EDU 495 - Student Teaching 8 credits *
- EDU 306 - School Law & Advocacy K-12 4 credits *
TEP Phase II & Senior Seminar
BS: Elementary Education Total Credits: 128
- A certificate of first aid and safety (including Infant, Child, & Adult CPR, Child & Adult AED), is required or all Elementary Education major prior to student teaching.
- The computer competency exam must be taken and passed. If not passed students must take COMS 115.
- Students must apply for admission to the Montana Western Teacher Education Program their sophomore year. Contact Montana Western advisor at MT Tech for details.
- CONTACT: Kathy Shipman kathy.shipman@umwestern.edu 496-4852, or 683-7016, or 925-0225.
- Students attend mandatory student teaching meetings before requesting locations for placement. These meetings will be held at MT Tech.
- Senior Seminar is conducted on UMW’s campus upon completion of all requirements of student teaching.
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