Sep 22, 2024  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • EGEN 105 - Intro to General Engineering

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec.)
    Introduces the student to the fields of General Engineering including electrical, mechanical, welding, civil engineering and heavy construction. Career opportunities and paths will be explored. Short field trips and guest lectures will be featured along with introductory level engineering problem solving.

    Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EGEN 194 - Freshman Engineering Seminar

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec.)
    The first in a three course series for freshman engineering students.  The course focuses on Engineering careers and employment in the fields of engineering offered at Montana Tech by bringing in guest presenters employed in those area and by offering open houses for the carious engineering programs.  Students are introduced to career services and are required to register and attend career fairs.  Also covered are various study skills to help improve success for beginning engineering students.

    M 151  and EGEN 101   (1st & 2nd)
  • EGEN 201 - Engineering Mechanics–Statics

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    The study of the laws governing equilibrium. Uses equilibrium equations to compute the reactions and internal forces resulting from applied loads. Covers addition of forces, equilibrium of particles in two and three dimensions, equilibrium of structures, member forces for trusses and hinged frames, internal shear and moment forces plus shear and moment diagrams for beams, friction, centroids of areas and solids, moments of inertia of areas and solids.

    Prerequisite(s): PHSX 234 . Course generally offered year round.
  • EGEN 202 - Engineering Mech–Dynamics

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    The study of the effects of forces upon the motion of material bodies. Covers kinematics of particles, kinetics of particles including force, mass, acceleration, work, energy, impulse and momentum, kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 201  & M 172 . Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 213 - Survey of MET & MAT Engin

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    This course is designed to provide General Engineering majors with a broad introduction to metallurgical engineering and materials science. The course surveys the engineering principles and key unit processes associated with the production of several of the materials that are commonly used in mechanical, civil, and construction engineering applications. These materials include steel, aluminum, aggregate, portland cement, concrete, and asphalt. The fundamental characteristics and properties of the four main classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites) are described and compared. The course introduces students to corrosion and to process engineering fundamentals such as process flow diagrams, material and energy balances for nonreactive and reactive process, and simple combustion calculations.

    Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143  or Consent of Instructor. Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EGEN 215 - Introduction to Computer Aided Design & Problem Solving

    2 credits (Hrs: 6 Lab)
    Students will solve engineering problems using a basic programming language and mathematical software such as Matlab/Simulink. Analysis of 3-D structures and design of solid models will be preformed using drafting and analytical software appropriate for civil and mechanical engineering.

    Prerequisite(s): M 172 , EGEN 201  & EGEN 101 . Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 251 - Introduction\ to Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Course is taught by M&ME and designed to give engineering majors a broad introduction to metallurgical engineering and materials science. The development of these fields is examined from a historical perspective. Processing of materials, from mineral-to-end product, is explained giving examples of industrial applications. Material balances and the various forms of corrosion are covered in detail. The unique properties of materials such as metals, ceramics and polymers are compared. Atomic bonding is used to explain differences in behavior with the aid of the periodic table.

    Prerequisite(s): CHMY 141  or Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EGEN 305 - Mechanics of Materials (equiv 205)

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Treats the elastic properties of materials plus the elastic and stability properties of members. Includes the special subjects of stress, strain, tension, compression, shear, torsion, bending and other force effects as they occur in beams, columns, other structural members, and joints.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 201  & M 172 . Course generally offered year round.
  • EGEN 306 - Mechanics of Materials Laboratory

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    Studies mechanical properties of common construction materials used by industry. Wood, mortar and concrete, as well as ferrous and nonferrous materials will be observed under compression, tension, bending, buckling and fatigue situations. Hardness and impact testing is also conducted. Familiarization with three generations of tension-compression testers is acquired by the students. Extensive report writing is required.

    Prerequisite or coequisites: EGEN 305 . Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 318 - Computer Applications for Engineers

    2 credits (Hrs: 1 Lec., 3 Lab)
    The concepts of concurrent engineering and computer aided engineering analysis are introduced. The integration of computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) with engineering computer graphics will be used by the student to solve engineering design problems.

    Prerequisite(s): EMEC 291  or EGEN 215   Corequisite(s): Pre/Co-Requisite EGEN 305   Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 324 - Applied Thermodynamics

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    The study of energy and its transformation, the processes involved and properties of the substances employed. Topics include the first and second laws of thermodynamics, enthalpy, entropy, available energy, ideal gases, the phases of pure substances, mixtures and psychometry. Selected applications are covered as time permits.

