Minimum credits for B.S. degree in Statistics: 120
* Science Elective must include at least one semester of laboratory science, either (1)
with lab
BIOB 160 with lab
BIOO 235 , or
BIOH 201/202 ; (2)
CHMY 141 with lab
CHMY 142 ; (3)
GEO 101 with lab
GEOE 104 or
GEO 209 ; or (4)
PHSX 234 &
PHSX 235 with lab
PHSX 236 .
**Electives must be chosen so that the Gen. Ed. Requirements in the Communication Core, Humanities Core, Physical and Life Science Core, and Social Sciences Core are met.
The sequences M 405 -M 472 , STAT 421 -STAT 422 , are offered on alternate year basis.
M 330 does not count as an approved M 300/400 elective.
M 329 only counts as an approved M 300/400 elective for those students seeking Secondary Education Certificate.