    Prerequisite(s): PHSX 235 . Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 325 - Engineering Economic Analysis

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Covers the time value of money and financial calculations. Provides a basis for the economic evaluation of engineering projects. Problems assigned deal with the methods of determining returns on engineering investments, comparing alternatives, and determining the economic life of equipment.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 335 - Fluid Mechanics

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    The study of fluids at rest or in motion. Fluids may be liquids, vapors, gases or combinations of these. The effects of static forces and compressibility are given special attention. Kinematics, dynamic, flow, flow resistance, and physical effects of flow are considered in detail for moving fluids.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 201  & M 172 . Course generally offered year round.
  • EGEN 336 - Fluid Mechanics Lab

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    Experiments in fluid mechanics, demonstrating principles studied in EGEN 335 .

    Prerequisite or corequisites: EGEN 335 . Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 412 - Wind and Seismic Provisions Engineering

    1 credit Hrs.: 1 Lec
    To develop a general familiarity with wind and seismic analyses that includes concepts of general structural analysis and design as well as specific analysis and design procedures.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 305 
  • EGEN 413 - Wood Analysis and Design

    3 credits Hrs.: 3 Lec
    To develop a general familiarity with the structural design of wood structures.  This includes concepts of general structural analysis and design as well as specific design procedures unique to this material.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 305 
  • EGEN 414 - Steel Analysis and Design

    3 credits Hrs.: 3 Lec
    To develop a general familiarity with the structural design of steel structures.  This includes concepts of general structural analysis and design as well as specific design procedures unique to this material.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 305 
  • EGEN 434 - Applied Thermodynamics II

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    A continuation of EGEN 324 , Thermodynamics I. Topics include energy conversion as in steam power generation, fuel cells, cogeneration and combined cycle plants.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 324 . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EGEN 488 - Fund of Engineering Exam

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    Preparation for professional employment, development of professional attitudes and conduct, ethical considerations, employer-employee relations. Students must take FE exam to complete course requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): Limited to graduating seniors. Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 489W - Engineering Design I

    2 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec., 3 Lab)
    A capstone engineering course that requires students to apply engineering principles to a project either selected by instructor or the student with instructor’s approval, or provided by local industry. Projects may require application of knowledge and/or talents in the diverse areas of Mathematics, physics, engineering, economics, and personnel interaction. Written reports are required and must be prepared with word processors, spread sheets, data base software and CAD packages where appropriate. At the conclusion of the semester, an oral presentation to peers, faculty, and practicing engineers is expected.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 318  & Senior standing or Consent of Instructor. Satisfies upper division Writing core. Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 490 - Undergraduate Research

    This course is designed for students involved in directed research projects and is required for participants in the Undergraduate Research Program (URP). This course can be repeated. Students will be required to prepare a formal paper and present their results. A faculty member must advise the project. Pending the number of credits taken, graduation requirements, and as demanded of the research advisor, other requirements may be needed. To participate in URP, students must submit a proposal for a research project to the Undergraduate Research Committee and meet other requirements as listed in URP guidelines. Proposals are evaluated competitively and winners will receive a stipend. URP participants must register for this class in the Spring for at least one credit in order to present their findings in the annual Undergraduate Research Conference. A call for proposals is made at the beginning of the Spring Semester. Another call may be offered in the Fall Semester.

    Course generally offered year round.
  • EGEN 492 - Independent Study

    A special study at the senior or graduate level of some area of Engineering or engineering design. The student is expected to show initiative and originality under minimum supervision. A written report of accomplishment may be required.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or graduate standing and/or Consent of Instructor. Course offered on demand.
  • EGEN 494 - Seminar/Workshop

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec.)
    Investigations in the engineering field and its many problems. Students will present research papers, make field trips to industrial plants and discuss problems with practicing, off-campus engineers.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or Consent of Instructor. Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EGEN 498 - Internship

    1 - 6 credits (Variable)
    A course designed to give credit for academic work done in conjunction with an approved work experience related to the Engineering degree program. Students should consult with their faculty advisor and/or departmental Internship Coordinator to determine the availability of appropriate work experiences and the specific academic requirements for receiving credit. May be repeated for a total of four credits.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and Consent of Instructor. Course offered on demand.
  • EGEN 499W - Engineering Design II

    2 credit (Hrs: 0 Lec., 3 Lab)
    The second semester of a capstone engineering design sequence that requires students to apply engineering principles to a project either selected by instructor or the student with instructor’s approval, or provided by local industry. Students shall complete the design. Cross listed with EELE 489W .

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 489W . Satisfies upper division Writing core. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EGEN 513 - Wood Analysis and Design

    3 credits Hrs.: 3 lec
    To develop a general familiarity with the structural design of wood structures.  This includes concepts of general structural analysis and design as well as specific design procedures unique to this material.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 305 
  • EGEN 514 - Steel Analysis and Design

    3 credits Hrs.: 3 Lec
    To develop a general familiarity with the structural design of steel structures.  This includes concepts of general structural analysis and design as well as specific design procedures unique to this material.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 305 
  • EGEN 530 - Energy Issues Analysis

    3 credits
    Covers a wide variety of energy issues and requires students to evaluate feasibility from economic (will it make or lose money), engineering (can it be done technically and practically), and other (does it pollute, how much, and can it be mitigated/remediated, are there political issues, etc.) viewpoints. It is a capping course that has the students critically analyze energy issues using what they’ve learned.

    Course generally offered spring semester.
  • EMAT 251 - Materials Structures & Properties

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    The structure and bonding within metals, ceramics, and polymers are reviewed and their impact on various physical and mechanical properties are explored. The types of defects at the atomic to micron length scales are described. Their impact on material properties and performance is reviewed and how this relationship is exploited in engineering described. Attention is paid to photonic, magnetic, electronic and thermal properties of materials.

    Prerequisite(s): CHMY 141  and M 172 , or consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 307 - M&ME Thermodynamics

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Basic thermodynamic principles are reviewed and the application of thermodynamics and physical chemistry to chemical, metallurgical and environmental processes are illustrated. Industrial examples are presented.

    Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143  or Consent of Instructor. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 351 - Fundamentals of Materials

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Bonding and structure in metallic materials are reviewed. Basic deformation and phase transformation mechanisms important for materials engineering are discussed, with an emphasis on relating properties to structure and processing. Topics include strength, toughness, ductility, dislocations, phase diagrams, alloying, phase transformations, strengthening mechanisms, heat treatment, and solidification in metal systems including the processing and properties of plain carbon steels.

    Prerequisite(s): EMAT 251  or EGEN 213  or Consent of Instructor. Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMAT 353 - Microstructural Interpretation

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec., 2 Lab)
    A laboratory course designed to develop skills, experience and knowledge of metallographic preparation and analysis. Simple metal systems are analyzed with the metallurgical microscope complemented by other tools. Applications of phase diagrams, hardness and other data to interpretation of microstructures. Laboratory experiments are performed requiring engineering reports. Laboratory safety is emphasized.

    Corequisite(s): EMAT 351 . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMAT 354 - Materials Engineering & Design Lab

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec., 2 Lab)
    This is a continuation of Microstructural Interpretation but includes applications to ceramic and polymeric systems. Experiments are performed in heat treating, casting, working, and mechanical testing of materials. Evaluation and interpretation of the materials are incorporated. Laboratory safety is emphasized.

    Corequisite(s): EMAT 472. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 362 - Ceramic Materials

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Deals with processing and properties of ceramic solids pertinent to their use as engineering materials, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties and their relationships to microstructure, crystal structure and phase equilibria.

    Prerequisite(s): EMAT 351  or Consent of Instructor. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 402 - Processing of Elevated Temperature Systems

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Basic engineering principles are used to explain the application of thermal processing technologies to metallurgical and materials engineering applications. The course focuses on the chemistry and thermodynamics of selected high temperature unit operations; material and energy balance calculations are heavily emphasized. Current industrial operations are studied, including large scale extractive operations and smaller-scale materials synthesis processes. The subject matter includes the design aspects of environmental control technologies and the application of conventional metallurgical technologies to waste treatment and recycling.

    Prerequisite(s): EMAT 307  or Consent of Instructor. Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMAT 441 - Flowsheet Development & Design

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    The principles for flowsheet development, mass flow calculations and economic estimations are presented. The student is required to select a metallurgical, materials, or hazardous waste treatment process, and develop an interactive flowsheet model of the process that includes mass distributions, equipment sizing, and a first order estimate of the capital and operating costs.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 325  or Graduate Standing or Consent. Cross listed. Course generally offered 2nd semester of even numbered years.
  • EMAT 450 - Adv Transp Phenomena & Design

    2 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec.)
    A continuation of   but more detailed with applications in materials and processing systems.

    Prerequisite(s): EMET 250 . Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 451 - Process Instrumentation and Control

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    The course is oriented to the perspective of a process engineer and emphasizes development and interpretation of piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), hardware specification, and the interpretation of data obtained from process instrumentation and control systems. Subject matter includes an introduction to standard process control confi gurations, control principles, sensor and transmitter selection criteria, and final control elements. Correlations between control systems and engineering fundamentals such as material and energy balances are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): PHSX 322  or  ; and CHMY 373 ,  , or EMAT 307 ; or Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 460 - Polymeric Materials

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Covers chemical structure, mechanical and other properties related to the use of polymeric materials for engineering applications. Design considerations unique to polymeric materials are presented and applied.

    Prerequisite(s): EMAT 351  or Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMAT 463 - Composite Materials

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Provides an introduction to the materials selection, mechanical performance, structural design, and processing of composite materials. Includes methodology for prediction of composite properties based on monolithic materials properties and geometry. Polymeric, ceramic and metallic composites are emphasized along with engineering and design applications. The course culminates with a composite design project.

    Prerequisite(s): EMAT 251  or EGEN 251 , EGEN 305 ; or Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 471 - Materials Characterization & Analysis

    3 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec., 3 Lab)
    This course provides an introduction to the theory of X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Spectrometry, and Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX) Microanalysis and includes a laboratory component where the techniques for data collection and data interpretation are demonstrated and discussed. Students must register for EMAT 471 Lab.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing or Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 472 - Materials Engineering & Design

    2 Credits (Hrs. 2 lec)
    Students apply principles learned to the selection of materials and fabrication methods for the manufacture of components. Several case studies are drawn from engineering alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites, and natural materials.  The course culminates in a design report, which is reviewed by the instructor during the semester and submitted by the student as a final design document prior to semester’s end.

    Prerequisite(s):  ; or Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMAT 475 - Environmental Degradation of Materials

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    An introduction to the study of the degradation of materials and how it may be retarded or prevented. Applications to metals (i.e., corrosion) as well as to plastics and coatings are detailed. The student will be required to submit a report identifying an industrial corrosion problem, the form of the degradation, collecting literature concerning recent research dealing with the particular form, formulating a recommended solution to the problem, providing an estimate of the cost of the proposed solution, and reporting the results in an acceptable final report.

    Prerequisite(s): EMAT 307 . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMAT 523 - Advanced Thermodynamics

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    The application of solution thermodynamics to M&ME systems is examined with particular emphasis on the construction, interpretation, and utilization of multiple component phase diagrams.

    Prerequisite(s): EMAT 307  (or equivalent), Senior or Graduate Standing, and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of odd numbered years.
  • EMAT 530 - Energy Issues Analysis

    3 credits
    Covers a wide variety of energy issues and requires students to evaluate feasibility from economic (will it make or lose money), engineering (can it be done technically and practically), and other (does it pollute, how much, and can it be mitigated/remediated, are there political issues, etc.) viewpoints. It is a capping course that has the students critically analyze energy issues using what they’ve learned.

    Course generally offered spring semester.
  • EMAT 541 - Metallurgical & Materials Flowsheet Design

    3 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec., 3 Lab)
    The principles for flowsheet development, mass flow calculations and economic estimations are presented. The student is required to select a metallurgical, materials, or hazardous waste treatment process, and develop an interactive flowsheet model of the process that includes mass distributions, equipment sizing, and a first order estimate of the capital and operating costs. Students taking this course are held to a higher standard than EMAT 441 . Cross listed.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of even numbered years.
  • EMAT 544 - Casting & Solidification

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Theory of solidification is reviewed including heat flow, nucleation and growth kinetics, solute distribution, constitutional undercooling, and grain and sub-grain structure. Both micro and macro forms of segregation are examined. Different casting methods and molding materials are characterized and compared. Casting concerns and special handling techniques for particular alloys systems are discussed. Methodologies for mold design are covered. Feeding, gating and risering systems are studied with the aid of fluid dynamics. Models regarding the formation of casting defects, porosity and hot-tearing, are outlined. Student must prepare an extensive literature review on a select topic.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester of odd numbered years.
  • EMAT 569 - Failure Analysis & Design Life

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Application of the principles of physical and mechanical metallurgy to failure analysis. Methodologies are developed to solve failures including an analysis of stress state and loading. Fractography is characterized for different types of failures. Models for crack initiation and crack propagation are presented. Fatigue S/N curves and fracture mechanics are used to predict design life. The role of corrosion on design life is considered. Principles of nondestructive evaluation are introduced. Case histories of past failures are reviewed and analyzed. Student must prepare an extensive literature review on a select topic.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of odd numbered years.
  • EMAT 570 - Mechanical Behavior Of Materia

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Treats mechanical properties and behavior of materials with regard to stress and strain. Plastic deformation of crystalline materials is considered. Relationships between microstructure and mechanical strength are developed. Mechanisms for fracture, creep and fatigue are examined.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester of even numbered years.
  • EMAT 571 - SEM/EDX

    2 credits (Hrs: 1 Lec.,3 Lab)
    Continuation of MetE 4710 with a complete focus on materials characterization and analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX) with applications to Mineral Liberation Analysis (MLA). Theory, principles and techniques are presented in detail. Enrollment will be limited.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester of odd numbered years.
  • EMAT 580 - Nanoscale Materials & Technology

    3 credits (Hrs: 2.5 Lec., 1.5 Lab)
    Examines the technology and creation of functional materials, devices and systems through the control of matter on the nanometer scale (1-100 nm) from the top down as well as the bottom up including the exploitation of novel phenomena and properties (physical, chemical, biological, mechanical, and electrical).

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester of odd numbered years.
  • EMAT 584 - Electrical, Optical & Magnetic Properties of Materials

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Concepts introduced at the undergraduate level are expanded upon relative to the electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials. Topics include the electron as a particle and wave, bonding, free electron theory, bond theory of solids, semiconductors, dielectric materials, magnetic materials, lasers, superconductivity, optical properties.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of even numbered years.
  • EMAT & EMET 298 - Internship

    0 - 6 credits (Variable)
    For academic work done in conjunction with an approved work experience and related to the Metallurgical & Materials Engineering degree program. Students should consult with their faculty coordinator to determine the availability of appropriate work experiences which includes undergraduate research and temporary (e.g., summer) employment. Students have interned with numerous companies including ASARCO, Barrick Gold, Freeport-McMoRan, INL, Kaiser Aluminum, MSE-TA, NASA, Newmont, Rio Tinto, and Stillwater Mining.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of one semester of course work and Consent. May be repeated once for credit. Course offered on demand.
  • EMAT & EMET 421 - Selected Topics

    2 - 4 credits (Variable)
    Variety of course topics are covered annually. Examples during the last several years include Industrial Minerals Processing; Construction of Stability Diagrams; Modeling of Aqueous Systems, and Material Selection for the Extractive Industries.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior standing and Consent. Course offered on demand.
  • EMAT & EMET 492 - Special Topics

    1 - 4 credits (Variable)
    Covers topics of specific interest in the field of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. Recent examples included Recovery of Nickel-Cobalt; Nuclear Reactor Materials; Chemical Equilibrium and Speciation; and JKSimMet Modeling of Comminution. May be repeated more than once.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior Standing and Consent. Course offered on demand.
  • EMAT & EMET 498 - Internship

    0 - 6 credits (Variable)
    For academic work done in conjunction with an approved work experience related to the Metallurgical & Materials Engineering degree program. Students should consult with their faculty coordinator to determine the availability of appropriate work experiences which includes undergraduate research and temporary (e.g., summer) employment. Companies offering internship include BHP, Kennecott, Newmont, Placer Dome, REC, Stillwater BMR & Refinery, FLSmidth, and Western Zirconium.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior Standing and Consent. May be repeated once for credit. Course offered on demand.
  • EMAT & EMET 595 - Special Topics

    1 - 4 credits (Variable)
    Covers selected topics of specific interest in the field of M&ME. The topic will be designated at the time it is offered. May meet with EMET/EMAT 495.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course offered on demand.
  • EMAT & EMET 597 - M&ME Problems

    1 - 4 credits (Variable)
    An individual laboratory, library or design problem is assigned which requires reports on some phase of metallurgical & materials engineering. May be repeated more than once.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing and Consent. Course offered on demand.
  • EMAT & EMET 599 - Thesis Research

    1 - 8 credits (Variable)
    To do this, we need to change the name of our MS. An original problem selected by the student and the advisor requiring the writing and submission of a thesis.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing and Consent. Course offered on demand.
  • EMAT & EMET 697 - Special Problems

    1 - 8 credits (Variable)
    Individual problems suitable for graduate study are assigned. Students submit written and oral reports for each problem.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent. Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EMAT & EMET 699 - Dissertation

    1 - 8 credits (Variable)
    Doctoral dissertation research activities.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent. Course offered on demand.
  • EMEC 215 - Introduction to Modeling for Mechanical Engineers

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec.)
    Concepts of concurrent engineering and computer aided design are introduced.  The use of computer aided design (CAD) software and engineering computer graphics will enable the student to create three-dimensional computer models and engineering drawings of typical mechanical component.

    Prerequisite(s): M 172  and EGEN 101  and EGEN 102   Generally offered in the 2nd semester
  • EMEC 291 - Intro to CAD Modeling

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec.)
    Concepts of concurrent engineering and computer aided design are introduced.  The use of computer aided design (CAD) software and engineering computer graphics will enable the student to create three-dimensional computer models and engineering drawings of typical mechanical component.

  • EMEC 326 - Fundamentals of Heat Transfer

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Principles of heat transfer by conduction, convection, boiling and radiation, fluid flow with forced and natural convection, heat exchanger analysis, and selected applications. The emphasis of the course is on heat transfer principles.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 324 ; Corequisite(s): EGEN 335 . Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMEC 402 - Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    Covers practical application and experimentation in the areas of energy conversion, heat transfer, power cycles, HVAC, dynamics, kinematics, vibration analysis and balancing.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and must be enrolled in General Engineering (any option.)
  • EMEC 415 - Finite Element Analysis and Solid Modeling

    3 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec., 1 Lab)
    Multi-disciplinary applications of the finite element method as a numerical technique for analyzing engineering problems. Use of computer assisted design software to design components, generate machining code (NC) and controlling additive manufacturing processes (STL). Applications from the areas of structural analysis, heat flow and manufacturing will be studied.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 318  & EGEN 213 , EMET 255.
  • EMEC 429 - Mechanical Component Design Lab

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    The course is to familiarize students with machine shop practices and components of real machines. Machine tool operation will be experienced by the students and they will have to justify the design of machine components such as connecting rods, landing gear struts, hypoid gearing, bearings use in real machines.

    Prerequisite or corequisites: EMEC 455 . Course offered on demand.
  • EMEC 445 - Mechanical Vibrations

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    A study of the motions and accelerations of moving components and the resulting inertial effects, vibrations, balancing, critical speeds, and effects of friction on motion and forces.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 202 . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMEC 448 - Heating,.Ventilating & Air Conditioning (HVAC)

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    This course covers the fundamentals of heating, ventilating and air conditioning of commercial and industrial buildings. Topics include conduction, convection and radiative heat transfer, building heating and cooling systems, lighting systems, typical pneumatic and electronic HVAC control systems and system design. Attention is given to recent developments in costs for applications in commercial and industrial heating, ventilating and air conditioning.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 324 . Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMEC 449 - HVAC Systems Design

    3 credits (Hrs: 1 Lec., 6 Lab)
    Elements of producing a design project on schedule within budget and correctly. Involves individual and team project work in designing systems, selecting equipment, and estimating loads, energy consumption and operating costs for applications in commercial and industrial heating, ventilating and air conditioning.

    Prerequisite(s): EMEC 448 . Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMEC 455 - Mechanical Component Design

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    A study of the fundamentals of mechanical design such as safety factors, shafting, belts, fasteners, welded connections, bearings, gearing, and lubrication. An important part of the course is the selection of the proper material for specific applications.

    Prerequisite(s): EGEN 305 . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMET 180 - M&ME Safety & Health

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec.)
    The practice of engineering requires a basic understanding of good safety and industrial hygiene practices. Students will be introduced to safety and occupational health agencies, rules, regulations and practices. specific examples of common standard operating procedures that are required for a safe workplace will be presented. The safety practices of the M&ME Department will be analyzed.

    Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMET 232 - Process of Particulate Systems

    2 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec)
    An introduction to processing methods and equipment, particularly those
    utilized in the mining industry. Topics include material balances, size
    analysis, crushing, grinding, classification, flotation, leaching, magnetic,
    gravity and electrostatic separations. Applications to recycling and aggregate/
    concrete industries are discussed. A major design problem is given to cover
    process design and material balances.

    Prerequisite(s): CHMY 141   1st
  • EMET 233 - Design of Particulate Systems

    2 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec.)
    Size reduction processes of crushing and grinding, particle sizing methods of screening and classifying, and solid/liquid separations of thickening and filtering are detailed. Types of equipment, methods for sizing equipment, prediction of energy requirements, flow sheet development, and safety considerations are examined. Design problems are given throughout.

    Prerequisite(s): EMET 232   or Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMET 234 - Particulate Systems Processing Lab I

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    Students conduct laboratory exercises in sieve analysis, sampling, specific gravity determination, sizing by beaker decantation, jaw crushing, circulating load calculations, gravity separations, flotation and hydrocycloning.

    Corequisite(s): EMET 232   . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMET 235 - Particulate Sys Processing Lab II

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    Students conduct laboratory exercises in sizing by Andreasan pipette, selective flotation, rod milling, electrostatic separation, enhanced gravity separation, thickening, circulating load in industrial setting, magnetic separation, and Bond work index measurement.

    Corequisite(s): EMET 233 . Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMET 250 - Transport Phenomena & Design

    2 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec.)
    Momentum and heat transfer principles are covered with illustrations and problem solving to metallurgical processes. Momentum transfer topics include laminar flow, turbulent flow, and kinetic/potential energy equations. Heat transfer topics include conduction, convection, and radiation under steady-state and transient conditions. Design projects will be assigned to groups for solving engineering problems.

    Prerequisite(s): M 172 ,   . Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMET 294 - M&ME Workshop

    1 credit (Hrs: .5 Lec., 1.5 Lab)
    Metallurgical and materials engineering pervades everyday life, but its practice is not common experience. This course provides exposure to and the context of mineral processing, extractive metallurgy, physical metallurgy, welding metallurgy and materials science. This is accomplished through directed field trips and lectures from selected guest speakers. The importance of safety, quality, and economics is introduced and emphasized. Students will write a series of short reports and conclude the course by giving oral presentations on a metallurgical & materials engineering topic of their interest.

    Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMET 340 - Mass Transfer & Chemical Kinetics

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Principles and applications of mass transfer and chemical kinetics to both extractive and physical metallurgy problems are discussed. Reaction rate theory is developed for both homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions. The operating characteristics of batch, continuous-stirred and plug flow reactors are developed and applied to metallurgical systems. Diffusion mechanisms and transformation rates in the solid state are examined.

    Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143 ; M 273 . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMET 350 - Transport Phenomena

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec)
    This course covers momentum and heat transfer fundamental principles and their applications to metallurgical and material engineering.  Principles for momentum transfer include fluid properties, momentum and energy equations, dimensional analysis, internal and external flows.  The application for momentum transfer ultimately leads to the design for slurry pump and packed and fluidized beds.  Principles of heat transfer include conduction, convection and radiation, and the system may be steady state or transient.  The applications lead to carious ways of metal solidification and vaporization.  The mass transfer includes chemical kinetics that will cover techniques including electrochemical processes, chemical vapor deposition, and zone refining.  Design projects will be assigned to groups for solving engineering problems.

    Prerequisite(s): M 172  and PHSX 235   Generally offered second semester
  • EMET 380 - M&ME Safety & Health

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Lec.)
    The practice of engineering requires a basic understanding of good safety and industrial hygiene practices. Students will be introduced to safety and occupational health agencies, rules, regulations and practices. specific examples of common standard operating procedures that are required for a safe workplace will be presented. The safety practices of the M&ME Department will be analyzed

    Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMET 401 - Processing of Aqueous Systems

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Chemistry and operating principles related to hydrometallurgical and electrometallurgical unit operations are illustrated and discussed for industrial processes. Acid rock drainage formation and treatment methods are examined. Physical and chemical principles as well as design criteria are discussed and examined from an operational approach throughout. Hydrometallurgical processes commonly used for concentrating include traditional leaching (dump, heap, vat and agitation), bacterial leaching, solvent extraction, ion exchange, and reduction (cementation, electrowinning and gaseous reduction). Electrometallurgical processes commonly used for purifying include electrothermic, electrolytic, electrowinning and electrorefining methods.

    Prerequisite(s): EMAT 307  or Consent . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMET 405 - Aqueous & Elevated Temperature Processing Lab

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    Experiments are performed in pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy. Labs include acid leaching of oxide ores, autoclaving of sulfi de ores, diagnostic leaching, solvent extraction (loading and stripping), resin adsorption (loading and stripping), electrowinning, cementation, roasting, and smelting. Safety procedures are emphasized.

    Corequisite(s): EMET 401  and EMAT 402 . Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMET 489 - M&ME Design I

    1 credit (Hrs: 3 Lab)
    This course requires students to form teams and solve real world engineering problems. Teams must design a system, component or process; design and conduct experiments in the laboratory to test the concept; collect and evaluate data; perform first order cost analysis; and communicate a first class final report (both spoken and written). Examples of past projects include: development of a beneficiation process including sizing of equipment, selection of an extraction process or unit operation, evaluation of an industrial failure and material selection for casting molds.

    Prerequisite(s): M&ME major. Must be within three semesters of graduation. Course generally offered 1st semester.
  • EMET 490 - Undergraduate Research

    1 - 6 credits (Variable)
    This course is designed for students involved in directed research projects and is required for participants in the Undergraduate Research Program (URP). This course can be repeated. Students will be required to prepare a formal paper and present their results. A faculty member must advise the project. Pending the number of credits taken, graduation requirements, and as demanded of the research advisor, other requirements may be needed. To participate in URP, students must submit a proposal for a research project to the Undergraduate Research Committee and meet other requirements as listed in URP guidelines. Proposals are evaluated competitively and winners will receive a stipend. URP participants must register for this class in the Spring for at least one credit in order to present their findings in the annual Undergraduate Research Conference. A call for proposals is made at the beginning of the Spring Semester. Another call may be offered in the Fall Semester.

    Prerequisite(s): M&ME major. Course generally offered year round.
  • EMET 494W - M&ME Seminar

    1 credit (Hrs: 1 Recitation)
    Senior Seminar is designed to improve the oral and written presentation skills of seniors in M&ME. Students give an oral presentation on a topic of metallurgical importance. All students are expected to participate in ensuing discussions and turn in a written report within a certain time of their oral presentation. May be taken twice.

    Prerequisite(s): M&ME major. Senior standing. Course generally offered both semesters.
  • EMET 498 - Internship

    0 - 6 credits (Variable)
    For academic work done in conjunction with an approved work experience related to the Metallurgical & Materials Engineering degree program. Students should consult with their faculty coordinator to determine the availability of appropriate work experiences which includes undergraduate research and temporary (e.g., summer) employment. Companies offering internship include BHP, Kennecott, Newmont, Placer Dome, REC, Stillwater BMR & Refinery, and Western Zirconium.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior Standing and Consent. May be repeated once for credit. Course offered on demand.
  • EMET 499W - M&ME Design Capstone II

    2 credits (Hrs: 6 Lab)
    Continuation of EMET 489 .

    Prerequisite(s): EMET 489 . Course generally offered 2nd semester.
  • EMET 501 - Advanced Extractive Metallurgy I

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    A detailed study of the design, simulation and analysis for metallurgical and mineral processing unit operations and research including problems and treatment methods associated with mine waste.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of even numbered years.
  • EMET 502 - Advanced Extractive Metallurgy II

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Continuation of   but can be taken out of sequence.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester of even numbered years.
  • EMET 504 - Fire Assay

    2 credits (Hrs: 1.5 Lec., 1.5 Lab)
    This laboratory/lecture course covers the art and science of assaying for precious metals. Procedural differences are discussed for various ore types as well as the precious metal being assayed. In this regard, gold, silver, rhodium, platinum and palladium assay methods are compared. Field trips to area mines and smelters will be made. Students must register in EMET 504 Lab.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered year round.
  • EMET 511 - Materials Handling Design

    3 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec., 3 Lab)
    A design-oriented course covering belt conveyors, feeders, storage facilities, slurry pipelines and pumps. Spreadsheet calculations are used to design belt conveyors and slurry pipelines based on laboratory data obtained from samples collected at industrial sites.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of even numbered years.
  • EMET 520 - Physical Chemistry of Iron & Steelmaking

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Physical chemistry principles are utilized to describe iron and steel production including refining as well as slag/refractory selection and stability. Environmental issues are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered year round.
  • EMET 525 - Computer Applications for Process Engineers

    3 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec., 3 Lab)
    An application of computer techniques to processes engineering including optimizations, mass balances, energy balances, thermodynamics, and simulations.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester of odd numbered years.
  • EMET 526 - Thermodynamic Modeling of Aqueous Systems

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Reviews principles of thermodynamics appropriate for aqueous systems. The course then focuses on obtaining and measuring thermodynamic data, making the information consistent with various data bases, and using the data for modeling environmental, geochemical and metallurgical systems.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of odd numbered years.
  • EMET 531 - Hazardous and Toxic Species Remediation

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Fundamental considerations and current industrial unit operations used in treating solutions and solids that contain toxic and hazardous constituents, e.g., arsenic, selenium, thallium, mercury, and heavy metals are reviewed. Students will be able to: describe the fundamental basis for currently used industrial treatment processes for removing toxic and hazardous constituents from solutions and/or stabilizing solids; describe the unit operations utilized in the treatment of toxic and hazardous constituents; select the best unit operations for the processing of waste solutions and solids; and describe, compare and suggest possible alternative treatment processes to presently used industrial processes.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester of even numbered years.
  • EMET 534 - Processing of Primary and Secondary Resources

    3 credits (Hrs: 2 Lec., 3 Lab)
    This course describes the physical and chemical processes involved in separations. Flotation, the most commonly used separation, is discussed in detail. Gravity, magnetic and electrostatic separations are also described. Strategies involving non-mineral systems (recycling and waste minimization) are introduced and corresponding laboratory exercises are conducted. Students must register for EMET 534 Lab.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 1st semester of odd numbered years.
  • EMET 555 - Advanced Flotation

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    Deals with the development of the theoretical basis of the flotation process. The surface chemistry of collector and frother action under modification is quantitatively presented. Modern theories of adsorption are critically examined.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course offered on demand.
  • EMET 562 - Explosives Engineering

    3 credits (Hrs: 3 Lec.)
    This course introduces explosives engineering as a separate and unique discipline and is divided into three parts. Part I reviews the chemical properties and reactions of energetic materials, including primary and secondary explosives, propellants and pyrotechnic formulations, with an emphasis on thermochemistry. Techniques for predicting and measuring the thermal yields are also examined. Part II begins with a development of an elementary theory of shockwaves and examines their propagation and interactions in gaseous and condensed phases. These concepts are applied to elucidate the detonation phenomana seen in real explosives. Part III examines initiator technology. The engineering applications of explosives, such as fragmentation, welding, and cutting are explored, where the emphasis will be influenced by student interest. The topics of safety in storage, handling and transportation, as well as appropriate classifications and regulations, will also be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of even numbered years.
  • EMET 582 - Processing of Energy Resources

    3 credits (Hrs: 2.5 Lec., 1.5 Lab)
    Focuses on the coal and uranium processing including discussions on environmental issues. Coal topics include genesis, macerals, properties, washability analysis, beneficiation principles, levels of preparation, beneficiation equipment, preparation economics, power plant operations, blending, and fractionation. Spreadsheet calculations involving comminution modeling and coal drying are developed. Labs on maceral identification, hardness, washability, carbon/sulfur analysis, and BTU measurement are conducted. Uranium topics include mineralogy, leaching practices, solution concentration and purification. Nuclear power plant operations are touched upon. Students will conduct library searches and write reports on other energy resources excluding oil.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior or Graduate Standing and Consent. Course generally offered 2nd semester of even numbered years.

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